Hey so this is my first story that I tried to publish so um . . . review, tell me what you think and yeah . . .

Chapter 1

Kaitlyn kairo, just turned twenty. I was ready to begin my life. My plan to get ahead was simply to take over my grandpapa's shop in Sicily, Italy. Grandpapa had past away in March leaving the shop in my possession and I was determined to keep it running. I loved that shop and whenever we visited Grandpapa in Italy he would allow me to pretend I was one of the waitresses. Yeah grandpapa owned a diner, which I knew I wanted for my own ever since I was six. To me owning that diner meant everything since it seemed much more interesting than my boring life in Scotland with my parents who were totally against me moving to Italy on my own.

My mother was Scottish and her parents weren't too thrilled with her marrying an Italian but with much persuasion papa made his way into her family. However they only agreed to allow the wedding if papa moved to Scotland.

The plane ride to Italy was, in my opinion, far too long. I was ready and eager to put my foot on Italian soil again. I went through immigration, which was fairly easy since, through m y father, I was a citizen.

Finally out of the Airport's building I hurried to the parking lot. One of Grandpapa's friends had told me he would drop off my Grandpapa's car so I could have it. Scanning the surroundings I saw it. The car I had fallen asleep in on many summer nights after Grandpapa had had a hectic work day. Hours spent laughing at his funny jokes and work day blunders. When I thought about it I was really going to miss him. I ran my hand over the hood of the car as precious memories came back; memories of times past; times that could never be relived.

As I slowly took a stroll down memory lane my cell phone began to ring. Most likely my parents were checking in on me for the millionth time since I left Scotland. Reaching into my pocket I grabbed my phone.

"Hello?" mama hated that I barely had a Scottish accent and she blamed that on all the times I visited my Grandpapa.

"Kaitlyn, where are ya now?" mama asked anxiously.

"Still at the airport mama, the plane just landed."

"Well where are ya plannin to stay fer tonight then?"

"I don't know, probably at a hotel somewhere, this is Rome afterall."

"Alright, take care of yerself and call me when yer booked in."

"Okay, I love you mama."

"I love you too."

She hung up. Honestly it was as if they felt that if they didn't call me enough something simply awful would happen to me. What a load of bubkis.

I pulled out of the parking lot and was soon on the main road. As I drove down the main rode I noticed someone signaling me to stop. I cautiously pulled over to the sidewalk but left my window nearly fully closed. The man made his way over to me.

"Excuse me signora but all the hotels in town are booked for the night so I suggest you try getting into the Bed and Breakfast down that rode over there before others fill that up too."

"How do you know I'm looking for a hotel?" I asked suspiciously.

"Please, think no ill of me, is just that I see you coming down street looking at hotels as you drive by them so I figure you need place to stay the night." The old man replied apologetically.

"Oh, well thank you for your information." I answered politely, but I didn't trust a bone in his body. He probably owned the B&B and was in need of customers. I rolled the window fully up then continued driving. There must have been atleast one hotel with a vacancy.

I spent the next hour or so checking out hotels but my efforts seemed futile; the old man was right, the hotels really were booked out. What was I gonna do? I pulled up outside a park to rethink my strategy. With no were to go I could have easily slept in my car until a space opened up and besides I wasn't planning on staying for more than a day or two because my destination was Sicily. I could have also stayed at that B&B but since I wasn't interested in it I didn't bother to look in what direction the old man had pointed. The situation seemed hopeless. I would definitely end up sleeping in my car.

The sky was beginning to turn orange. The day was ending and mama was probably sitting by the phone waiting for my call. Well there was no point in keeping her worried so I dialed her number.

"kaity have ya found a place to stay's yet?"

"Umm, yes mama, I have and I wish you could see it, it's beautiful. The room is really huge and comes with a great view of the sunset--- infact that's what I'm watching right now."

"Good to hear, so I guess I'll be callin' you in the mornin' then." She sounded hopeful.

"Alright talk to you then, bye."

Lying was never good, especially to one's mother but what choice did I have? If she had found out where I would be spending the night she or papa would have boarded the first available plane and taken me home. I wouldn't let that happen.

There was a sudden, sharp knock on my window. I shot my head in that direction and saw an angel. The man was absolutely gorgeous, with jet black hair that hung to his back and piercing sapphire eyes. He was dressed in a full black suit and he had a pair of sunglasses hanging from his top pocket. From what I could tell he had a ring on each finger and a diamond encrusted gold Rolex. I rolled my window down.

"Can I help you sir?"

Without answering he reached into the car and opened my door. "What do you think you're doing---?" he pulled me from the car with a devilishly seductive smirk.

"Allow me to introduce myself since it's obvious that you don't know who I am." I heard his velvety smooth voice say. "My name is Leon, just Leon for your purposes, I am head of the Italian Mafia and at the moment I'm looking for a new toy."

I stared in shock, the thought of screaming crossed my mind but it quickly ran away when I saw the gun under his jacket as a gentle breeze blew. Still, I figured it was okay to bluff.

"If you don't let go of me I'll scream, I swear."

A smile danced unto his face.

"Scream all you like but I promise you no one will come to your rescue." He whispered into my ear.

He had a point. He was the head of the Italian Mafia which meant that by now the people had probably adapted to the philosophy of the Jamaican term 'see and blind, hear and deaf'. Basically no one would 'know' what happened to me. I had to beg.

"Please don't hurt me, please. Just look in the glove compartment, all my money's in there; it's not a lot but just take it and leave."

A cynical chuckled escaped his lips. "Silly girl, I'm the head of the Italian Mafia, money's not an object for me."

At this point tears began to well up in my eyes; I was going to die.

"There's no need to cry, I don't plan to hurt you."

I blinked a few times trying, in vain, to get rid of the tears.

"However," he continued, "you are a virgin, I can tell. You still give off that aura of innocence that is not easily found in the world today. Allow me to tarnish to tarnish you." He looked me over as if I was some delicate treat to be devoured.

I gazed into his deep eyes and saw nothing but lust. He securely held both my hands with one of his before opening the back passenger door and shoving me unto the back seat. I began to kick and scream frantically; I couldn't let this happen, I couldn't. I tried clawing him but nothing I did stopped him. As a last resort, while still kicking and trying to push him away, I began crying and begging.

"Please don't do this, please. All I ever wanted, my reason for coming here, was to take over my late grandpapa's shop in Sicily."

It seemed he had stopped listening a long time ago. His facial expression and actions told me that he didn't hear a word of what I had said. Begging didn't work, fighting didn't help; I was on my own. There was no one who would or could save me even with all the screaming I was doing. The most I would have accomplished would have been getting a sore throat. Thought I hated the thought of giving up there was nothing I could do to help myself; he was stronger so he had his way.

The moon had risen into the sky by now and its dull glow shone in through the windows of the car.

"How was that?" he whispered into my ear.

"Disgusting . . ." my voice was toneless and indifferent, "repulsive, grotesque . . ."

"My, I'm sure it wasn't as bad as you're making it seem." He said as he got out of the car. "oh and don't waste your time trying to make a complaint, I think you'll find that to be a complete waste of time and dignity."

I stared up at him and I felt as if all my energy was slowly draining out of me. Nausea was slowly creeping up on me and I had to fight to hold back new tears. Why would he do this to me? I only I had listened to that old man, I would probably be in a warm bed. Leon turned to me with a smirk.

"I hope you find the rest of your night to be an interesting one."

With those words he turned and vanished into the night.

Now what was I supposed to do? I felt disgusted with myself. There was nothing pure about me anymore. Wasn't there anything I could have done to stop him? I would never be able to tell my parents; it would only give them more reasons as to why I should stay with them in Scotland. The best thing to do would be to tell the police; they were always looking for persons connected to the Mafia. Yes they would definitely help me.

I pulled myself together and drove to the first police station I could find. When I walked inside several officers became more alert.

"Can we help you with anything signora?" one asked as he made his way over to me.

"Um . . . yes," I said as I gathered my strength, "I'd like to report a rape."

"I see and do you know who did this to you?" concern was evident in his voice.

I felt the blood rush to my face. He didn't even have to ask, he knew I was the rape victim. I took a deep breath. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do." I said with a little more courage.

"Would you like to tell us?" he was apparently treating this situation as a delicate matter.

"It was Leon."

Immediately every officer turned to face me. They all looked as if hey had seen a ghost. Had I said something strange? Surely they were use to Leon having his way with women.

"Could you be more specific signora?' the officer asked with a trembling voice.

"I can't; he just said that his name was Leon and that he was the head of the Italian Mafia---"

"Um, I'm terribly sorry but we can't help you; please take your business elsewhere."

"What?" I asked now very confused.

"I said we can't help you now please leave signora!" he shouted out of what sounded like desperation.


He looked away as he pointed to the door. It was my signal to leave, they wouldn't help me. They were already corrupt.

"So you won't do anything about this?!" I asked incredulously. The officer stared at me seemingly at a loss of words. Another officer stepped forward.

"We'd love to but um . . . you need to present with a medical report that states you were raped, uh yeah otherwise we won't be sure of whether what you say is true."

"Fine, fine I'll go get one." I said now really annoyed. How could they not do anything about his? They were the freaking police weren't they?!?!

"Well please don't came back until you get one." He was begging.

I turned and left. The police were obviously under his influence so I would have to get a doctor to tell them that I was raped;Just the thought of it made me sick. Once inside the car I sped to the hospital I had passed on my way to the station. I hurried into the building and walked up to the nurse on desk duty.

"Excuse me but I need to see a doctor, it's urgent."

"What's the nature of your emergency?" The lady asked, looking only half concerned.

How many people would I have to say this to? It wasn't the easiest thing in the world to share with others yet I just told an entire police department, who by the way did nothing about it, and now I had to be telling some nurse who looked liked she would rather be hit in the head than sit through another minute of desk duty. Not to mention that if she did allow me to see a doctor I'd have to tell him or her too then get examined. Oh boy, just the thought of all that made me want to go back to my car and hide for the rest of my life. I took a deep breath.

"I was . . . raped this evening and –and I need to be examined." That took more out of me than I expected. Suddenly the nurse's eyes softened as she began searching through papers.

"Um, well Dr. Adriano is free; I'll have him look at you."

"Thank you." I said as I gave a sigh of relief.

"No problem, take a seat over there and he'll come get you." She said picking up the phone at the desk.

I walked to a vacant seat in the waiting area in the corner of the room. In my mind everyone knew; everyone was talking about me; people pitied me. The last thing I wanted was sympathy. Anyone who knew me knew that I would rather be criticized as opposed to being felt sorry for.

"Signora?" a curious voice called.

I turned my head in the direction of the call and saw a doctor standing a few feet from me.

"Are you ready to be examined?"

No. Of course I wasn't. Who would ever be ready to get examined from head to toe by a doctor, male none the less, after being raped? I nodded, however because I was already here and he already knew my situation so I might as well had continued. He gestured for me to follow him then he walked down a hallway. I inhaled slowly to calm myself before following.

Dr. Adriano led me into a cold examination room and gestured for me to sit on the table; I sat with my fingers drumming anxiously on the table's surface.

"Alright, please lie down and place your feet her."

I did as I was told and had to constantly remind myself that it would be over soon as his hands probed around. How embarrassing.

"Tell me young lady have you gone to the police as yet?" he asked as he began scribbling on a piece of paper that I assumed was my report. Finally; now I was getting somewhere.

"Um well, I tried telling the police but they refused to do anything about it." I said feeling relieved that someone was actually listening. Screw Leon, my night was turning out to be productive.

"That is strange . . . why would they not want to do something about such a situation?" he asked with his brows furrowed in confusion. He placed the paper in my hand.

"I honestly don't know. You'd think they would be thrilled to get closer to catching the head of the Italian Mafia." I said with a shrug.

"Th-the he-he-head?" Somehow his tanned skin seemed to go paler. "He is wh-who you say-claim to have raped you?"

"Yes Leon did this to me—wait did you just say claim?" something was wrong. He said claim. Before I knew what was happening he grabbed the paper. "Hey that's my medical report!" I protested.

"Medical report? What medical report?" he asked as he hastily tore it into several pieces. He then found the nearest bin, threw it in there, lit a match and burnt he contents that were in the bin. "I have never met you before in my life! Now please Signora, get out!"

"But . . ." It was happening all over again.

"Please Signora, if you value either of our lives you will leave." He was desperately begging.

I stared at him blankly. Was he really as useless as the police? Slowly I pulled myself off the table and left the room. Once back in the lobby I noticed that everyone was staring at me and a few were whispering. What was going on? My eyes glanced at a flier that was attached to a wall in the corner of the room. Something told me that it was responsible for all the stares I had been receiving.

Ignoring the piercing stares I walked over to the paper. Was this for real?!

"Warning there is a

Woman walking around

Claiming to have been

Raped by Leon. Anyone who

In our opinion falls for

Her story will be killed

No questions asked. Enclosed

Is a photo"

They even had my photo. How did he get a photo of me? I hurried out of the hospital. The atmosphere inside was beginning to suffocate me. Outside was no better; there was a similar warning plastered on a billboard but this one added that the people were allowed to interact with me as long as no one helped me to make a report. However they would be interacting at their own risk because if the Mafia considered them to be in anyway helping me they were dead. I sighed in resignation. The most I would be able to accomplish tonight would be to find a place to sleep. My eyes roved the immediate surroundings and of course people were staring.

Suddenly the visual billboard lit up. I suspected that there was some sort of incoming message but what I didn't expect was to see his face ever again.

"Hello Kaitlyn," even though it was a visual it still sent shivers down my spine when he said my name. I looked away. No part of me wanted to see him again. "For all of you that are questioning whether infact this girl was raped the answer is yes. It was this very evening, however, I do not wish for her to be helped. Obey my orders please as I do not wish to kill anyone unnecessarily." That taunting smirk danced across his face; I had turned around in time to see it. What did this man want from me? Hadn't the already ruined my life? "Are you having as interesting a night as I had hoped you for you Kaitlyn?" I felt like pelting the billboard with anything I could find but instead I reminded myself that it wouldn't accomplish anything since he wouldn't feel it. The billboard flashed off and left the street whispering and muttering. It was going to be a long night.

I left my car in the parking lot of the hospital to check out a few Inns that I had seen close by.

In the first few that I went into the owners quickly ushered me out, pleading the whole time that they couldn't afford o lose their lives.

"Eventually every establishment, be it hotel, Inn or coffee shop, immediately shut down as they saw me approaching. Did everyone know about my rape and the warning? A piece of paper that was flapping in the wind answered my question. The news was everywhere.

Walking back to the hospital to get my car I noticed that more and more people were staring at me. They literally stopped what they were doing to stare. I sighed and kept walking. This had to be the most humiliating night of my entire life.

I spent the rest of the night and most of the early morning trying to find anywhere that wouldn't close. I even tried explaining that I wasn't interested in making a complaint, those just seemed useless, but that I was only looking for somewhere to eat and stay for the night. Nothing worked, they all shun me.

I refused to stay in the car because of the memories that now haunted me in the backseat but I was out of options. There was nowhere to go. How did things turn out this way? All I ever wanted was to get to Sicily and own grandpapa's shop but not even that seemed real anymore. I should have just boarded the first plane bound for Scotland and see if I could return to my normal life. It seemed like it was the only logical thing to do since it was plain that that man didn't want me in his country.

I parked my car along the roadside and got out to watch the sunrise. As I gazed I couldn't help but notice how innocent it look; how pure; it was deeply hypnotizing. Never again would I be able to hold that form of innocence and purity. The early morning sun began to let its first beams of light warm my soul. It was almost encouraging. I sat on my car trunk for another half an hour simple staring.

The sound of an opening shop caught my attention. My eyes left the sky and landed on a modest looking diner. This was my last chance to at getting something to eat before I packed up my tired, worn body and headed for the airport. Then again if I went home my parents would more than likely want to know why, then there would be further questions and questions after those until they'd finally get me so irritated that I would blurt out my reason in an effort to shut them up.

I decided to think it through over breakfast then make my decision. Getting off the car trunk I glanced at my reflection through one of the side mirrors. I looked absolutely horrid. There were dark circles under my eyes, due to lack of sleep, my skin looked devoid of colour, my hair was unkempt; I looked terribly awful. Mama would have had a heart attack if she saw how I looked at the moment.

A car drove by and its driver didn't stop staring at me until he nearly crashed. That reminded me that basically everyone in Rome knew what happened. I wouldn't have been surprised to learn that the news had spread even further. It was a wonder that my parents hadn't called to find out about it.

That thought got me thinking. Why should I care? Why did it matter whether my parents knew? Everyone else knew, why not inform my darling parents as well? It was a cynical thought but by now I was too numb from exhaustion and humiliation to really care.

"Slowly I reached into the pocket of my slightly ripped skirt and took out my cellphone. My fingers dialed my mother's number and I lifelessly placed the phone to my ear.

"Hello? Kaity? We never thought you'd be up so early." There was relief in mama's voice. She was glad I had called but I doubted she would retain that tone after hearing what I had to say. "Kaity? Kaitlyn? Are you still there?"

"I was raped last night." I said indifferently. I guess after telling so many people then having so many others know it didn't really make a difference saying It to my mother. It felt the same as if I had just told her the weather.

"Wha--" mama tried asking but I cut her off before she could. There just didn't seem to be a need for explanations. I replaced the phone in my pocket but not before turning it off. The last thing I wanted was my parents calling me over and over to get details. I knew they meant well but the last thing I wanted was to have to explain to my mother the ways in which I was violated or tell her how I had spent my night being shun without food or shelter. She only needed to know the basics; I was raped.

Now that that was taken care of it was time to eat. I just needed to remember where I put my purse. That's right it was in my handbag that I threw unto . . . the backseat. I felt the blood leave my face at the thought of looking at the backseat. I wasn't ready and besides . . . when I thought about it I wasn't all that hungry.

"Oh dear, it looks like you had a bit of an accident."

My head spun in the direction I heard the voice and I saw an old woman standing a few feet from me. I wasn't sure what look I had on my face but it was obvious she felt the need to explain her earlier statement so she used her hand to gesture towards something on the back of my skirt. I turned to look what she was referring to. My muscles tensed and I felt all the blood rush into my face; I was absolutely mortified.

"Don't worry about it young child mother nature's monthly gift got me a few times myself."

If only she knew. Wait, that would have to mean that I had been walking around with that blood stain on my white skirt all night. At that moment I felt like crawling into a hole and never coming out. "Well do you have a change of clothes?" she asked warmly.

"Um . . . yeah," I managed to say, "In the backseat." I nearly choked on the last word.

"Get it so we can go inside the diner and grab something to eat, you look starved." She said as she looked me over. My heart skipped a beat. She wanted me to go back there again? I stood there staring at the backdoor for what seemed like hours.

"Hurry now child, the diner she waits for me to open her."

I was set aback. Was she the one who was opening the diner? It would make sense since I stopped hearing the opening noises at about the same time I noticed her and now ht diner was half open.

"You own the diner?"

"Yes, me and my husband, we run it together but he's still in our house behind the diner, sleeping."

I nodded absentmindedly; by now I was only half listening.

"The clothes," she reminded me as she gestured towards the car, "Or would you like for me to get them?"

"No!" I blurted. If there was blood on my skirt then there would more than likely be blood on the seat. I couldn't risk her seeing that, especially since it seemed that she dint hear the warnings that were spread throughout Rome and probably Italy on a whole. I heard a shutter being drawn and my eyes darted to where I heard the sound come from. The diner was now fully open and people were pouring in.

"My husband is awake." She said with a smile that made her eyes dance. I smiled. She seemed so fond of her husband even at such an age.

"How long have you two been married?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Child this walking stick in my hand isn't used to help me walk at all and I'll show you its true purpose if you keep wearing my patience now get the clothes so we may go inside." She said, maintaining a warm smile the entire time. It was king of creepy.

Slowly I reached for the handle of the door and yanked it open. Grabbing my bag I quickly shut the door before I could see or remember anything.

"There, now that wasn't so terrible was it?" she asked as her smile widened. I was beginning to think she was doing this on purpose.

She kept her eyes locked on me as I picked out a new skirt to wear and even after I found a good skirt her gaze was still there so I went t the other side of the car to change.

Well I knew the lower half was in pain but I never knew how much until I tried putting on my new skirt. Neither feet wanted to be lifted to go into the skirt; they were cramped at my thighs and hips. Then there was the bending to take up my stained skirt. The way I saw it I could have either bent and picked it up or use my feet to bring it up to my hands. Both ideas seemed like a bust. My body was in no mood or shape to bend and my legs were still vengeful because of the exercise they had gone through. I had an idea.

"Excuse me ma'am--" I said as I stuck my head above the car.

"Please, call me Grammy, all my grandchildren do."

"Okay . . . um Grammy can I burrow your walking stick?"

She looked at me with suspicious eyes but then she smiled and handed it to me. It worked like a charm; no bending, no foot work yet my skirt was now in my hand. I returned the walking stick then threw both the skirt and my bag onto the backseat but not before getting my purse.

"Alright, I guess we can go now." I still felt awful but being around Grammy sort of lifted my spirit. I didn't fell the need to cry however my other needs were beginning to make themselves known. My eyes were trying to shut themselves, my body wanted to throw itself down anywhere I would allow it and my stomach was beginning to wonder if my throat was cut.

I was headed towards the front entrance when Grammy stopped me.

"We are going in through the back so we can get you a bed to lie on while I get you something to eat."

"You don't have to do that; I'll wait with everyone else."

"That won't be necessary, now come along." This time she didn't wait for me to protest, instead she grabbed my hand and assertively led me in through the back.

Inside looked so cute. The walls were beige. The windows were small but adorably so. Grammy showed me the door that led to the diner's eating area and she showed me were the food was prepared. The food smelt amazing. It literally had my mouth watering.

"Walk this way." She gestured to a small passage that led to a room with a bed in it. "This is where our tried staff rest before returning to work."

"How many people work here?"

"At the moment, me, my husband and our granddaughters Celia and Carlina."

"Oh. Is that enough?"

"It works but I would feel better with another staff member." She said contemplatively.

I nodded understandingly. She motioned me towards the bed and I was more than happy to lie down. Never before had I appreciated being a bed so much.

"Grammy are you around here?" I heard a voice cry out.

"Yes, what is it?" Grammy answered patiently.

Seconds later a woman, who didn't look older than twenty-five, entered the room. Her hair was jet black and her eyes were a dark blue. I couldn't find a blemish on her skin and even though I clearly didn't know her she seemed to know me.

"Is she . . ." she began to ask.

"Yes now go help your grandpapa with the orders until Carlina arrives; he can't do them alone." Grammy answered with a dismissive wave of her hand.

The girl that I assumed was Celia nodded then left the room.

"What was she about to ask?" now a little suspicious.

"Is nothing to worry about. Now stay in here and rest, I'll bring you breakfast in momentarily." With those words she left.

Something was definitely up and though my body begged for me to stay in the bed I pulled myself up and walked out into the diner. No one seemed to notice me so I took a seat up at the counter with my back facing them.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the backroom?"

My heads swung around and I saw Celia standing directly behind me.

"Um, yeah, I just wanted to see what the diner looked like from out here."

"Well you've seen it and it's in your best interest that you return to the back."

I gave her a puzzled stare. She leaned in closer.

"Everyone in this diner is fully aware of the fact that you were raped by Leon Marcello last night and right now no one is too keen on staying in the same room as you so the wise choice would be for you to stay out of sight." She whispered into my ear.

I instantly felt all the blood rush from my face. Even she knew. Everyone in the diner knew and when I thought about it Grammy must have known too. I got up from where I was sitting slowly. Was the exhaustion finally setting in?

"Hey is this some kind of sick joke?!" a customer exclaimed. Celia and I turned and saw a man staring directly at me. Had he recognized me? "Are you trying to get us all killed?!" yup, he noticed.

A few other customers became outraged when they saw what he was complaining about.

"Celia get her out of here. Is too dangerous for her and us to share room." Another begged.

Soon there was an uproar. Everyone was banging a table and aggressively shouting that they wanted me out. I took a step towards the door but Celia pulled me back.

"Don't move, Grammy will handle this." She assured me.

"If she no leave then we are all leaving!" someone threatened angrily. He was backed up by a chorus of angry shouts; all agreeing with his statement.

"Then get out." The voice was sharp and decisive. Grammy had entered the room and she looked beyond pissed. "She is customer just like you! She have her own money! She own her own car! She have as much right as any of you to be in my diner or maybe she have more! Do you think she ask to be raped? Do you think your stares will make her feel worse or your shouting make me want to throw her out?! I sooner throw you all out, get new customers! Mother, Sister, Daughter, Wife! You all have at least one of them; some of you have all four! Would you wish this child's misfortune on any of them?! Would you treat them like you are treating her now?!"

"But our lives--" a customer tried to interject.

Immediately Grammy began cussing in rapid Italian. I couldn't understand a word she was saying but I knew that the people were receiving a thorough tongue lashing. The little Italian that I had picked up from my grandpapa told me that the words she was using were actually on the more colourful side of life. One by one the customers sat down. No one dared to look at me or Grammy for that matter. Eventually she ran out of steam or expletives in Italian so she calmed down. The diner was so quiet that you could have heard a pin drop across the road.

"Any of you who wish to leave, there is door, for everyone else please enjoy atmosphere and wait for your orders to be taken care of." She turned and left the room apparently disinterested in finding out who would leave; though no one did.

The door to the diner swung open and a girl with strawberry blonde hair came in. she had the same eyes as Celia and she bared some resemblance to Grammy. If I had to guess I would say she was about twenty-two. She walked up to us.

"Celia, the diner is so quiet, what happened?"

"One big mix up; is nothing to worry about."

"Oh. Isn't she the one that---"

" Yes Carlina and if you bring it up again Grammy will have your ass."

"Ah, gracie. I think I should get to work." She said with a mischievous smile. she nodded towards me with the same smile then went around us to enter the kitchen.

Celia sighed and shook her head. "My little sister, she is something else." she pulled me back to the room I was supposed to have stay in. "try not to think about it too much, is all in the past, we take care of you." I stared up at her. Did she mean that? "Grammy will no doubt insist that you stay with us until this thing blow over and you are on your feet again."

It was a tempting offer but what would become of my grandpapa's shop? I needed to hurry there and get it running again. Surely if I was busy running a diner I wouldn't have time to think about anything. Not the awful treatment by fellow human beings, not the rape and most definitely not Leon.

I spent the rest of the day in the small room, locked away from the world. Everyone was kept busy throughout the day though Carlina did find time to make a stop in the room to ask me a few questions about myself, some of which I though were a bit too personal for me to share. At around midday Grammy brought me some lunch.

"Here you go. Eat it then try to sleep."

I took the lunch, "Thanks but you don't have to do this."

"Nonsense, is no problem I enjoy caring for others." She said with a smile before returning to her busy diner. Would my diner ever be that busy, especially after this whole ordeal? I could only hope. There were a lot of things that I could only hope for. I could only hope that my parents wouldn't think the worst of me; I could only hope that the people would soon be able to put everything behind them; I could only hope that I wasn't pregnant . . . pregnant, what if I was pregnant? I didn't have a chance to take the morning after pill at the hospital. I couldn't possibly be pregnant. At the moment I didn't even have a place to stay and I barely had any money in my individual name. If I was, which I prayed with everything in me that I wasn't, then I would have no choice but to go home to my parents.

It was closing time and the final customer had finally left. That was my queue to enter the kitchen.

"Grammy where do you plan on keeping her?" Carlina asked as she tilted her head curiously to the side.

"With you two, where else?" Grammy answered as if the answer was obvious.

" But Grammy---"

"Quiet!" Grammy ordered. She had noticed me standing at the doorway. "I will hear no more of this she is staying with you two and if a fuss is made of it neither of you will like the outcome."

Celia nodded submissively but Carlina gave a defiantly childish pout.

"Why must we always pay for Leon's mistakes?"

Did she say what I thought she said? They knew Leon? What connection could they possibly have to him?

The front door opened, I heard when it slammed shut.

"We are closed, come back in the morning, we no see anymore customers 'til then."

"Surely you can make an exception, Grammy."

That voice. Why was it so familiar . . .

"Leon!" Carlina shouted angriliy before storming out of the kitchen and over to him. We all looked at the two from where we were in the kitchen as Carlina cussed him but of course she chose to use the language she was most comfortable using. He took in every word she said with a look that said that he was in on a surprise that no one else knew. After she finished venting she stood glaring at him with her hands at her hips. A smile stretched across his face as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. Squealing she grabbed the box, peaked inside then began squealing again.

"Gracie! Gracie, gracie, oh my brother, gracie!" she hugged him then clung tighter to her box.

So that was their relationship.

"Celia, smile, I have something for you as well." He said, deliberately looking past me.

"I can not smile Leon, not under the circumstances." She said, glancing at me for no more than a second. An innocent smile spread across his face.

"Will you really hold it against me?" I hadn't noticed that he had a dimple on his cheek until now. Infact after getting a good look at him I realized that I hadn't gotten a good look at him before. He was gorgeous. He dressed expensively. He was actually quite charming but I couldn't fall for him or his looks; he was a monster.

"Leon I must have a word with you in the next room." Grammy said dryly.

The smile immediately left his face. The two went into the next room. I looked down. There was no reason for me to stay any longer. Carlina didn't want me in her house and even if I did stay there would more than likely be more visits from him. I made my way to the door.

"Where are you going?" Carlina asked curiously.

"Um I uh I need to start driving, hopefully I can make it to the next town before I run out of gas."

"Why?" Celia asked.

"Because um . . ." I cleared my throat to speak again but I was interrupted.

"But why?" Carlina whined, "I thought you were staying with us. You haven't even given it a chance." She was sulking. Wasn't she the one who refused to have me stay in her house? Why the sudden change of heart? "I want to know lots about you so you have to stay. We can have fun if you stay, I will even take you shopping, with Leon's money of course, but that doesn't matter we can buy lots!" she was already making plans. I wasn't interested though, not if it meant using his money. I looked at Celia.

"You should stay and besides I do not think Grammy will let you leave, not while she has a say in it."

"Yes so you should stick around, work at the diner for a little and earn some money. That way if you still want to leave after words you will have money to support you." Carlina added.

I thought it over for a moment. It made sense. At the moment I didn't have much money and I didn't have anywhere go except back home. The only problem was that Leon might become a regular visitor. Apparently Celia was reading my mind because she quickly put in, "Don't worry Leon hardly ever visits. Now that we have seen him we may not see him again for another year or more." Music to my ears. This would the last I would see Leon.

The door to the other room swung open and Leon quickly left the diner. His charming aura had disappeared and he had taken on a scarier one. Grammy returned to the room with a smile, "Alright let's leave here, I want to go home."

"Me too, let's go um . . . uh . . ." Carlina turned to me looking as if she was in deep thought.

"Kaitlyn." I reminded her.

"Si, let's go."

That started my life in Italy.