A/N: I'm baaaaack!!! :D I'm sorry, I know I should work on Who Knew but grrr college applications, transcripts, school, work... soo much!! But I should go back to adding chapters in January. Sorry :( Anyways! Read and enjoy the story! Oh, and review too! :P

Aiden and I had been together for 3 years. We met during our freshman year of college. Senior year, we had bought an apartment but we had to wait until construction finished up. They said it would take a year to finish. We said it was fine, that we could wait. Aiden had this marvelous idea about leaving college his last year to travel the world. Whoop-de-fucking-doo! Naturally, we decided it would be best to break up.

Despite the break up, we remained friends. He sent post cards from Italy, France, Russia, Japan, South America, even Alaska. I always replied, telling him about school, how our friends were doing, you know, normal stuff.

As I was checking the mail as I normally did, I found a letter from a real estate agency. I was confused at first, until I read the first line of the letter.

"Hello Calliah Torres,

We are pleased to announce that the apartment that you have purchased has finished construction!"


I remembered about the lease Aiden and I signed confirming our purchase of the apartment. I was thinking whether or not I should call him. I still had his number on my cell phone, I was debating whether or not to press the "call" button until I heard it ring.

I answered, "Hello?" I had no idea who was calling, the number was weird.

"Hey Calli (cahwl-lee)." I remembered that voice, Aiden.

"Hey Aiden. Did you get what I got?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"If you are talking about the apartment, then yeah."

"What are we going to do? Sell it?" I was trying to think of a solution to the problem.

"Why? We signed the lease and paid in advance. You don't want the apartment anymore?" He asked, surprised.

"Ummm… well don't you think it would be awkward to live in a big apartment… together?"

"Not really. It's no big deal. We're friends, we can make this work, right?"

"Pfft! Of course! I have no problem. I thought you might've had one. But me? Please! I can do this!" I knew I was rambling, but this situation was something I had never experienced before.

I knew that Aiden must've thought this was amusing because I heard his infamous chuckle.

"It's OK Calli. If it's too awkward for you, then we can sell."

"No!" I said with newfound confidence. "I fell in love with the apartment the second we saw it. I'm sooo not going to give this place to anybody! Even if it means I have to share it with you."

"Great. Good thing we got this settled because I'll be coming home in a little while."

Whoa. Already? "The heck? You already bought the ticket? When?" I asked hurriedly.

"The agency emailed me about it last night, so I bought a ticket online. I boarded the plane this morning. Should be back tonight."

"Where are you coming from?" The last postcard I got was from Brazil but that was weeks ago.


I gasped. "Lucky son of a bitch!" I yelled into the phone.

I heard him laugh on the other line. I miss you.

I did not think that. Yes, you did.

"I'll be there tonight. Pack up your stuff from the dorm and we can move in once you pick me up. Deal?"

I couldn't believe it. I was going to move into my dream apartment with my ex-boyfriend.

Oh, you say it as if it were a bad thing. It is a bad thing!

"Yeah. Deal"