Simply Just Taken

Suspect: Ryan Brody Leroy

Date: 20th of November, 2010

Gender: Male

Age: Twenty-eight years, three months, five days and forty-nine minutes.

Relationship status: Taken, not married, not engaged, simply just taken.

Relationship length: Seven years, three months, nine days and twenty-six minutes.

Relationship victim: Georgie Rose Faye

Other notes: Has yet to propose marriage to Georgie. Will be dumped soon if otherwise…Maybe. He had two weeks. Stupid, moronic, blind man. Though he is not actually blind…


Stumbling out of bed, exhausted from staying up all night going over my plans for forwarding my boyfriends' nonexistent proposal to me, I made my way downstairs in his button up shirt towards the gorgeous smell of banana bread.

I was stopped before I could even make it to the kitchen by a small, surprised screech. Looking up, I did not find my Ryan standing over my banana bread, buttering it, I found my mother. She couldn't help herself obviously and stood there, her grey eyes – which I had inherited – staring, appallingly at my choice of clothing, bring the critic she was.

"Uh, hi mother. What brings you here?" I said in a low voice, scratching the back of my neck while wondering where on earth Ryan had gone. Of course he would do this to me; he knows how much I cannot stand my mother.

"Well, honey, why don't you go take a shower and get changed before I talk to you?" She said with her disappointment clear from the look she gave me. What does she expect? I sleep with clothing covering every inch of my skin? It's certainly not like this was a one night stand. And in her house. She is the intruder here.

My mother had never liked me. She thought I was a failure of a daughter. She was far from right. I mean, compared to her four other children, all girls by the way, I was the most successful. Well at least when it came to our careers I was. But that was only because the stupid, moronic, blind man hadn't found his nerve to propose therefore creating a family yet.

My four sisters were all older, housewives, with many little minions running around. None of them worked. Me, though, I was very talented interior designer. I also earn all of my money myself, not having to scab of my boyfriend.

Gradually making my way upstairs to the bathroom I started to wonder why my mother would possibly be here. I had no idea so I came to the conclusion that she was crazy, high, drunk, stoned and everything else and came to spy on my life. Yes, that it why she is here. Usually she can't stand to be in the same room let alone the same house as me. She was oh so glad when I had moved out all those years ago.

Only did I realise as to why my mother at me so much more horrifically than normal was looking in the mirror in the bathroom after my shower, I saw a few small hickeys scattered around my neck and collarbone. Man, Ryan is in deep shit. He probably invited my mother over on purpose.

She couldn't really be angry at me over this though, I am allowed to have fun, especially with a guy I have been with for the majority of my adult life. I am now a disgrace to our entire family, our wealthy, socialite family, she will probably disown me. At least nobody else has seen this yet.

Walking back downstairs in my comfortable blue sundress and ballet flats I heard Ryan had come home and began a lovely conversation with my mother. "Finally. I am so glad. Thank you, Ryan." I heard my mother say to him in the happiest voice I had ever heard from her mouth. What exactly is she so glad and thankful of Ryan about?

Just as Ryan was about to continue, I chose to walk in and all conversation stopped. Damn. Why did I have to walk in and ruin everything?

"Hello, ma fille magnifique," Ryan was smiling so radiantly I thought it was going to blind me. I looked back and forth between him and my mother wondering what was going on. I knew something was going on; he had his cheeky smile on and spoke in French, his native language.

"Hi, what is going on?" I asked, letting my confusion take over me. Ryan came over and snuggled against me, murmuring that nothing, absolutely nothing was going on, gently pecking my lips.

This made me think even more. Maybe he was dumping me? I don't see why he would, not being cocky or anything, but we have been together so long and love each other so much I just wouldn't understand why.

Although maybe he was and that was why my mother was so glad. Because then I would be single and able to find a man even better, more wealthy and who came from my families level of society to marry me as soon as possible. Oh. My. Lord. I could not let happen. That would be a nightmare. An absolute nightmare.

I looked up at my secretive boyfriend and gave him a look which clearly said 'you will be telling me later', and passionately kissed him to tell him what I mean but this only made him smile more though.


Date: 27th of November, 2010

Relationship status: Still not engaged.

Other notes: He has one week left. Or I am gone.


"Georgie, what is with these wedding magazines on the dining table?" Oh so he had found them. Well he would have anyway as I had deliberately put them there before telling him to go set the table for dinner. Gosh, I am good.

"Angele probably left them here after our lunch today. She was looking through them as her fiancée proposed to her last night." I secretly smiled to myself, I am not just good, I am very good. "Oh well, we should keep them for when we get married. They will come in handy."

"Who said we are ever going to get married, let alone soon?" He said with a startled look among his face and he made his way back into the kitchen. I just stared at him, shocked with my jaw against the floor.

"Wha – What do you mean?" I said, trying not to show any emotion on either my face or in my voice though if he looked to my hands he would see them shaking and immediately know what was wrong.

"How do you know we are ever going to get married?" Ryan now said this with a sense of truth in his words, basically telling me it was never going to happen. Wha – how could he do this to me?

"You – you are such a jerk, Ryan Brody. I hate you!" I screamed at him and ran from the room as I saw him flinch and his face show his pain. I ran straight to the bedroom, locked the door and started packing my bag even though I knew I wouldn't be leaving. He needed some sense knocked into that dumb brain of his.

Going to bed that night, I had unlocked the door and left it slightly ajar to see what Ryan would do and left my fully packed bag by my vanity table. A couple of hours after that I felt more than saw Ryan make his way to the bed and get in bedside me.

After shifting around a couple of times he finally decided to move closer and spoon me before whispering désolé sweetly and falling to sleep.


Five days later, after a few more minor fights, all apologies had been spoken and all was back to the norm. There was still one problem though, and that happened to be that I still had no ring on my finger. Does he not understand that I am a girl, nearing thirty years of age after having dated him for almost seven and a half years and I was still not even close to getting married?

I just wanted to scream at him how dense, tick, stupid and moronic he was, that he better propose damn soon or he will be wishing he were dead.

At this moment I was feeding the kitten he had gotten me for my birthday and mumbling different ideas, plans and crazy thoughts to myself. If an onlooker saw this they would definitely think I should be emitted to a mental hospital.

Wait, back to him getting me a kitten for my birthday. He had the nerve and courage to buy me a kitten for my birthday which is a sign for commitment, if they buy you pets, yet he won't marry me or therefore maybe having children with me in the future? He is mad. Mad I tell you.

"What is wrong with him?" I hissed towards the bowl of kitty food. "Men."


Date: 9th of December, 2010

Relationship status: Still not engaged.


Yes. I am still here, waiting for him to propose. Pathetic, right? I seriously want to know what is going through his head right now. I am sure his thoughts would be very amusing considering the things he has come across lately.

I put a garter, which was also blue and vintage on the bed before he woke up one morning. He couldn't stop laughing. I don't know why, really, I thought it was a good hint.

I then put more wedding magazines all around the house to send across my message. Yet, that didn't do a thing either. He didn't laugh this time though, he just ignored them. He ignored them! I don't understand why I ever started going out with this, this, this blind man!

Then, the biggest hint out of all, I put my scrapbook of my dream wedding which I had made when I was nine on my vanity table in our bedroom. And you know what he did? He picked it up, flipped through it, told me it was a gorgeous dream and that the man was far from good enough for me then walked off. I had tried so hard not to slap him at that stage. Seriously.

So today I decided to dig into his thoughts and ask about it, not outright ask him of course, just a simple question hinting at marriage. Maybe.

So I found myself skipping into the kitchen, finding him whistling and reading some adventure book he seemed to like.

"Ryan?" I asked, hesitantly. No! Don't lose your confidence now. What is wrong with you?

"Yes, bébé?" He asked back at me without removing his eyes from his book. He was too use to my random, out of nowhere questions.

"Do you love me?" I asked, finally letting sadness take over my emotions and facial expression.

"Bien entendu je t'aime." He looked up at me strangely, though love written all over his face. "Why would you question something like that?"

"I dunno." I replied while walking back outside to finish hanging out the washing, still not content with his answer and upset at myself that I couldn't make myself ask if he truly wanted to end up marrying me.


"Magnifique? Where are you?" I heard Ryan call from somewhere downstairs. When did he get home from work? Strange.

"Upstairs." I replied walking downstairs, to find him at the back door and glaring at my kitten sitting stubbornly on the other side of it.

"Could you get Bunny to come inside, please? He won't listen to me." He asked nicely, and if I really paid attention it would seem he asked that maybe a bit too nicely.

Bending over in front of the doorway after opening up the backdoor I called Bunny over and held out my hands for me to pick him up. Before waking him into my arms though I noticed something sparkling on his collar. Narrowing my eyes and carefully unhooking it from his collar I opened my hand up and noticed exactly what it was.

"Oh merde," I mumbled, utterly shocked at the stunning ring lying in my hand, smiling none the less.


Relationship Victim: Georgie Rose Faye

Date: 20th of January, 2011

Age: Twenty-seven years, one month, sixteen days and fifty-two minutes.

Relationship length: Seven years, four months, nine days and twenty-seven minutes.

Relationship status: Engaged as of the 11th of December, 2010. Set to be married in exactly eleven months, three weeks, four days and ninety-seven minutes.

Other notes: He sure took his time. Yet now, life couldn't get any better.

French to English Translations:

Ma fille magnifique – my beautiful girl

Désolé – sorry

Bébé – baby

Bien entendu je t'aime – Of course I love you

A/N: Please review. They are much appreciated. Thank you for reading. :)