Hey guys! It's the last chapter of Snowfall!

I hope you guys enjoy it! This story is my very first story with chapters on this site, so my organization with updating and plot got really sporadic.

I know this ending isn't very long, but I'm proud if it nonetheless!

I hope I cleared up any confusion about the story in this last bit.

Please review! :)

Alina had been discharged from the hospital a week after she was admitted. Caleb visited often, taking a short vacation from school to make sure she was alright. The Rash family kept quiet when Alina came back home, well, it was her home now. She didn't have any other relatives to go to and her father failed to create a will. Mrs. Rash insisted that she and her husband be the legal guardians of Alina until her eighteenth birthday, which was in four months.

Ever since Alina heard of her father's death, she felt numb. She knew that one day she would end up alone and that's where she was now. Of course she had Caleb, and possibly Damien, but once you have lost every single part of your family…it's just a wound that never heals.

Alina sat on her bed, looking out the window with a vacant stare. Her black hair covered her eyes. "Caleb?" she called.

There was a shuffle. "What is it?" he answered back.

"You promised," she said, putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

"What was that?" Caleb walked to her room and leaned on the doorframe, crossing his arms. They hadn't talked much since she was released. This was the first time Alina initiated conversation in days.

"You promised me that you would tell me about your mother," she didn't turn around.

Caleb tensed. "I guess I did, didn't I?"

Alina nodded and looked down.

"Well, that was a bad decision on my part," he whispered.

"Come on, Caleb," she turned to face him. "I've been waiting long enough. You were supposed to tell me six days ago, but I gave you a break because I was in the hospital."

Caleb laughed. "You gave me a break because you were in the hospital?"

Alina nodded again, not finding what was amusing.

"Alright," his laughing died. "What do you want to know?"

"I've told you before that I want to know everything," she shrugged. "So spill."

Caleb joined Alina on the bed. "Do you want the short version or the long one?"

"Short please, and just straight to the point. No beating around the bush."

"Okay, well, to start, my mother has Huntington's Disease," he paused and cleared his throat. "It's, um." Another pause. "It's a brain disease, it makes my mom feel disoriented. She forgets stuff easily and loses control of her muscles at times. A few weeks ago she cut herself while trying to make dinner. I think you were asleep when that happened." He chuckled, the frowned. "It's killing her," he whispered.

Alina looked into Caleb's green eyes. "I'm sorry to hear that," she grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Thank you for telling me this. Unfortunately, I know exactly how you feel."

"There's more," he added and ran a hand through his brown hair.

She waited quietly.

He looked down. "It's genetic."

"What?" she let go of his hand and stood.

"I was tested for the disease before I came here."

Tears stung at her eyes. "And…?" she choked out.

Caleb looked up. "It was positive. I inherited Huntington's disease from my mother."

"Damn it!" Alina stomped and crossed her arms.

"The episodes of anger I have? That's the disease taking me away. I don't like to be angry, but sometimes I can't control it," he stated calmly.

Alina refused to cry anymore. Too many tears had been shed. If she could feel any more numb, then it was at that moment. "I can't believe I'm going to be losing you, too," she whispered.

"Hey," Caleb stood. "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

She felt a pair of arms slip around her waist. "Says who?"

"Says me," he put his head on her shoulder. "I promised myself I would take care of you, and be there for you. I'm staying right here."

"Promises break," Alina countered.

"Not mine," he replied. "I promised I would come back, and I did." He grabbed her arm and his thumb grazed over her scar. "Good thing, too," he frowned. "I don't know what I would do if I came back and you were gone."

Alina turned and pressed her forehead against his chest. "Can we just stop talking, now," she said against his shirt. "Please?"

Caleb wrapped his arms around her small frame and kissed the top of her forehead. "Sure," he whispered.

The two teens stood there, absorbing each other's warmth. Alina closed her eyes and took in Caleb's scent. He smelled like mint and soap; it comforted her. His strong arms created a barrier, nothing bad would get in. It was only her and Caleb, that was all that mattered.

Just then, an image entered Alina's mind. An image of her with a child sleeping in one arm and a photo in her other hand. The picture was of her and Caleb; her in a white dress and him in a black suit. She was crying in this scenario. Caleb was gone. He left her with a child, like Alina's mother had left her father with her. A fear entered Alina's heart and she looked at her small child. There was no way that this child would grow up in the same environment and the same way that Alina did.

Caleb held on to Alina. She smelt of strawberries and roses. He didn't want to let her go; she was too precious and fragile. He hated to tell her about the sickness, it obviously hurt her. The thought of leaving her without any control whatsoever scared him. What terrified him even more was the thought of being lost without any control in his own body, leaving Alina alone with a stranger. It wouldn't happen.


"Yes, Alina?"

She pulled back to look into his eyes. "Can we go for a quick drive?"

"Yeah," he shrugged. "What for?"

Alina sighed. "I just need to do something real quick."

"Alright then," Caleb grabbed her hand. "Where are we going?"

"A.J. King Cemetery."

A truck pulled into a dirt parking lot. There was no one else around, only the wind accompanied them. It snowed the night before, making the ground cold and white. Alina prayed that there wouldn't be anymore snow for a while, but as if she wanted to aggravate her, Mother Nature let some flakes fall.

Alina shivered and cursed. She had good intentions for coming to the cemetery and didn't deserve a punishment like a snowfall.

"So where is he?" Alina asked, teeth chattering.

Caleb pointed right. "Over that way. Come on," he grabbed her hand. She let out a breath, thankful for the warmth his hand brought her.

They came across a small stone, barely visible under the thin layer of frost.

Anthony Shore

October 15th, 1960 - May 3rd, 2011

Alina trembled. She didn't organize a memorial, or was even present during his burial. No one would've showed up anyways. There was no use wasting money on it. Money that Caleb's mother kindly offered and Alina refused to spend.

"Did you want to say anything?" Caleb squeezed her hand gently.

"Yeah," she cleared her throat. She knelt on the ground, ignoring the cold, and let go of Caleb's hand. He stepped back, allowing Alina some privacy in the moment. "Dad," she began. "I don't know if you can hear me, or if you're looking down on me right now. Frankly, I don't know what I believe. So, I guess I'm being selfish right now, coming and talking to thin air to make myself feel better." Her voice dropped to a whisper, "I've always been a little selfish…"

Alina put a hand to her mouth and looked up to blink away tears that threatened to spill over. "I didn't want you to leave me," she whimpered. "Too many have left me and I had you in the end, always. I didn't appreciate it then, but when I look back I couldn't be any more grateful." She gave up on trying to stop the tears, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for those last words I said to you. I didn't mean them. I said I did, but I was lying."

She sniffed. "I love you, Daddy. Why did you leave me? You were healthy and young. You would've lived to be one hundred years old…you would have seen my children, be there at my wedding…but that's all gone now." Alina closed her eyes. "I came here to say that I don't blame you for anything. Mom's death was pure coincidence…it wasn't your fault," she cried. Her hands covered her face as she let a waterfall of tears flow out. Sobs shuddered her body and she gasped for air. Alina placed one hand on her heart and the other on the grave.

Caleb stood, observing the strange gesture. Then Alina stood, hand still on her heart and the other one hanging freely at her side. Thinking the time was appropriate, he took two long strides and was beside her, grabbing her hand once again. She leaned into him, trying to find some warmth as well as comfort. He placed his other arm around her and held her close. His body was warm and his touch was soft. That's where she needed to be. That's where she felt safe. In his arms, where she would stay as long as fate decided.

A snowflake hit the tip of Alina's nose and she looked up. The sky was gray, then all at once, snow fell. Snow fell when Caleb left, when her mother died, and when her father died. Something inside Alina told her that it wasn't bad, but good. It told her that in the end, you only have yourself to count on. When Caleb is taken away by his horrible sickness that's all she'll have: Herself.

And strangely enough…she was alright with that.

La Fin!

I liked this ending...it was bittersweet and kind of summed up the whole gist of story, while keeping the characters...in character.

I want to give a special thanks to:


Saw is sad


You guys stuck with me from the very beginning and gave me great advice about my writing! I'll definitely use that in future pieces! I hope the ending isn't a disappointment to you!

I also want to give a big thanks for those who reviewed, favorited, and subscribed to my story! That meant a whole lot!

Also, please read and review my other stories. I want to get some feedback on them. I recommend Falling Rain and Be the Change.

Goodbye for now! Love you all! :)

(c) Everything belongs to me.