xx One xx
"No way! We can't be losing already!"
Two of the guys from our team helped our captain, Zack Adams, up off the black top. The other team gloated at their score. We walked back to our appointed sides to start again.
Zack wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead away with the back of his hand, while the other captain, Ethan Campbell, grinned cockily. It was like he already knew the winner of the game. Yeah right. At the blow of the whistle, Zack made a grab for the ball and flew across the court. Ethan chased him down, and I was right behind them. This is where my years of track at middle school came in handy.
The rest of the players lagged behind. In just a couple seconds, Zack had shot a point, making us even with the other team.
"Nice shot," commented on of the guys who had helped him up.
Pretty soon, the game had turned into a repetitive version of either Ethan having the ball or Zack. The score…well that was kind of a blow – to our team at least. The score was 6 to 10. Campbell got the ball and dribbled it to our side of the court. The moment he paused for that quick second so he could make a shot, I snatched the ball out of his grasp and flew through the court.
I had made it past the half-court mark when the other team had surrounded me. I searched across looking for a teammate when I caught the gaze of Zack. Grinning, I threw it over the heads of the defenders. Zack caught it and made a shot.
"Good pass Richardson," he said while I quenched my thirst with some water.
At the compliment, I merely smiled and nodded before returning back to the court. Zack dribbled the ball; this was our final chance at actually beating Campbell's team before the bell rang. We knew that and so did the other team. They defended their side as best as they could, but we were too fast for them.
Zack's blue eyes searched across the court looking for a teammate. He was blocked solid by Ethan and two other players. The rest of the players were wearily trying to pull themselves towards us.
I positioned myself between the gap where Ethan and his teammate were standing, but at a distance. I stared straight at Adams till his caught my gaze and tossed me the ball.
"Shoot Richardson!"
Ethan whirled around surprised and made a dash towards me. It's all in the wrist. In the wrist. I took in a deep breath and shot the ball the second Ethan jumped at me. The ball circled the rim of the basket and then made it in.
A roar of cheers erupted from my tired teammates and a groan from the others. In the excitement of it all I flung the basketball against the headboard. At the sound of a shuffled groan the cheers grew to a dim and then suddenly went mute.
The ball fell to the ground with a thud and everyone stared at me with wide eyes.
"How could you do that Sophia?" asked a quiet girl from my team.
How could they act all surprised and defensive of him when just a moment ago they had been cheering at my victory shot? I took a step forward as if to gain some confidence.
"It's not as if I mean for him to get hit. He should've moved regard-
"What the fuck is your problem?" he hissed.
His green eyes were slanted but they were full of hurt and anger.
"Richardson!" shouted our teacher running towards us.
Her blonde hair flew behind her and at the same time she heavily clutched the long chaptered book she had been reading during our match.
"Take Ethan to the nurse's office, then the both of you can walk yourselves to the principal's office."
"He didn't break his leg, so as far as I'm concerned he can walk himself. Plus I can't really say I'm fond of him either."
"Don't act so immature Richardson; can't you see your classmate is in pain?"
"Yeah I can. And I'm sorry for it, but I just don't see why I have to take him."
"Because I'm the teacher, and you hurt him. Now go."
"So now you start acting like a teacher. Props to you."
"Shut up," groaned Campbell as he writhed in pain.
"Go," she hissed, slanting her blue eyes.
Sighing, I patiently waited for Ethan to get up. I wasn't heartless; I just didn't want to get close to him. When he eventually got up, he sent me a dangerous glare, but I honestly could care less. He clutched his arm and started to walk towards me.
We walked away from our classmates silently. I wasn't really thinking about what Ethan was thinking or what would happen to us at the principal's office. I was actually thinking about lunch…and home. Well it more of lunch than of home but regardless I was thinking.
"How the hell am I supposed to play football with this arm?!" screamed Ethan breaking that peaceful silence once we were far from anyone to hear us.
"Use your other arm?"
"We both know very well that that's not possible," he said through clenched teeth.
"It isn't? Oh well."
Yes, Ethan Campbell, the famous jock of our school. Football player? Yes. Basketball player? Yes. Hockey player? Yes. Soccer athlete? Why of course. And there was so much more. Don't forget that almost every girl in the school swooned over him like bees would do honey.
"Even if you don't play, the girls will love you as always. Maybe even more if possible. And your teammates will forgive you and probably hold a grudge against me, just like when we were little."
Guess I also forgot to mention the fact that I'd known him since the day I had transferred into his first grade class.
"And you Sophia will be a loner as usual clinging to your only friend, Jamie. Wait…she moved last year didn't she."
"I'm not really offended by what you say. I'm just glad you're stringing words into sentences now seeing that a while ago you were groaning and writing in pain."
"You're a heartless bitch."
"A bitch? Maybe. But I'm not heartless."
Silence loomed over and we didn't talk the rest of the way. I opened the door to the office and Ethan whizzed right past me. He turned left into the corner and at the end of the hall was a door with the sign 'Nurse's Office' written in bold red letters.
Walking in, we saw a plump lady hovering over the counter. When she noticed us, she waltzed past Ethan and greeted me with a friendly smile. I stared at her in a puzzled expression.
She must know me…but I can't really lay a finger on her. She had black curly hair up to her shoulders and warm brown eyes.
"Is that you Sophia?"
"I knew it and- oh…you don't recognize me."
A frown played across her forehead, creating a slight line, but in soon vanished as her lips spread into a wide beam.
"I'm Martha, the middle school nurse."
When my eyes lit in recognition, she smiled once more and rushed over for a hug, then turned her attention to Ethan.
"Oh and you must be Ethan Campbell. Yes, yes, you have the Campbell eyes. Well what's wrong with you? Did Sophia here give you a good pounding?"
Ethan grimaced and when she turned around to see the smirk on my face, she merely nodded and motioned me to the corner of the room. In the meantime, Ethan walked to the bed while Martha opened up the big cabinets filled with all kinds of first aid kit materials.
"What's the injury?"
"I'm not sure," he replied with a frown as he tried to move his hand. "I got hit with a basketball and now it hurts like hell when I tried to move it."
"Mhm. And don't tell me that Sophia did something like fling it against the headboard?"
"Nasty habit you have there Soph. I'm just hoping you didn't throw it so hard that he had a broken arm."
"It's not my fault!" I protested.
I played with my fingers as she examined Ethan. He suddenly released a groan and a line of curses when she tried to move his hand.
"Sorry there sweet stuff, but you'll have to take off you're shirt. I'm afraid you have a broken arm."
Martha shot me an apologetic look while Ethan shot me a murderous one. He slowly took of his shirt with his good hand and though I had tried not to look, I couldn't help but notice the hard abs on his stomach. When the red tee was completely off, he shook the dirty blonde hair out of his face by the time Martha was back by his side.
"I'm going to wrap it up as best as I can, but after school you'll have to go the hospital and get a cast."
His eyes hardened but he nodded regardless and turned his attention to his lap. When she finished, she slipped the tee back on.
"I'm all done here. Get some rest put on that arm okay Mr. Campbell. And Sophia, try not to throw ball against headboards anymore."
Sighing, I followed Ethan as we walked to the principal's office. The door was shut, so we took a seat on the couch.
Ethan turned and faced me, but I kept my attention on the wall.
"Listen here, you owe and you owe me big."
"I really don't owe you a thing but an apology. So there, I'm sorry."
"Oh I think you owe more than that."
"I owe you nothing."
"Let's see if you'll say that again when Marie and the rest of them are dragged into child custody," he replied smugly.
Maybe I did owe him something, but he had no right to bring them into this petty discussion. And for the first time since I had hurt him, I was truly angry at him.
"Bastard, don't bring them into this."
"Trash talking already. Well, we'll see," he said when the door opened.
A boy with dark hair and a couple blue highlights stormed out, while the principal motioned us in as he relieved the tension in his shoulders. He was an aging man with thinning brown hair and beady brown eyes hidden behind thick rimmed glasses.
"Richardson and Campbell," he said releasing a sigh. "I was already informed of today's incident, and because it's your first offense I'll let it go. But you'll be sent home immediately…I'll call your parents."
"Mr. Smith!" I shouted jumping out of my seat.
Ethan turned and stared at me with an amused expression while Mr. Smith looked a bit concerned.
"Is there a problem Sophia?"
"Um…my parents aren't home right now…I'll be walking home."
"Well if that's all, ok. Campbell, what about you?"
"My parents are working. I have a car."
"Well this was rather easy. Okay, you're both dismissed."
I turned around and rushed out of the office without embarrassing myself anymore than I already had.
I took my time walking home. I needed some time to clear my thoughts out.
Sighing, I picked up a rock and threw it into the lake that was near my house. It created a mass of ripples, disturbing the peace the lake had once had. I continued walking again, this time titling my head back.
Child custody… I pushed back the barely formed tears and the thoughts of child custody as I walked up the driveway. When I knocked on the door, no one answered. Sighing, I knocked again.
"It's me Sophia, let me in already!"
From behind the door, I heard the loud shuffled footsteps, and was then greeted by my younger brother Mathew. Ruffling his hair – which I knew he disliked – I walked into the house and greeted my other siblings.
I was the oldest. Then came Mathew, he was 14 years old. After him was Marie. She was 10 and in fifth grade. Nicole and Serenity followed next. They were both 5 and twins. Last but not least was Melody. She was the youngest at 1.
"I should go get Melody," I said going up the stairs.
I lifted her out of her pale pink cradle and rushed down the stairs to being preparing lunch for the others.
"What're we having?!" exclaimed Nicole and Serenity in unison.
I scanned the near empty fridge. I had to make due with what I had which was a new package of chicken breasts and a couple potatoes.
"Chicken nuggets I guess. Matt, could you put Melody in her high chair and take out the mashed carrots for her."
I pulled out the breadcrumbs I had made a few weeks before and dipped the chicken into them.
"Can I help?" asked Serenity.
"Me too!" shouted Nicole not wanting to be left out.
"Okay. Where's Marie, she loves to help."
"She has a stomach flu, so I picked her up from school."
I looked at Mathew but he merely shrugged.
"Why didn't anyone tell me this earlier?" I exclaimed running up the stairs.
"She's on the couch!" informed Nicole.
I ran back down and noticed the small body covered by the mountain of blankets. I sat on the floor and placed my hand on her forehead. She was burning hot.
"Do we have any medicine?"
"We're all out," groaned Mathew when Melody spit the food onto his shirt.
"What about the icepack?"
"Melody put a hole in it."
Melody began crying and at the same time the doorbell rang. Mathew took of his shirt and along with Serenity answered the door.
In the meantime, I rocked Melody back and forth while Nicole continued to make the chicken. After a few minutes, Mathew returned with a scowl on his face then motioned me towards the door.
Still carrying Melody, I walked up to the door where I noticed two things. Ethan was standing at the door with his dad which made me feel beyond pissed. Then there was little Serenity taking advantage of the situation and chatting them up about the animals at the zoo.
"Serenity, why don't you go tell Matt to finish up fixing the lunch."
"Okay!" she exclaimed dashing towards the kitchen while her long brown her flew behind her.
I stepped outside and closed the door behind me.
"What do you want?" I spat out staring at Ethan's father in the eye.
"I understand you broke my son's arm."
As he spoke, I could clearly understand when Martha talked about the uncanny resemblance between father and son.
"I've told him and the principal that it was an accident."
"Yes, however-
He had raised his voice out of impatience making Melody wail out. He stared at her with cold green eyes while I bounced her back and forth on my hip.
"Excuse me."
Before going inside, I cooed baby noises at Melody so Matt wouldn't have to deal with it. I walked inside and handed her to Matt who was covered head to toe with flour. Biting back a laugh, I walked back outside.
"As I was trying to say, football is a dedicated sport and it requires much practice. It especially does when one is trying to earn a scholarship."
"What's your point?"
"Oh Miss Richardson, being the number one track runner at your school, you should know how hard you have to train for a scholarship."
"Yeah. Again what's your point?"
"My point is that since you've damaged his arm he has to work twice as hard. This means there won't be much time for school work."
"So you want me to do it for him in compensation?"
He turned his attention away from me and stared at the house.
"You'll be paid of course seeing that you'll need it."
Anger bubbled up inside of me and threatened to flood out. Ethan and his dad may have to come to my house, invading my personal peace, but they had no right to lower my pride.
"You have no right to say that! This is my property and you, under no circumstances, are you allowed to insult my house or family."
"Sophia is it? It seems to me that you've forgotten your predicament. You're still under 18 and you're only clear guardian is in jail. Let's just say that you better know who you're talking to before something manages to slip out to the Protective Services."
I opened my mouth but nothing came out. From under my eyelashes, I looked at Ethan. His eyes were wide in shock, which meant he didn't know about my mother being in jail. Better if it was kept that way.
"Enough! I'll do it, now get out," I snarled.
"Good choice. See you tomorrow then."
I turned around and slumped on the door so my forehead was resting on the door. I formed my hand into a firm fist and slammed it to the wall.
"Damn it!"
Releasing a shaky breath, I walked back into the house and finished making lunch for everyone.
"You okay Soph?" asked Matt before I headed upstairs.
"You don't look like it," he persisted.
Smiling, I ruffled his hair.
"Thanks, but I'm fine. Take care of everyone while I'm at work."
I rushed up the stairs and grabbed my uniform. As I was running downstairs a picture in Nicole and Serenity's room caught my eye. I walked through their toys and picked up the picture of what seemed to be our mom.
There were evident signs of wetness on different parts of picture, meaning one of them had been crying.
"I'm never going to forgive to turning their lives into a living hell," I muttered throwing the picture to the floor before rushing off to work.