In. Out. In. Out. In. Out… My phone buzzed on the side table. I reached over and grabbed it. He didn't notice. He was grunting away into the pillow. He didn't like me seeing his face during sex, he was self-conscious like that.

I held the phone high above behind my boyfriend's back, a little to the left so I could see it properly. I'm bored. My guy friend had texted me. Boyfriend was always so jealous of him, I didn't really get why besides the fact that this guy was smart, funny, and sexy, and boyfriend was, well… none of that.

Me too. I responded.

Boyfriend became aware of my actions. "What are you doing?" He mumbled distractedly.

"Texting." I sighed.

"What?" He stopped the useless thrusting action. "Who?"

I paused. I grinned maniacally in my head. "It was Brandon."

The look of disbelief that crossed his face was so perfect, so rewarding. Then hurt. God, what a baby.

"You're talking to him while I'm… while I'm… How could you?" He grabbed the pillow then rolled away from me. I closed my eyes.

"Don't be such a fucking pussy." I thought for a moment. I got off the bed and started putting my clothes back on.

"Where are you going?" He looked like he was going to cry.

"Ah… I'm bored. Let's break up. You don't really… fulfill my needs. You know what I mean?" I paused to cock my head to the side while clasping my bra at the back.

He cried and complained while I got the rest of my clothes on. All I could think was What a whiny bitch. I wonder why I hadn't been thinking of that the whole time. I pulled on my shoes and stood up. I grabbed my bag and looked at his pathetic being for the last time. He suddenly realized I wasn't waiting around. I left his room. I heard him stumble into some clothes behind me, then he began following.

"Wait!" Nothing compelled me to stop. A triumphant smile began spreading on my face. I was out the front door. My trashy car was waiting, just for me. "I love you!" I almost laughed.

"Ah." I waved a hand above my head, jangling my keys. "I'm over it."