Kismet: Hi guys. I haven't been on this website in forever. The previous things I've written were all things from eight/ninth grade. Now I'm a freshman in college, so I'm a bit better than I was when I first started. Anyway, I wrote this story for my boyfriend. It's about us, although keep in mind that it's not a true story. Just a fantasy that both of us have. :) WARNING: Smut ensues. If you want to keep your virgin eyes, I suggest not reading this. Enjoy!
"Ready or not here I come!"
"Crap," Anne hisses. She still hasn't found a hiding place, even though Marlo has counted to fifty. Then again, the fine arts building at their college is rather large. It is hard for her to choose a single place to hide. There are dozens of practice rooms, computer labs, and doors that she hasn't even opened. Marlo is in the recital hall on the second floor. Anne is on the first floor and, out of desperation, opens the door to the boys' dressing room.
She finds Lucaas inside.
"Whoops," she mutters, smiling at him. "I didn't realize anyone else was already in here." She turns to go but he chuckles.
"We're allowed to hide in the same place, Anne," Lucaas tells her. "I'd tried the studio theatre first, but the acting class is rehearsing scenes in there."
"Oh man, they're like, right next door," Anne says, shutting the door and approaching her boyfriend. "But you realize that if Marlo finds us, she wins?"
"Yeah but like, half of the department is playing hide and seek. She's bound to find one of them before she finds us." He glances at her. "We could be here for a while."
He smiles at her. She smiles back and approaches him. Neither of them thinks twice before they lean their heads towards one another and let their lips meet.
Every time they kiss, Anne is reminded of the first time it happened. In a living room, during a cast party. Lucaas had been in the process of getting sober. Near the beginning of the relationship, Anne had worried about it just being a drunken mistake. As time wore on, Anne found other things to worry about, but that was never one of them. Not anymore.
His tongue enters her mouth and Anne welcomes it gladly. She lets it explore her mouth for a while before she sends her tongue on a similar expedition. A noise grumbles up from the back of her throat and Lucaas pulls her closer. He leans against the make-up counter, hands tangled in her hair. She massages the back of his neck gently with her hands as her mouth leaves his and makes its way to his ear. He utters an involuntary gasp as her mouth makes contact, a noise she adores. She gently tugs on the lobe with her teeth before taking his entire ear into her mouth and tracing her tongue along it.
"God…" he breathes. Her name is on the tip of his tongue but he bites his lip. He tries to stay calm, but he has no control over his body once Anne starts playing with his ears. He shudders and gasps under her touch and her hands hold his shoulders, trying to keep him steady, but he's strong. He wrenches his ear from her mouth and begins kissing her neck hard and sensually, making her gasp in return.
"Lucaas," she mutters, trying to stay as quiet as possible. She isn't sure how this happened, but she realizes that she's on the floor now, under him, as he removes her blouse.
"The acting class is right next door," she reminds him in a whisper as she yanks his shirt over his head. "And Marlo is looking for us."
"Well then you're going to have to be quiet, won't you?" he smirks, skillfully removing her bra and taking one peak into his mouth. Anne's back arches as his tongue swirls around the already hard nipple and she shuts her eyes in ecstasy. She murmurs his name over and over – it seems to be the only thing she can say in the heat of the moment. He can feel himself get harder every time she says his name. Eventually his mouth goes to give her other breast some attention while his hands unbutton her jeans. Anne responds in kind, not only undoing his pants, but tugging them downward. He wriggles out of them as he helps her out of hers. Her thong comes next and he moves up to kiss her neck again as he gently pushes a finger inside her. Her back arches once again, and she breathes deeply. God, he's so good with his fingers.
"Oh God that feels incredible. Lucaas, oh God, don't stop. Oh God, don't stop. Harder, Lucaas, Faster." She groans again and again as he pushes a second finger in and uses his thumb to stimulate her clit. She spasms involuntarily at the feeling and can't help it when his name escapes her lips louder than she meant it to. This eggs him on even more and he pumps his fingers in and out of her rhythmically.
"God I love the way you feel inside me," she moans as she removes his boxers. His erection springs up to greet her, no longer constricted, and Anne coils one hand around it and begins to move it up and down the shaft. Lucaas sucks in a breath and elicits a moan. He can tell, with this stimulation combined with the sound of her voice and the feeling of how wet she already is, that he won't last much longer. He removes his fingers from her and kisses his way down from her neck, between the valley of her breasts, past her belly button and finally spreads her legs with his tongue inside her and she gasps again.
"Lucaaaaaaaaas…" she moans, drawing his name out when he brings his fingers back to rub against her clit again. She writes uncontrollably at his touch and her pleasure takes her higher and higher. She can feel her climax approaching, but he's coming with her whether he wants to or not. She flips him over so that she is on top and crawls over him to get between his legs. His tongue is still inside her, but he has to draw back to let out a gasp as she takes him into her mouth.
"Jesus Christ, Anne," he moans, saying her name for the first time. The sound of her name arouses her even more and she feels herself get wetter. She feels his fingers enter her again and she utters a small squeal as she bobs her head up and down, letting her tongue swirl around the head.
"Oh God, Anne," Lucaas groans again. "Oh God you make me so hard. Oh I want to be inside you. I want to make you come. I want you to make me come." He gasps as Anne brings her hand to him and begins to jerk him off while still keeping him in her mouth. Needing to be inside her now before he reaches his climax, Lucaas flips them over so that he's on top once again and takes himself out of her mouth. He changes position and guides himself inside her. He doesn't worry about not having a condom. He knows that she's on birth control. Also, they've done it before.
He never thought they'd be doing it in the boys' dressing room, though.
Anne needs to scream but she can't. She doesn't want the acting students or, God forbid, Marlo to find them. She takes one of the discarded shirts and holds it to her mouth to muffle her noises. With her free hand, she grips his shoulder. His mouth is right by her ear now, occasionally sucking at it and talking dirty to her, which helps her so much.
"God Anne, you're so tight…you feels so good. Oh God, I love being inside you." Anne feels the ocean of pleasure rolling through her lower abdomen. She decides to help him along as he thrusts in and out rhythmically.
"Jesus Christ Lucaas, you feel so fucking good. You make me so wet, so tight. Oh God. Oh my God, Lucaas, go harder. I'm so close. I need you to go faster." Lucaas obliges her wishes and thrusts harder and faster until he can no longer contain his fire and, with as quiet a yell as he can manage, he explodes into her as her orgasm rushes out with his. He pulls out of her hilt and lies beside her on the floor, both of them panting and breathing very, very heavily.
"Well, that was fun," Anne whispers after a few moments. Lucaas laughs before pulling her close and kissing the top of her head. "I don't think we were very quiet though."
"Well, no one has come in here from next door to check on the noise," Lucaas pointed out. "So that's a good sign." They lay there together for a few more moments before deciding that they ought to get dressed, in case Marlo found them. However, no sooner have they yanked on their undergarments, than the door bursts open to reveal Marlo. Her first expression is triumphant, but it quickly gives way to one of shock.
"…Seriously?" she mutters. Lucaas and Anne glance at each other, wearing only boxers or a thong and a bra respectively, then at the scattered clothes that lie around the room. They glance back at Marlo, who is now chuckling and shaking her head.
"I found other people before I found you. They're all in the recital hall. You can join them when you're decent." Still laughing, Marlo turns to leave the dressing room, but stops herself. "Can I offer a piece of advice?"
"Sure," Anne replies. She can feel herself going red. She feels a twinge of envy, as she has never seen Lucaas blush. Marlo grins smarmily at the two of them.
"You guys were easy to find. Next time we play hide and seek, try not to be so damn loud."
Kismet: Reviews feed my soul!