THis is the final bit, hope you enjoy :)
Kyra walked to the tree one afternoon, just to sit and listen to some music… it had been the third rainy day in a row, and she had been loving it…
The tree was located in the middle of the park… a large oak with a trunk wide enough so she could lean against it.
However when she reached the tree, she saw someone who she had not been expecting to see or talk to for a very long time…
Seth was sitting there, and apparently he'd had the same idea as her, because he was sitting under the tree with his earphones in.
She walked up to him and he looked up at her and smiled shyly.
"Hey" she said, giving him a half smile.
"Hey," he replied, "I did not expect you to be here".
Kyra forced out a laugh, "Yeah, I didn't really expect myself to be here either, but you know how I love the rain."
Seth nodded, and he grinned and stood up to stand in front of her.
"Look I'm sorry, for whatever I did to make you hate me for the last few months. Was it something I said? Or what?"
Kyra looked down at the ground, and shifted her feet.
"You went out with her, and I liked you a lot. I was mad because you liked her, and I was falling in love with you".
A raindrop trickle onto her face and she wiped it away…
Seth smiled and pushed her fringe out of her pretty face.
"Do you still feel the same way Kyra?"
"It's hard to get over someone like you in a few weeks Seth…" she replied.
"Good, because, although it took me some time, I realized, that I feel the same way, about you." He looked down at her grinning, and she grinned back up at him.
"So does this mean that we're…?" Kyra asked, bringing her arms and around his neck.
"Why yes," Seth replied wrapping his arms around her waist, and giving her a soft kiss on the lips. "Yes it does."
"Good", she grinned, before pulling his head down for another kiss.
This kiss was a lot longer, and there was more passion and ferocity in it, unlike any they had experienced before.
The two teenagers stood there in the rain, kissing each other, like it was the end of the world.
In the rain.
thanks for reading it, hope you enjoyed it :)