Another poem which I have written when I was meant to be doing my homework, time well spent eh? ;)
The Winners
The great big monsters in their ugly suits
Sitting at high tables;
Fighting, ripping at each other's thoughts;
Slashing knives against their throats.
In a sense they were all wrong.
The sufferers lay in ditches,
Crying out for attention;
Licking the wounds which were created
From the whips that had laid into them;
Over and over again.
The young ones determined for change
Fought back with vigour;
But they were shot down for their dissidence;
And locked away for their rebellion;
To join the others.
The thinkers were wise,
And kept their thoughts to themselves
They waited for change to come;
And prayed the tyranny would cease.
Some called them cowards, some called them clever.
They were the winners in the end.
review? :)