Yep it's me again with more poetry... :D

A Little Bird

A little bird wanted to fly

But its mother wouldn't let it try

It begged and pleaded to give it a go

But the more he persisted, she just said no

"You're going to fly away from me,

And grow up to follow all your dreams".

High on life, to just break free

To not grow up and become someone who's not me

Call it cliché if you will,

But there's no point in living if you won't fulfil

The dreams you had when you were small

Which you would make come true;

When you were big and tall.

I am the bird desperate to get away

To make more mistakes day by day

To get into trouble just for fun

To break away from fear and just run

It's not a giant "FUCK YOU" to the world

I just want to be a free little bird.

I hope you guys don't mind profanity, because, although i won't be using it frequently, it will come up in 'Under Control' :)