I stared at the paper in front of me in disbelieve. My dad was so going to kill me if he find out. How could this even happen? I mean, it wasn't supposed to end like this at all. I was supposed to be right, to be protected but this? Was this for real?!
"Jo? I got your text, what's wrong?"
"Cam?" I asked. My voice was trembling a little bit.
"Oh my god, girl what happened?" she said worriedly. I handed her the sheet and covered my face with my hands, my elbows resting on my knees. How on earth did this happen!?
"Joan… What is this?" Cameron asked me again. Could she stop asking questions? I mean, it's clear what's going on isn't it?! "Is this some kind of joke?"
"Yeah" I snapped. It wasn't my intention to be like this to her. She was my best friend and the only one who could understand my situation and find a way to make things work out just fine afterwards. "Of course this is a joke! That's why I'm holding back tears and feel like throwing up sometime soon!"
"Girl, chill. Everything is going to be alright" she tried to calm me with her most confidence tone of voice. I was glad she came, I was glad she was always there for me. Finally I was starting to calm down a little.
"So… What now? I can tell this to my dad. He'll kill me" I told her. She nodded.
"It's been only a week, so tomorrow you'll start going to my school and we will figure things out later. But for tonight, tell your dad you'll stay at my place." The plan sounded excellent for now. I only hoped that everything turn out just fine. I wasn't asking for a miracle, wasn't I? Oh, crap. I was.
"He's out of town. I'll call Gloria to let her know I won't be going home" Gloria was the nicest Housekeeper I have ever met. She was the closest thing I had to a mother. Mine… well. Let's just say, I don't have a mother. I really don't like talking about her.
"OK, you'll call her from my place. I think mom is backing some chocolate cookies and there is a Colombian coffee my bad just brought from his trip" My eyes suddenly glow with joy.
"Did you say coffee? Colombian coffee as in from South America?"Oh...I love coffee. It's the only thing making my life good. When there is coffee, everything is alright. Nothing could go wrong with coffee. Not now, not never.
She just nodded. I squealed in delight. Today was going to turn out just fine.
"Mom?" Cameron called when we reached her home. The smell of fresh recently baked cookies filled my nose. Oh god. I was in heaven.
"Cameron Hope Tanner! Where have you been! You were supposed to be home at three to take Clive to the vet!" Mrs. Tanner told her daughter. I was hiding behind her so she would not scream at me too because of being the cause of her being late.
"Sorry, I was helping Jo with something, I forgot about that stupid dog." I felt my cheeks turn a slight shade of pink. The look on Mrs. Tanner suddenly softened. "Yes, and she is right here" she said stepping away and let her mother had a good view of my being.
"Oh my goodness… Christine! It's been a long while since you last visit!" she suddenly appeared at my side hugging me like there was no tomorrow. Oh, yeah… two things. First, Cameron's mother loves me to death. She is also been like a mother to me. And second, for some reason she always called me by my second name. I somehow believe she hates the name Joan.
"Mom, stop! She is going to die if you keep her from breathing!" Thank you Cam, I seriously could have died in your moms arms. Like every single day I walk through this door. "Beside she was here on Saturday!"
"Three days is too long, honey." She said to her daughter. "I miss you way too much" she said caressing my cheek. She had always there to take care of me, and I was glad she cared for me that much. "You want some cookies and coffee?"
Ohh that woman just knew me too well. "Yes please"
"Ok, well sweetie, I'll bring your milk and her coffee back to your room ok?"
"Thanks mom" Cameron said and pulled me by the arm to her room.
"I don't know how you make my mother fall in love with you but it saves me every time I'm in trouble and you are with me. Thank god, she forgets about everything when you are around."
"I did not forget about Clive! I made your brother take him to the vet!"
"Oh shit" she cursed under her breath. "Now, he is not going to let me live through it" I chuckle at her reaction.
"At least he took care of him and always does when you forget."
"Yes but he also make me pay him back somehow" she said annoyed.
"Girls, here are the cookies and milk and your Coffee dear."
"Thank you Mrs. Tanner"
"How many times I have to tell you to not call me that. It makes me feel old!" I heard Cameron snickering behind me.
"Thank you Carmen." I said sweetly.
"Mom, Jo is staying the night"
"But don't you have school tomorrow?"
"Oh, I forgot to tell you. She switched school and tomorrow is her first day. She asked me if she could stay because she didn't want to show up there all alone the first day" Cameron explained it to her mother. Carmen just nodded and smile sweetly again. She kissed our forehead all motherly and told us dinner would be ready in an hour.
"Oh my god, I love your mother so much" I said after grabbing the cup of coffee from the table and let the bittersweet smell invade me. I felt a wave of satisfaction running through me. I took a long zip from the hot liquid and close my eyes. God, I'm in heaven.
After dinner, we were sitting in her room watching TV. Her bed wasn't big enough for actually two people but we did not care. There was always a way to sleep comfortable in it. And none of us wanted to sleep on the floor or we were just too lazy to take the spare mattress out of the closet and prepare a second bed.
"Hey, can I ask you a favor?" Cameron asked me. "You know, I'm helping you with this situation of yours, I was thinking you could help with one of my own…"
"Of course" I said drinking a long zip from my second cup of coffee. "What is it?"
"Well, there's a guy at school…"
"Uhhh you like him!"
"No" she said calmly. "I actually don't like him like that." I raised both eyebrows at her. "A friend of mine was totally and desperately in love with that guy and he just play her." By the way she said it, it sounded like true. It was actually weird of her asking me to do something about this, of course if that was what she was asking me, you know, to do something about him.
"And you want me to…"
"The thing is that, my friend had a boyfriend. And she broke up with him for him. And now she wants to kill him for using her like that. But I think she wants to get back together with her ex. I'm not sure but I want to give that boy a lesson"
"And you want me to do…"
"Oh… you would be the lesson"
I was wearing a short pink skirt and a white blouse. My cinnamon hair was tied up into a ponytail and fell right above my shoulders. I was wearing pink heels. PINK FREAKING HEELS! Why? Because I was helping her out…seriously I was never going to do this again, ever! I can love her to death but this… was too much.
"Ok, just walk through the hallway and you'll know who he is" Cameron told me after talking to the principal about my switching. Melissa, the black haired girl stood next to her muttering good luck for the last ten minutes. The girl was nice, but after showing me this morning who her ex was, I was wondering what on earth that girl thought by breaking up with him. The boy was way too sexy.
She told me I would know who this infamous boy was. Not that I have met him before but because I'd just know. How? I was still clueless on that.
I keep walking and suddenly I felt a pair of eyes on me. It was burning my skin…it was insane I actually could feel them like if they were touching me. I looked at the person consuming me with his gaze and found a pair of icy blue orbs staring right at me. There were people around him talking to him but I knew his attention was on me, and only on me. And I knew it was him. He had this amused expression on his face and that arrogant smirk on his lips. At that second I understood why Melissa had broken up with his boyfriend. The guy was smocking hot!
"Hi" he said with his ultra sexy tone of voice. The only sound of his voice made me shiver a little. "I'm Thacker" I smiled the sweetest smile I was able to use.
"I'm Melody" I said in an innocent tone of voice. He suddenly took my right hand and kissed the back of it gently.
This was going to be way too easy.
thanks guys for checking this out.
well, i'm not going to update weekly like i do with my other story. the girl on the elevator. i'll do it when i feel like or when i have a chapter ready for you guys. but still, the more reviews i get the more chances a sooner updated will be there. :) so it's kinda up to you really.
let me know what you think about this :) a simple smiley or whatever is enough for me as review :) but any recomendation or critic will be taken :) so REVIEWWWW!