Finally ch. 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's been ages since my last update! college is driving me insane! and i barely had time to breathe... so here is a little of my breathing... enjoy :P

Joan PoV

I sighed as I walked through the school hallways. Yesterday had been not quite what I expected. I was tired, I couldn't sleep last night.


I recall… walking down the stairs to the living room where my dad was. He was talking animatedly with whoever it was. For a few minutes I didn't introduce myself or actually made anyone aware of my presence. I had been just looking around the walls thinking about that phone call. Who on earth does that arrogant ass think he is? Hawk can go and screwed himself for all of what I care. But still how did that piece of… got my number? And why on earth would he call me? I was lost in my thoughts that I never notice the shadow behind me until there was a hand placed in my waist.

I jumped a little and almost cried out loud. But as always no one else noticed it.

"Calm down, gorgeous. It's just me" a really low and sexy voice whispered in my ear. I felt me shivered a little and me kind of jerk off his hold on me. I turned around looked at him. This was no good.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him pretty much shocked.

"Baby relax, your dad asked my dad to come and talk about business as always." I looked around the room and notice Mr. Stark smiling at what my dad proposed him.

"I can see that but what I don't understand is what are you doing here?" I asked him coldly. "And don't call me that!" I spat at him. This was certainly not what I wanted to do tonight. I didn't want to deal with him right now. I just wanted to lie down and die. This was up to a long night.

"Is it too bad if I said I missed you?" I literally froze at his words. I stared at him in disbelieve and I almost believe the hint of sincerity in his words but I washed to thought away of him, may be, saying the truth. Because hearing the truth coming from his lips hurt too much.

"As if" I said and by the way his expression seemed kind of hurt I believe he sensed my sarcasm. For him, it was nothing new.

The moment was tense. I was not buying his lies again. I knew this was some kind of way to screw me up again. "Why do you always do this?"

"Why do I always do this?" do what exactly? I was lost when my dad came along with a glass of vine in his left hand and threw his arm over this guy standing in front of me.

"James, son" my dad said happy. I hated when things like this happen. My dad and James dad knew each other since school. Now they were big buddies and worked together in some of their business. They were something like best friend but you never know. And because of their great friendship, they both had always tried to get me and James together. James somehow really like the idea, on the other hand, I hated it. My dad loved the idea of having him as part of his family.

James was what you would call a breath taking Greek god. He was beyond handsome and skill full in many things. He was the athletic type, his smile was gorgeous and do not let me talk about his eyes. He has this dark brown coffee-like iris that simple swoon me off my feet. They are so deep and warm and inviting that you can't help but drown in that beautiful color. And when he had cry or desires something much, you can see there a glimpse of gold in them. He is smart, confident and charming. His skin is flawless and smooth. He is protective of what he cares about. He is funny and the lovable type and a gentleman.

How do I know all of this? You don't want to know. The only thing I can tell you is that this guy in front of me is the devil himself.

"Sir, how's everything going?" he asked politely but actually caring about the business itself. I stood there watching both of them talking animatedly. My face must have showed disbelieve because suddenly my dad grabbed me by the arm asking me if everything was alright. I just nodded and tried to excuse myself but instead of that somehow I ended being pulled into James chest.

I felt my cheeks grown hot and the blush creeping up my face as I tried to make a distance between us, thing that James made sure I didn't accomplish. I started to feel light headed because of his intoxicating scent.

"Why don't you guys go outside" he said and in that moment I nodded. I needed air, fresh air and not intoxicating aromas that… I don't want to say it. "The night is quite beautiful. You might enjoy it" he finished. I knew he was just trying to get us together as always. But I couldn't think and I needed fresh air to think straightly. If not, I'm sure I was not going to think again for the rest of the night.

I practically threw myself to the garden out of my house. I could hear him laugh softly. Did I mention he has this laugh that…. Agggh! Stop it! I have to stop this!! I tried to catch my breath.

"I don't see what you found so funny about this whole situation here" I told him with a glare. He just stood there a few feet away from me with that smile of his on his face.

"It's not really funny but amusing. You are amusing sweetheart" he said with that sexy voice of his. Thing that I never understood is why that boy over there, why James, had this power over me. I felt like giving up and just letting myself go with the flow. Usually I could pretend or act along with the situation but this guy here affected me, in such a way that I couldn't pretend with him.

Then he walked closer to me. And took me by the cheek and caressed it softly. I blushed again. Gaaahhh! I hated when he made me blush. If you haven't notice I do not blush. I'm always acting but me as in the real me, don't blush. Now after two years and 9 months and 27 days of avoiding him, and ignoring him, not always that lucky, a simple touch of him made me blush. I felt my lungs running out of air when his face approached mine. He had been talking for a while now but I was too distracted to actually listen to what he was saying. Then I realized I had given in into his touch. And sadly, I was about giving into a kiss.


I pushed the memory of last night away and walked to where I hoped I could find Cameron.

What I saw next wasn't expected at all. Cameron was resting against her locker and in front of him was Thacker talking to her. She was smiling and laughing about things he said.

I stood there in the same place for a few seconds trying to understand what my eyes were seeing. Didn't Cameron hate the guy? I mean wasn't she supposed to load him and that's why I had done what I did to him…wasn't she even supposed to like Melissa's ex who I still haven't catch his name? Wasn't life supposed to make sense, somehow?




Thacker PoV

Stop thinking about that little bitch was difficult. I found myself sitting in class early. I thought that maybe if Cameron could help me out but again, why did I believe Cameron would actually help me out? And it wasn't as if I had a problem because I don't. it's just that… Joan. I can't stop thinking about her and it makes me sick. Wait… no. NO. BIG NO! It's not what you are thinking! Hell, get that thought out of your mind! I don't like her or anything related to that verb. It's just so annoying. I know barely a thing about her and she is freaking driving me insane. I know deep inside she has to like me. Everyone does!

But she resists me. I need to find a way to make her realized that. That way I can be able to break her heart and move on and things will back to normal. But how?

And Henry isn't helping much either. I wonder if he likes her or whatsoever. He knows the freaking rule! But apparently it doesn't matter to him… well; I'll teach him and her, a lesson. No one wins but me. And it's final.

"Hey asshole" I suddenly looked up from my desk and looked at Corey sitting next to me smiling brightly.

"Sup douche" I greet him back. I noticed then I had been holding a pencil and it looked badly broken in between my fingers.

"You must be in the best mood ever" he state staring at the broken pencil. I dropped it and simple shrugged. "So… I heard Henry ask your girl out" I looked away briefly and then back at him. "worry about it?" he said trying not to laugh. It must kill him not to make fun about this. That's why he is my best friend. He doesn't necessarily take my side at everything but he does support me. And for some reason he found my situation hilarious.

"Why would I be?" I sounded angrier than I really was but I shrugged it off. Suddenly Corey burst off laughing.

"You are fucking jealous! I can't really believe this is happening!" he almost fall out of hi chair.

"I'm not!" I hissed and suddenly the teacher came in with all the rest of the students behind. She was holding a cup of coffee and the smell suddenly hit my nose and I smiled.

"What?" Corey asked again noticing my sudden change of mood.

"I've got it" I simple grinned at my realization. If there was something I certainly know about Joan is that she is a freaking coffee's lover…

I laughed evilly at my realization. Why haven't I thought about it before? It was brilliant!




So... what do you think? Seems Joan has her little secret... lovely right? and What is Tahcker thinking about? i'm curios too... let's see what he does.. :P

i hope you guys liked it :P and i'm hoping for REVIEWS :P i'm dreaming about it! please :P let me know what you think :P AAANND i don't think i'l update until hearing something about it :P

so... let's exchange .. i write you write back :D

anyway... LoVe LOVE LOVE and i have to thank the fav and story and author alert :P

i've miss you :3

