Chapter Twelve:
Camellia's mouth went dry. Her tongue felt so swollen and numb she feared she'd never speak again. The lump in her throat blocked the bile rising from her stomach, but it also prevented her from sucking in fresh oxygen.
Choose between Violet and Adam? Logically, she knew the obvious answer: the country needed Violet. Adam was, as all bodyguards regarded themselves, expendable. Her heart twisted at the thought. He had stood by her side for years, and he been her rock during the worst period of her life. How could anyone who'd shown such unfailing devotion be expendable?
"Majesty," Adam hissed sharply. When he had Camellia's attention, he gestured at Violet with his chin. "Decide."
Violet snorted and propped her hands on her hips. She appeared oblivious to the gun at her temple. "Chauvinist," she accused hotly.
Camellia took advantage of Harold's distraction to sneak closer to the table. She was not sure if the argument between Violet and Adam was part of the plan or a sign of things to come, but she was not going to pass up a golden opportunity. It was up to her to save her loved ones.
"I see where Major Stick-Up-His-Butt gets it, now. You two are exactly alike. You and Zed think I need to be cosseted just because I don't have a big, ol'…."
"Violet!" Camellia finally found her voice. Her face was red. She scowled at her sister.
"What, Cammy?" Violet smiled slyly. "I was going to say 'commission.' What were you thinking?"
"It's not about being a chauvinist, Princess." Adam drew the focus back on himself. "It is about doing what is best for Avedra."
Camellia slipped even closer to her husband. Harold's head swiveled back and forth between his two hostages. When Violet pushed a small flash of magic towards her, she greedily gobbled it up.
Violet rolled her eyes. "I am on to you, Adam Beckett. You do not want to be remembered as the bodyguard who let his queen lose the throne. You think sacrificing your life for mine will make up for your mistakes. You'd rather be a martyr than a screw-up."
"I changed my mind, Majesty." He glared at a smirking Violet. "Pick me. I do not wish to die for such an ungrateful, troublesome bitch."
Violet's mouth fell open. She crossed her arms under her breasts and cocked her hip. "Bitch? Oh, Beckett, I will see you swing for that!"
Harold's gaze was locked onto Violet's chest. With her arms crossed, her neckline bordered on indecent. Camellia saw it as the perfect moment. She slid the dagger free from her skirts and rushed her husband. The arm holding the dagger to his throat did not waver. She heard a slight scuffle behind her but did not take her attention off Harold.
"Where is Zed, Crown Princess?" Adam asked as he handed his attacker to a nearby guard.
"Delivering a tape to the Minister of Public Information." Violet stripped the gun from Harold's hand. She pulled the neckline of her dress up, shivered when his eyes followed her movements. "Remember that little conversation we had in my suite after I finished dressing, Harry?"
Harold nodded.
"Major Beckett was recording the entire confrontation. By now I am certain most of the country has learned of your proposal to keep Camellia in captivity, kill your father, and rule a combined Avedra and Charis."
Harold's face flushed. He shook with anger. "You agreed with my plan. You were going to rule by my side!"
"Is that what I said?" Violet wrinkled her nose, shook her head thoughtfully. "No, I do not think that is it at all. I said if I were single, I would not outright reject any offers from Charis. I did not mean you, Harold. It is a shame you murdered your handsome brother, but your father is an attractive widower. I could do worse."
Harry growled.
Violet eyed him disinterestedly. "Much, much worse."
The anger Camellia had ignored for days flooded her veins. The tip of the dagger moved, nicked the base of Howard's throat. A thin line of blood trailed towards the collar of his silk shirt.
"You killed Iris! My poor, sweet sister. She did nothing to you, never hurt a single soul and you killed her!" Camellia's face contorted with rage. Tears streamed down her face, her hand trembled slightly. "You do not deserve to stand trial or face a humane execution. You should be gutted where you stand. I demand justice! I want your blood!"
Sweat dotted Harold's face. "C-C-Camellia, darling. You don't…"
"Enough!" Camellia roared. She dug the dagger deeper into Harold's throat. He gurgled, gasped. She snatched the crown, her crown, off his head.
"Okay, Cammy," Violet said soothingly. She gently covered Camellia's hand and took the dagger out of her sister's hand. Keeping the gun trained on Harold, she handed first the dagger then Camellia to a waiting Adam. "Take care of her for me, Beckett."
Camellia shook uncontrollably. Not even Adams' embrace could warm the chill spreading through her. She buried her face in the hollow of his throat as her knees gave out. It was over. Harold had been dealt with, and in the end she'd been the one to do the rescuing. The surge of adrenaline and borrowed magic that had fueled her abated. She clung to Adam limply.
"I saved you," she informed him giddily.
"My hero." A broad grin split his face. He did not bother to correct her. Technically, her sister's breasts and Harold's skeeviness had saved the day. "You did admirably, Majesty."
Fresh tears poured from her eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. "I had to. I do not know what I would have done if he had killed you."
"Arranged for the appointment of a new guard, Majesty."
She shook her head frantically. "You are not…," she sighed, swallowed heavily. "I do not think of you as merely a guard or servant, Adam. Surely you know how highly I value your company."
"Majesty." Adam' voice was a low, rumbling murmur that set Camellia's nerve endings on fire. His nose brushed the shell of her ear.
"You have used my name before, Adam."
He slowly lifted his head and straightened as if suddenly remembering where they were. Though the guards and servants were focused on Harold and Violet, Adam was well aware that the walls had ears. "I do not think this is the time or place…"
"I do not care," she responded, tugging his head town to hers. The crown dangled from her fingers, slapped him in the back. Her lips touched his briefly before pulling away slightly. "I am no longer queen."
Neither paid any attention to the gunshot. Camellia's senses were overwhelmed by the taste, scent, and feel of Adam. Her toes curled in her satin slippers. Her heart fluttered like a Picaki bird's wings and stars burst behind her eyes.
"I never liked this carpet anyway. What do you think about wood floors, Cammy?" Violet relinquished the gun and turned towards her sister. "Cammy?"
Camellia did not break the kiss. She shook the crown at Violet. When the crown was lifted from her fingers, she buried her fingers in Adam's thick, soft hair. His low moan sent a jolt of heat through her veins.
Violet stared at the crown for a moment. With a shrug, she replaced the tiara on her head with the crown her mother and sister had worn. Squaring her shoulders, she set about clearing the trash out of the dining room. Workmen could rip the carpet out in the morning.
"What did I miss?" Major Zed Beckett dashed into the room, gun in hand.
Violet huffed, shook her head. A fond smile teased the corners of her lips. "Only everything, honey. Again. I hope you were able to convince Minister Inglebrook to show the recording."
"It's going to loop for an hour." He studied her intently. "There is a bruise on your face. Did that jackass hit you?"
"I am fine."
"You'll understand if I don't take your word for it, Highness." Zed gently tucked a curl behind her ear. "Even this old dog can learn new tricks, sweetheart."
"I know how thorough you like to be, Major. I applaud your dedication to duty."
"That's me. Absolutely dedicated." Zed's eyes slid to where his brother was devouring Camellia's lips. "Adam!"
"Do calm down," she instructed. She grasped his elbow and steered him towards the door. "I need a drink." She shuddered as she remembered the way Harold had leered at her. "And a shower."
"But… but…" He paused, grinned impishly. "Don't they need a chaperone?"
"Oh, shut up, Zed. They deserve some time alone."
Camellia, former queen of Avedra and widow of Harold of Charis, continued kissing the breath out of her bodyguard.