"How can we ask him? To chose?"
"Well SHE can't be both forever! It is driving me mad!"
"Well let's go ask Sam, HE'LL or SHE'LL tell us which."
"Mama? Papa? Whaz wrong?"
"Honey, which would you rather be?"
"OR female?"
I remember I was only in six grade when I first began to ask questions about that night. Nothing was ever done and the subject was never touched, I never had surgery or anything like that. I was left in the state of being in-between two sexes and I could stay that way for long.
6th grade, this was when I first began to question that night, and how I could never participate in P.E. and other things.
7th I attempted to oppress the thoughts till I thought I was mad.
But in 8th grade I had to make an important decision before things could only go bad.
Am a girl stuck within the body of a boy? I'm confused, when I was like girly things and yet I was obvious a boy. All the boys had liked to play football and other sport game, and the girls liked to play with dolls and that they are in a fantasy is world of the imagination. How I wished not to be like them yet at the same time play the games with my friends. I was caught in-between them.
"Sam! Sam! Katie has a question to ask you!" a bubbly girl from my class asked me with the "Katie" in question behind her.
"What?" I asked with a voice that would be elegant in a girl yet soothing in a male; right in-between. The girl smiled as she pushed Katie in front of me and ran off.
"Will-Wi—Will – You-You-You -?" And that's when you appeared, and sent me into the biggest spin of my life.
"Damn, it was peaceful till you sta-sta-started mu-mu-mumbleing girl." A male voice came from behind me. Surprised I turn toward the voice to find someone on the ground leaning over the bench. Even more surprised I fell off of it and nearly fell into Katie's arm.
"Um, how long have you been here?" Katie asked calmly making me slightly even more surprised. She could talk to him calmly but to me?
"Well a little bit before you came I saw a pretty person sitting outside with a very interesting look on, apparently, his face!" The first moment I looked at your face I thought you were the most interesting thing I'd ever meet.
I am attracked to him…
But he is a boy
And I'm suppose to be a boy
So why is my heart pounding……?
That's was I asked myself as I stared at you. After that inception of yours, that day I could never take my eyes of you when you interred the room.