Hey everyone!

No, it's not a new chapter :( Sorry if you got your hopes up. It's just me rambling on and gushing over how awesome you all are. Hope you can put up with it!

So it's been a few months since TKWHMN ended and I have to say that it feels like there's a huge part of me missing. I know a lot of people were disappointed that Raith and Tegan didn't end up together but I felt that I needed to give the story an ending that did it justice. I felt like there was no way I could make them be together without the story sounding cliche or unrealistic. I did consider killing Tegan but I felt like she needed to experience life without the burden of her sister's death on her conscience. I'm really happy with the way the story has ended and I hope you guys are too. I probably won't write a sequel because I don't think there's anything left to say.

This is just a final author's note to say a big thank you to everyone that read, reviewed, favourited or followed this story. There were times when I was just so frustrated and wanted to stop writing but I persevered and kept going (probably because a lot of you would kill me if I didn't finish this story! :)).

And to all the people who say I should get it published, you don't know how much that means to me. I am so incredibly honoured that you think so highly of my writing and even though I probably won't try to publish it, the time you have taken to simply read this story means to world to me.

As of yet I don't have any plans to write a new story but if you guys ever want me to read or review one of your own stories, just inbox me and I'd be happy to when I find the time.

All the best to everyone and thank you again for sticking by me for so long 3.


Pink-Hippo: I really did want them to end up together too but I couldn't think of a way it would work out! But I'm sure they will always love each other deep down.

I thought it would be a cute twist that Tegan ended up with Paul! I felt that they had good chemistry together.

It would be amazingly amazing if I did get published but it takes a lot of time and dedication to edit and process a story up to that standard so I have no plans at the moment. But I won't be taking this story off FP any time soon so you can come back here and read it all you want

As for Lizzy and Josh, I kind of left that situation open ended but I don't think she did. There was too much baggage and history for them to ever be happy together. It's better that Lizzy finds a new guy totally unrelated to the whole Sabrina drama.

As for Jess and Raith, I did hint at it in one of the earlier chapters that Tegan thought she knew how Raith helped Jess but she didn't want to think about it. Here I was alluding to Megan's abduction. I was thinking of including a side story about Jess and Raith but the story was already getting quite long so I decided not to. Basically, when Megan was abducted, Tegan went into a kind of mute stage and her parents were overcome with grief so no one really paid attention to how Jess was feeling. Raith was temporarily assigned to kind of look after Jess and the only way he could think of doing that was to let her see him and to talk to her like he was her imaginary friend. If I have time, I might even write a short story explaining how this happened

And I'd like to thank you so much for all your praise and this super long review. It's really touching knowing that you have enjoyed this story as much as I have and I wish you the best in life too!

TeamPeeta13: Hahaha I love how you were like 'I hate you' and then you said 'this was one of the best novels ever'. Anyway I'm glad you liked the ending. I tried my best to make it as fitting as possible because I knew so many people would be disappointed they didn't end up together!

DomoKun Rainbokinz: :) !

Ditto123: Ohhh a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese actually sounds really fun haha! (im seriously not being sarcastic!)

And yes, Requiem never spoke. It was Scara.

Tegan's dad was absent for most of the story frankly because he wasn't really needed in the plotline and I kind of wanted to emphasise how Tegan's parents came to terms with Megan's abduction by throwing themselves into their work and keeping busy so that they aren't at home often.

Yup you're pretty spot on about how Raith killed Tomb. I hope that means my description of what happened wasn't too confusing haha!

And wow I'm glad that your love for my story even made you do maths! And just to confirm your calculations, yea Tegan is technically 16 at the time of the story but she would turn 17 later on in the year and Jess is 15.

When I started writing this story, I didn't want it to be totally focussed around romance because there are a lot of stories out there with that kind of fluffy stuff and I wanted to write something unique. I didn't want Tegan to be one of those girls whose whole life revolves around a guy so everything she does or thinks about has to do with him. That's why there are several chapters where Raith doesn't appear and Tegan goes on with her ordinary life and her issues unrelated to Raith. A bit of action and mystery is also nice so that's why this story ended up mashing a few genres together and I'm so happy that you've appreciated this! I feel successful hahaha :D

So thank you so much for this massive essay of a review! I really enjoyed reading it and I'm really happy you enjoyed reading my story too!

The Lovely Orange: I'm sorry I couldn't make them be together! I didn't want to right an ending that was unrealistic and didn't feel 'right'. And they kissed towards the end of chapter 39 when Raith was saying goodbye to Tegan ;)

I would love to write another story but it really depends on inspiration and time! This story took almost 2 years to write and as much as I loved every moment, it was also very exhausting and time consuming. But I do love writing so you never know

Bridgett-blah: Thank you so much It means a lot to me that you like this story so much. It feels like all my hard work was worth it and for that I'd like to thank you again!

Ajretsesmiies: Thank you so much for your review! I really do appreciate it and you won't believe how flattered I am when you say that I should publish this

And I had so much trouble trying to come up with a title for this story! I eventually settled on what it is now but if you have any suggestions for a new title then feel free to tell me!

PrincePatrick21: Pleased to know it's staying in your favourites and that you had a good time reading it :)

Lorina Lee Belmont218: Hahaah thank you! I'm not taking it down anytime soon so feel free to keep re-reading it as much as you want!

Iheartmyipod: Thank you so much! I'm so glad this story lived up to your expectations and that you've stuck by it to the very end!

P.S. is that taemin in your profile picture!? 3

RawrieAddicted: Wow that was an insanely long review but I loved it! And I love how you took the time to think about my characters and who they were. It really makes me feel like I've been successful when someone is able to describe my characters spot on

I always find the first chapter the hardest to write. I tend to keep it short and simple because I'm trying to get a feel for how I want my story to sound and the type of 'voice' I want to portray.

Those are some of my favourite parts too :D

As for Jess and Raith, I did hint at it in one of the earlier chapters that Tegan thought she knew how Raith helped Jess but she didn't want to think about it. Here I was alluding to Megan's abduction. I was thinking of including a side story about Jess and Raith but the story was already getting quite long so I decided not to. Basically, when Megan was abducted, Tegan went into a kind of mute stage and her parents were overcome with grief so no one really paid attention to how Jess was feeling. Raith was temporarily assigned to kind of look after Jess and the only way he could think of doing that was to let her see him and to talk to her like he was her imaginary friend. If I have time, I might even write a short story explaining how this happened because it wasn't explained in this story.

For Sabrina and Lizzy, I said that Lizzy had betrayed Sabrina but I didn't actually say how. I left it up to everyone's imagination but I was thinking along the lines of Lizzy gossiping/spreading rumours about Sabrina behind her back etc because she was jealous.

Anyway, thank you so much for your mega long review and I would also love to read some of your own writing!

Jewelwriter: I'm glad you did :))

Sorry to anyone I missed out! Free virtual cookies to you all!

It's actually kind of sad that this will be the absolute last author's note of this story but I guess it's time to say goodbye

Thank you all again~
