Once words are spoken, they cannot be taken back. No matter how hard you try. You can be forgiven for them or they might be forgotten, but they will always be out there..

It's a crazy story, about how the whole entire teenage girl population came to hate me, Alexis Sparks. And also much more than that. But it started off innocent. It all started somehow when i moved back to my hometown, New York, to live with my older sister Lucy and her baby. A week after was summer vacation, and my best friend Natalie was to come stay with me for a month.

I looked at Natalie, who was already crying her big brown eyes out. I sighed.

"You always wanted to go to New York, right? Think of it as a vacation," I told her. She cried harder. At seventeen years old, she's one year older than me and any sane person would think i'm the older one here.

"School's not gonna be the same without you!" She screamed. "We only have a week left," I reminded her.

She was bawling. I mean, alot of people told me they were gonna miss me and to come visit. But Natalie is the only one that cried for me. You might find it sweet... Until you're actually there.

My dad stuck his head inside the door of my room. "What's dying in here?" His eyes drifted over to Natalie sprawled across my bed and he froze. "I think i just heard the phone ring," He muttered and backed out. I groaned and plopped down on the bed too, rolling my eyes.

There was boxes all around my room, mostly everything packed away. I decided to leave the sheets and pillows on my bed, since Lucy would have some for me down there.

"Crying's not going to help." I kneeled down beside the bed and put my face in front of hers and raised up her dark black hair so i could see her face. "I should be crying, i'm the one leaving behind my dad and little sister and all my friends." I smiled and made a goofy face at her, crossing my eyes. Natalie couldnt help but smile.

"So how can you be so happy!" She stood up and stomped her foot. At least she wasn't crying. "Because i know i'm going to see you and talk to you all the time. And we're going to have the coolest summer vacation ever.. In New York!" I answered.

A huge grin spread across her face, and she jumped up and down excitedly. I tossed her a box of tissues. "Go look in the mirror." I knew she would freak.

I watched her walk into my bathroom and literally fell on my bed laughing when i heard her shriek. Her black bangs were wet from tears, her eyeliner running down her face, her brown eyes red and puffy. Yet somehow she still managed to look really pretty.

"I look terrible!" She exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom, still giggling. "You're beautiful, even when you are a mess," I laughed. She tossed a washcloth at my face and slammed the door, trying to hide the fact that she was laughing too. It didn't work.

I had trouble sleeping that night. I kept reminding myself that instead of boarding the bus to go to school like everybody else the next morning, my dad would be driving me to the train station so i could be on my way to New York. And the emptiness in my room made me ache to the bone. All my stuff was already crammed into the car.

I checked my phone for texts, but ignored them anyways. Set my alarm clock, prayed, and then rolled over in bed the rest of the night.

The train ride was long and boring. I spent my time on my laptop, texting, listening to my ipod, sleeping, or eating. I had some conversations with neighbors when it got so boring it was unbearable, but they were brief and pointless.

When i arrived at the station in New York, Lucy was waiting there for me clutching a carseat that carried my beautiful eight month old nephew, Matthew. Lucy was twenty-eight, but she look seventeen. She's short and really thin. She has long brown hair, big gray blue eyes, and tan skin. She hadn't changed much.

I squeezed Lucy and kissed Matthew on the cheek, then went to wait for my stuff.

"How was the train ride?" She asked. "It's more boring than math class." I grinned at her when she laughted lightly.

I grabbed my things as they came out, then followed her to the parking lot and to her car. She settled Matt in, then helped me cram my things into her car. "You have alot of things," she moaned.

"Do i still have to go to school this week?" I whined on the car ride to my new home.

"No, it really is pointless. I'm not enrolling you for four days. You'll go when school starts back up again."

"Yes!" I exclaimed and turned around in my seat and started talking baby talk to Matthew. He giggled the whole way home.

I immediately unpacked and got everything situated in my new room. I could be a very organized person, and it's better than waiting until later. Now i knew where everything was.

I grabbed a bag of ranch Doritos and took it to my room. I turned on the radio, and Justin Bieber was on. I rolled my eyes, probably twice, but i liked his music. So i sang along a little and then turned off the radio when it was over and played music on youtube. I worked on decorating my walls with framed photographs and posters while texting the friends i won't get to see very much at all anymore.

When i got tuckered out enough, I changed into my polkadot pajama pants and a tank top, and pulled my brown hair up into a sloppy bun.

My mind was racing. I haven't been here since i was a child. The last time i seen this place was only a year or two after i last seen my real mother...

I walked to the window and pulled the curtains to the side. My room is on the second story, but it's not that far up at all. I could climb out if i wanted to. This is a different house, but the same neighborhood. And nothing has really changed about it. The houses look the same, the green grass, the trees we used to climb. Everything is still here. I couldn't see the house we had lived in from my window, it was a few blocks down. But i'm also not sure that i want to see it. I have pictures..

Something made me glance down to the street, maybe the fact that i felt a pair of eyes on me. A blonde headed boy walking his dog was looking at me. He saw me see him, and smiled and waved. I barely waved back. He did have a nice smile. He started walking again, but i seen him glance over his shoulder once to see if i was still there.

I decided to return to bed and try to get some much needed sleep. The next day i'll walk around and hopefully the memories wouldn't flood my brain all at once.

I woke up to the sun shining in my face. I checked the time and date on my cell phone. Three more days until Natalie would come! I was so excited.

I walked down stairs and greeted my sister. Matthew was in his jumparoo. I kissed him and tickled his little feet before getting me a bowl of cereal.

"So i need you to watch Matt today while i go job hunting." Lucy looked at me out of the corner of her eye.

"Okay, but i'm gonna go walking around in the neighborhood and maybe in town." I said while pouring milk in my frosted flakes. I seen her hesitate though. "I'll have my cell phone," I added.

"Okay, just be careful. And take his diaper bag. Don't go too far." She said. I nodded and took a spoonful of flakes. She grabbed her purse, looked in the hallway mirror to check her hair and makeup, then kissed me on the forehead.

"Don't get into trouble on your first day here." She said, her eyes staring into mine. I looked away.

"I never do.." I trailed off, 'cause when i really think about it, i always am getting into some sort of trouble. But i don't mean to...

"Maybe not purposely, but you do. Just be careful." She kissed me again, then said her goodbyes to Matt and was out the door. I lost my appetite, and i had no clue why. I ate the rest of my cereal anyways, because i don't like wasting food. I can be very opinionated also, but never judgmental.

I picked up Matthew and carried him to my room. I laid him on the bed and put pillows on either side of him so he wouldnt roll right off. I got dressed into a pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt. I scrunched my hair and did my makeup. I love summer.

I took Matthew to Lucy's room and changed his diaper, then picked out a cute pair of dark blue jeans and a little shirt to match. He was so cute!

I decided not to take the stroller, i haven't held him since around when he was first born. So I wanted to carry him everywhere.

I didn't plan to go anywhere in particular, i just started walking. And a few doors down, i seen the same dog that boy was walking yesterday in the fenced back yard. It was a yellow lab, and it looked big enough to jump the fence. The garage door to the house was open, and inside there was a sofa, a flat screen tv, some kind of game system (probably xbox), and a mini refridgerator.

I didn't realize i was staring until i heard someone say "Hey!" behind me. I whipped around and saw that boy. His blonde hair fell into his face, damp with sweat. His tan skin also glistened with sweat. He wore basketball shorts and a shirt cut off at the sleeves. He held a football in one hand. He smiled.

"I... I know i probably look like a complete creeper right now, but... But.." I trailed off. I had no excuse. I had no clue why i was looking inside this boy's garage.

He raised an eyebrow. "But.. ?"

"..I don't know. Got curious?" I sighed. He laughed a little bit.

"I'm Jason." He wiped a sweaty hand on his shorts and held it out. I shook it.

"Alexis. And this is my nephew, Matthew." I held him up, and Jason smiled.

"He's cute. What school do you go to?" He asked. I thought for a second.

"Actually.. I'm not sure. I just moved here. I'll be going to school here next year though." I told him thoughtfully.

"That's why i haven't seen you around.. How old are you?" He asked. "Sixteen."

"Seventeen. I'll definitely see you around." He said, looking at me with beautiful dark blue eyes. I had blue eyes too, only mine were light. He had the whole get up, the skater boy blonde hair that fell into his eyes, and the blue eyes to go with it.

I have blue eyes and brown hair that falls half way down my back.

As i looked at him, i just knew he was a popular dude. Girls had to fall all over him. He was down to earth, really nice, and easy to talk to. If looks made you famous, him and Justin Bieber would be at war. They looked similar, the shaggy hair and big eyes, but yet they were complete opposites at the same time.

I didn't have a problem with that kid, Bieber, like almost everybody else did but only because i didn't know him. But i didn't necessarily like him either. I was into his music, though. And that was it.

"Yo, Jason!" His friend called him a little ways down the street. He was wanting him to throw the football. Jason ignored him. I looked down at my feet, then back up at him.

"Welll, i should get going. See ya around." I waved and walked away, not waiting for him to wave back. I decided to skip walking around the neighborhood. I was in a good mood, and i needed to avoid seeing my old house, my old sanctuary, the place i grew up..

I walked into town and headed for Wegmens, the whole time that kid was stuck in my head.. I stopped by the bathroom to change Matt's diaper. I looked around for a little bit, read some magazines, checked out their makeup and hair stuff. Then i decided to buy some Vitamin Water for the walk back.

I was waiting in line, and i started looking at the magazines, books, and newspapers they had on the shelf next to the line along with all the candy. One thing in particular caught my eye. I picked up the local newspaper. It had a huge picture of Justin Bieber. I scanned the paragraphs quickly.

Basically, he was coming to New York to do his last show before he goes on vacation for a while. In NEW YORK! Where i am at! My eyes popped and my mouth dropped. And No, Not because i was excited. Because i wished this wasn't happening. Natalie claims she's in love with him and talks about him 24/7. His music is all she really listens to. She's so obssessed, it's scary.

But what really got me and made me wish i hadn't came until after next week, is that almost every other teenaged girl is obssessed with him too. Do you know what that means? New York is going to get really crazy with the girl residents, and people traveling here for the show.

Oh boy.