Chapter 3.
I saw the blush crept up her skin as she stared at me at the other side of the lockers. I could see in her curios light dark amber eye was cloudy softly with lust as she stared at me.
As her face seemed to be red and she softly crunched the paper in her hand.
Is she human?
The smirk on my face grew larger as the blush on her face seemed to disappear and the blood drained out her face, As she backed away her eye never left mine.
And neither did the smirk upon my face.
The stupid girl that was against me didn't matter anymore, just a desperate girl.
Now that one, her...
I want.
And I know exactly where to find her.
Scarlet Prov.
I couldn't take my mind off of it.
Of him.
It somewhat killed me to think of it because something lingered on the expression on his face.
That smirk.
A cold shiver ran my back as the memory hit me.
I shook my head, softly and took my mind of it-
"Miss Jones? Would you like to answer the question on the board please?" My head snapped up to the jackass I called Mr. Simpson
See, he was one of those teachers that acts like an ass to everyone and gets away with it.
And I only been here for 5 minutes?
The girl next to whispered, "He always does that to the new people, so he can prove how superior he is by giving you a really hard question. And even worst, he wins all the time."
I smiled widely as I came up to the board and look at the question:
1/2x +1/2(1/2x + 1/2(1/2x +1/2(1/2x + ... = y,
then x =
whatever (I heard it all) but I love math
I looked at the Mr. Jackas- Mr. Simpson and smiled widely, and turned to the board.
Ok, call me a weirdo or nerd or whatever (I heard it all) but I love math, it was my best subject and it kinda calms me down when I angry... strangely.
As I continued to right down the answer, I felt eyes on me, the students.
When I got done, I turned around, "Is this the answer, Mr. Simpson?"
He gave a glare and walked to the board.
My answer:
1/2 +1/2(1/2 + 1/2(1/2 +1/2(1/2 + ... = y
1/2 +1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 + ... = y
y = 1 = x
y = x
"The answer is..." His eyes widen in shock, "Correct."
The Class gasp in amazement and suddenly I heard mutters around me.
"Who is she?"
"A human?"
"The first time ever..."
"What her name?"
"Scarlet Angelina Jones." His voice echoed through the walls, which made the room quite.
Mr. Simpson.
"You are the first person to answer this question, tell me, human, have you been tested on?"
"No." I whispered.
He barbaric laughter bounced off the wall, "then how is this possible? A Human? Smart?" He almost chocked on his breath as he laughed hard.
Anger boiled in my skin as I felt myself heated-
"Well maybe she is."
It was dead silent in the room.
Mr. S stopped laughing and a serious look dwell upon he face.
"What did you say?" He whispered.
"I said, maybe she is smart." The girl that was sitting next to me, stood up.
"Well, I see your point Miss. James, 2 weeks detention."
The girl shrugged and sat down and all eyes were on me. I softly glared at the teacher one more time be I walked back to my seat.
As is god looked down on me, the bell rang.
I took my books and look to the girl who was next to me, "Thanks." I said, in a softly tone.
She looked at me and answered, "No problem but I swear to god how did you answer that question?"
I laughed softly and replied, "You have to break down all the half's then divide all of them by all the numbers."
Her expression on her face was priceless, and I tried to hid my laughter. She shook her head softly and babble, "My name is Terri."
"My name is.. well you probably know already since Mr. S pronounced it to the whole entire class."
"Yeah, pretty much. But I love you name, Miss. Scarlet." She smiled.
As we began to talk more and more about stuff I realized that we had a lot in common together, like our favorite books, band, everything. And me I just asked her multiples of question.
As the bell rang again, I had another desire to ask her a question, "Is there any cute boys in this school?"
Her smile widen into a grin as she whispered, "Demetri. Lucas. Stone. The hottest vampire in school."
"Yup," She smiled, "But he just an heart breaker, the baddest boy in school, what he does to girls is irresistible but then he breaks their little heart."
A heart breaker eh?
Totally not my type.
"Well, ok thanks." As the last word came out my mouth the bell rang again and Terri said bye and walked away.
Terri's prov.
I walked down the hallway with my books in my hand.
"Demetri?" I whispered.
The hallways was dark as a figure in a corner looked at me.
His body leaned against the corner of the darkened hallway.
"Who is she?" He voice huskily asked.
A shiver ran down my body as I realized I was only inches away from him.
"Her name is Scarlet Jones, she a human."
His smirk only grew wider.
"Mmhm. How is she?" He asked.
"She.. pretty." I lied.
Who am I kidding?
She's gorgeous.
"I see..." His voice pondered.
I softly ran my hand down his chest and came closer to his ear, "But not as pretty"
He chuckled softly, "Jealous?"
I jump back softly, "No!" The blush around my face grew louder as I looked down.
He hand caressed my face and whisper in my ear, "You don't get it do you? We're over. And I want her."
Then he was gone.
The tears rolls down my cheek as I realized I was alone.
Hey guys!
Sorry for the Chapter confused thingy, I messed up. LOL
Well see you guys later.
How's the snow?