Chapter Four

The thing that's been bothering me the most recently was about how could I have gotten into this type of situation, anyways? What could I have done to deserve this attention that I clearly didn't want? Was there some sort of explanation? And if there was, why couldn't anyone just come up to me and say it?

I am beyond baffled right now.

Alex hadn't told me anything, not that I cared. But then again, it was my business to know what's actually going on. I didn't wanna be some bait for the soccer jocks and I definitely didn't wanna end up like Freddie Clark. Alex had slapped me for a reason. I know for sure that she wouldn't just go off like that on me when I clearly haven't done anything to piss her off.

Yes, Wendy. Good going. Now, maybe you can work your way up and talk to Jonathan and maybe ask him what could be the problem! Genius, Wendy. Really.

No, Wendy. Bad idea. After what happened, how could you possibly talk to Jonathan? I mean seriously. After slapping him, do you really think he'd wanna talk to you? He's probably just gonna chase you off along with his stupid soccer buddies. Listen to—

"Are you even listening to what I'm saying here, Wendy?" Gennifer crossed her arms. "If you want help, you better listen to every word I'm saying 'coz I'll be sure not to repeat what I said again."

"It's just been a tough day, that's all," I shrugged. Gennifer groaned. "I'm sorry. I just don't know what to do anymore."

"Here's the thing Wendy," Gennifer flipped her back. "Just go talk to Jonathan. There's nothing wrong with that, right?" Uhh . . . in case you haven't noticed, yeah? There is.

Gennifer snapped at me when I started to drift away again.

"Alright, fine. I'll try!" I agreed halfheartedly.

I couldn't believe I was actually convinced to actually confront Jonathan. And I couldn't believe I was even here at the soccer field, walking towards him.

The jocks that were running around the field stopped in their tracks when they saw me. Jonathan was putting his team shirt on with the number 16 on it. He looked at me, shocked at my mere presence. A few seconds later, I see him walking towards me. I immediately turned my back and slowly walked away. My hands started to shake.

"Wendy!" Jonathan called. I turned to him and saw his soccer buddies watching the both of us. "What are you doing here?"

Oh, great. Here we go. "Well . . ."

I tried to look up at Jonathan. His green eyes were looking at mine. I hugged my books tightly and took a deep breath. Jonathan seemed to be expecting an answer. He kind of looked happy to see me—I almost frowned at the thought.

"I-I came here to tell . . ." His eyebrows quirked up with interest. I chewed the inside of my cheek as a bead of sweat came rolling down from my hairline. "T-to tell you that I . . . I'm sor—"

"Hey Jonathan!"

I don't know what made me do it but I suddenly screamed out of nowhere. I seriously did. My mind just couldn't take all of the pressure and I started jumping and stomping on the ground. It was as if I was a mad person. And without thinking, I turned around to punch whoever the heck had called Jonathan during the most important conversation of my whole entire life.

Almost everyone around the field looked at us because as it turns out, I have just punched a soccer jock . . . again. It turned out to be actually . . .

"JAAAAAAAREEEEEDDD!" A high-pitched voice screeched. I knew from that moment that it was the blonde girl that I saw last week. "Omigod! Are you okay, babe? Omigod!" Her eyes were suddenly filled with fury as she turned to me. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?"

"I'M SORRY!" I cried and then ran as I grabbed what I thought was Jonathan's hand.

It didn't take long before I started crying and wailing. Without looking at Jonathan, I told him that I was sorry about slapping him after he kissed me and how I've become so cruel with him. When I heard an unfamiliar laugh, I turned around and realized that I didn't grab Jonathan.

I grabbed Jared by mistake.



"Oh God, I'm really sorry!" I began as I tried to come up with a good explanation. "I didn't mean to grab you, I was gonna grab Jonathan but then I . . . I don't know! Please don't hurt me!" I closed my eyes shut and put my hands in front of me to shield myself, preparing to be punched in the face . . . or something.

Jared chuckled. "Why would I hurt you?"

I opened my eyes and raised a brow. He had to be kidding. No, seriously. He just had to be. No jock wouldn't hurt someone like me. I punched him on the face so why isn't he making me pay back for what I did? This has all gone so horribly wrong!

"Uhh . . . because I punched you?" He started to frown, as if he just remembered. Oh, God. Maybe he forgot and now that he's beginning to remember, he's now gonna kill me. Oh, sweet Jesus! I AM TOO YOUNG TO DIE.

"Yeah, you did," He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He rubbed his cheek and still even managed to smile at me. "It hurts but you know what?" I shook my head at him but then I realized that it was a rhetorical question. "I probably deserved it for being an ass, you know, interrupting your seemingly serious conversation with Jonathan."

Flabbergasted, I stared at him. He was still smiling at me. "Anyways, I just wanted to ask you, did Jonathan really kiss you in detention?" My face flushed. "Well?"

"Did I say that?" I began to laugh nervously. "Uhhh . . . I have to pee. Bye!"

I ran away as fast as I could and hid at the nearest hiding place I could find which was, apparently, the Janitor's closet.

While I was walking home, I heard someone running from behind me. I stopped for a moment and glanced at my back. Jonathan was still in his soccer uniform and his hair is damp from all the sweat.

"Jonathan?" My eyebrows furrowed into a frown. "What are you doing?"

When he caught up with me, he bent down and held onto his knees for support and then raised one hand and put it on my shoulder.

"Wendy," He managed to breathe in. "We . . . We need to talk."

As I was about to run away from him, he caught my wrist and pulled me closer to him, his eyes staring at mine. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" I managed to escape his grasp and took a step backwards. "Are you even listening to yourself anymore, Jonathan?" I suddenly found myself laughing at him. He seemed to be serious.

"I'm not playing games with you right now, Wendy, if that's what you mean," He rolled his eyes. I put a hand over my mouth, stifling another laugh. "I knew you were going to apologize to me today so that you won't have to worry about the other jocks chasing after you."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said. "I was only going to apologize to you because I felt guilty for slapping you on the face after I have just so violently punched you." Jonathan quirked a brow. "And you know what? You can forget all about it because—"

"Oh, you don't need to pull on that crap around me," Jonathan cut me off. "You and I both know you aren't a very good liar, and besides, Jared told me everything."



"Well then you'd probably know that I wasn't lying to you right now," because I totally wasn't. "I told Jared the exact same thing."

"I'm not an idiot," He paused, "I knew you weren't lying."

"Then why were you accusing me?" I spat irritably.

"Because that's the truth!" He said, his voice rising. It suddenly made me scared. "The only reason why you wanted to apologize to me in the first place because you didn't wanna end up as bait."

"I didn't say that!" I protested.

"But that's what you meant!" Jonathan argued. "Did you honestly think that it's enough excuse that you only came to apologize to me just so that we could forget anything happened? Like Mark hasn't told me a lot about what you say about me."

He was right, and I hated him for that. He knew me well enough to notice that I wasn't the type to just say I was sorry for something that wasn't my fault in the first place.

"What do you really want with me?"

"Jared told me that you liked me," Jonathan shrugged. My mouth hung wide open. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that was true. That somehow you had feelings for me. But since I do know any better, I'd say he was a lunatic for thinking of something like that."

"Good, because for a moment, I actually thought you'd buy it," I said, relieved.

"I'm not mentally deranged," He replied. "But to be honest, for a moment, I actually considered it."

"And why would you?"

"That, my friend, is none of your business," Jonathan grinned, patting me on the head.

I gritted my teeth in frustration and found myself murmuring, "It's my business because it involves me."

I don't know what happened but somehow we winded up walking home together. Not that it mattered or anything, it was just awkward in my case. After the kiss and everything, I didn't expect for us to act normal again, as if nothing happened at all.

When we got to my house, Jonathan insisted he walk me up to the front porch. Since it wasn't such a big deal, I let him and then watched him leave our yard. I twisted the doorknob open and was filled with shock when I saw the blonde girl, in my house. Her eyes were red and puffy and it flared at the sight of me. Mark was standing next to her and I seemed to have interrupted their conversation.

What was she doing here?

"You!" She pointed at me accusingly. "I hate you! Because of you, Jared and I broke up!"

A/N: I know, it's been a while. But I needed time off. School has been really difficult for me. With my failing grades, I won't be able to get in a good college. I had to prioritize since I'm aiming to go to one of the most prestigious colleges here. I'm really sorry if this took a while. But I hope you all realized that I've put the chapters back and decided to write it the way it is. I wanted to keep this story the way it is. No matter how immature I could write it, I'd like to end it this way too. Then start fresh by writing maturely with a new story when this ends.

Again, your reviews have always put a smile on my face. Giving me another won't hurt, will it?

- Summer Giggles