Letter 1
Dear Matthew,
It's been about a week since you last texted me. When you called me and told me it was over. And to be honest, I've been a mess ever since. I just don't know what I'm going to do once school's back in session. Having to walk down the hallway and see your face, see you flirting with her, knowing that you're happier without me. I'm going to make sure you never read this letter, or any other letter I write you from now on. I have to try as hard as I can to imagine a life without you in it. I don't even think we can be one of those couples that can say "hello" or wave at each other when we walk past each other on the side streets of the neighborhood.
I've spent the last few days just lying on my bedroom floor waiting for my phone to ring, or maybe even my doorbell. To see you standing there on my front porch with that lovely smile of yours, and your bright blue eyes. I've been a mess Matthew. It's making me so upset to know that it's over for us. We said we'd just give it a shot, I wish we had waited for a better time though. When things wouldn't have been such a mess. We could've had a wonderful relationship if we had worked through the bad stuff. It was so great, I mean it had started out oddly but it was great.
I think that it was just one of those "heat of the moment" things. I mean, there we are, in a pool, half naked. My arms hugging you. Please, don't tell me that it wasn't because we were half-naked and our foreheads pressing against each other. A part of me really wishes I had known what a mess your head was at that time. A part of me wishes that it could've been better for us. Actually, that's a lie. Every part of me wishes it could've been better for us. We're perfect for each other. Nobody else could possibly get along with me the way you do. We complete each other's sentences.
It's like that enzyme "lock and key method" we were supposed to learn in Biology last year. Obviously, we were too busy talking to actually listen at the time. Anyways, it's like we have that perfect shape. We found the other part to us that fits perfectly, almost like our bodies complete each other. Like our thoughts are the same, we finish each other's sentences, we say and do the same things which would sometimes freak me out when we'd sip our tea, place the cup down, and wipe our mouths at the same time.
Things aren't going very well for me, I'm so very nervous about what happens now. I wish there was some sign that it'd be okay after all. I wish.
Love Always and Forever,