Love the art in yourself, not yourself in the art.
He made this doll a rebel.
Told her to enjoy the silence,
Stole her kisses and innocence,
Painted her prettier than a picture,
And she let him take control.
He mounted one lie
And created a pile of others.
She bought them at a discount,
Thought he was a piece of work,
Her demand great for his supply.
He left her in the morning
Only to find her again at night,
And toss her out with the trash.
She waited for love to fix him,
Couldn't see that she was bleeding.
She wasn't a fool rushing in,
Theorized that she could change him,
But he remained black and white,
Took his paintbrush and rinsed her out,
Extinguished his spotlight; she's ordinary again.
A/N: Never. Never let someone take advantage of you. Never. Never let them think they can treat you like dirt. And always. Always listen to the voice of reason. Because that voice will always, always belong to the person who truly loves you.
Never. Never let someone make you feel pressured. Never. Never let yourself be taken for granted. And always. Always tell them how you feel. Because your feelings are what come first, and if they don't respect that, they don't deserve you.
Never. Never be afraid to question the truth. Never. Never forget that your first loyalty is to yourself and your heart. And never. Never give your heart away freely. It's your heart and if they love you, they will be willing to pay the ultimate price for it.
Enjoy. Review.