"So, I'm a – a -."
"Yes. I know it's hard to believe."
"But vampires don't exist!" I cried. This was just to much for me. We were now in Stephen's car driving to a place unknown to me. I kept my right hand clutched to the bite on my neck, subconsciously hoping that if I kept it covered it would just go away. Though I knew that wasn't a possibility.
"Maybe not in your world, but they're just as real as humans." He responded in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Could you stop saying that?"
"Saying what?" He sounded genuinely concerned that he had upset me.
"Humans. It just doesn't sound right. Like we're not humans or something. I just can't handle it."
"But we're not. It's the truth. We're vam-"
I quickly interrupted. "Stop."
"Okay, I'm sorry. But this is your life now. And I'm going to be your guardian throughout the beginning of this new life. Or if you really want, I'll let you go. You can go off on your own, but you'll probably die. There is no going back to the way things were." His face was placid, though his eyes definitely proved what he was saying was the truth.
I thought about it. I could leave right now. Forget this. Forget it ever happened and move on. Because the bite would heal. Wouldn't it? And I'd be normal again. That is until.... The inevitable. When I need blood. I didn't know much of the vampire world but I knew blood played a big role in it.
I think I may need it right now. I thought. The burning in my throat and stomach was a sure sign.
"I need b- bl- blood right?" I asked shakily.
"As soon as possible. It's more important now that ever. And without it, you'll die."
I couldn't go off on my own. I knew nothing. I needed Stephen's guidance. It was time to accept that. Because I had a lot to learn. And honestly, I was scared as hell.
"I'll stay with you." I stated clearly.
"Wise choice."
"Um now that that's out of the way, I want to ask you something. I don't know if this is rude or not, but why are you my guardian?" I asked shyly.
"I guess now's a good time to start teaching." He half smiled, still looking on to the road. Stephen cleared his throat and began. "Well in normal cases the guardian of the new vampire is supposed to be the creator. It's a way of showing responsibility. And let's just say for now that Ian is not the most responsible. So he left you to fend for yourself. And I felt really bad when he told me what happened, because you're like a little orphan." He paused and laughed a little. But it didn't reach his eyes. His warm brown eyes. After collecting himself he said, " So I stepped in, to replace Ian."
It made sense. I was thankful for Stephen. Though a teeny piece of me didn't want him. That teeny piece of me wanted Ian. I didn't really know why. Maybe it was because it was his venom that now coursed through my veins. Or maybe because I could still remember the feel of his lips and body pressed against mine. And the way he made me feel. My heart picked up speed for a little just thinking about him. But it still didn't make sense, why I had wanted him so badly. I didn't even know him. Still don't. This was something I'd normally keep to myself. But I needed answers. Or else I might go insane.
"Stephen, I have another question." I mumbled.
"Yeah?" He smiled. I think he enjoyed being a guardian. My guardian.
"I'm not sure why, but I feel drawn to Ian, still. Why?"
He sighed and shifted uncomfortably. "Well he turned you, you'll prob ably always feel something for him. That's normal. But if you don't mind my asking, could you be more specific?"
"Well when we first looked at each other I immediately felt something." I thought about how else to explain it. It was awkward talking about it. "And then I wasn't even myself anymore , something took over. I was in pain. Unless he touched me. And when he did, I felt amazing. Like, I needed him. I felt that way leading all the way up to the- uh, bite." I said quickly. Though he seemed to absorb what I said.
"Ah. Human attraction. It's sort of a trick vampires have. They can make humans do whatever they want and make them feel the same way you described. And he used it in you, no doubt. I always thought it was unfair to make someone do something they don't want to do. Thought, it's how vampires lure in their prey." He shot me a meaningful look.
"Like a spell?"
"Sure, you could call it that." He laughed.
"Can I do it?" I asked anxiously.
"What! Why not? So every other vampire gets to but me?" I was slightly angry.
"No. Not everyone. I can't."
"The answer to that one is going to have to wait." He pulled into a long drive way. "Because we're here."