Typical morning. Birds chirping, alarm clock ringing, sun shining. But somehow....it felt different. Like something was going to happen. I quickly brushed off the feeling and jumped out of bed. I opened the door to my very own bathroom that was attached to my room.
I quickly showered myself, cleaning my body thoroughly. I turned off my shower and grabbed a towel off the rack. I wrapped it around my hair then grabbed my purple robe off the hook and threw it on. I walked back into my bedroom to my walk-in closet.
I pulled out a pair of white skinny jeans, an Eminem T-Shirt, and black Uggs. Usually I'm not a big fan of Uggs but my Dad bought me a pair when he was down in Austrailia so I guess I might as well wear them. Plus, it's the middle of Autumn in New York and it was already snowing.
I went back into my bathroom and plugged in the flat iron. I impatiently waited for it to heat up. Luckily it was a wet-or-dry flat iron so I didn't have to blow dry my thick brown hair. When it finally was hot, I straightened my hair.
After unplugging my flat iron, I lazily grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth. When done with that, I went back into my room and grabbed my purple peacoat out of my closet. I grabbed my purple tote bag I used for school off my desk along with my keys, phone, and iPod and ran downstairs.
I expected to see my mom in the kitchen making breakfast but instead I saw a note with my mother's handwriting on it attached to the fridge.
Went on a buisness trip to Ohio. Be back Friday. I left Dad's credit card and $1,000. Hope that's enough to last you. Take care. Please don't get in trouble. I don't need the school calling me. I love you.
Love, Mom
I sighed. Of course. Always out on business trips. Oh well, I guess. I threw some toast into the toaster and grabbed some butter out of the fridge, making myself buttered toast. When finished eating that, I ran into the garage to my yellow Camaro.
I loved this car to death. It reminded me of my favorite Auto-Bot from my favorite movie, Transformers. Yeah, I'm that lame. I got into my car and plugged my Ipod in, cranking up Eminem loudly. I smiled and drove out of the garage to school.
When I reached the school, the same feeling I had this morning came back. I shuddered and attempted to forget about it during the walk to find my best friend, Meschell. By the time I reached her, it had completely disappeared. I found her by her silver Mustang, leaning against it, with a cup of coffee in her hand.
"Hey!" She said.
"Hey!" I smiled. "Pshh, you didn't grab me any hot chocolate?" I wasn't a fan of coffee.
"Nope." She smirked, popping the 'p'.
I playfully glared at her and she threw her hands up in defense. "Fine, fine, I did."
"Good, if you didn't I was gonna whip you." I chuckled.
"Oohh, I'm so scared." She unlocked her car and pulled my hot chocolate out. "Anyways, did you get last nights History homework done?"
"No! That teacher can't make me do anything. "
"Alexandra Bailey Kay, you're going to get kicked out of here."
"No I won't. I pass decently. I get good grades," she looked at me skeptically, "when I actually turn assignments in."
"Well, you need to turn them in more often." She sighed, clearly disappointed.
"Like that's gonna happen anytime soon." I shrugged and took a sip of my hot chocolate while leaning up against her car.
She rolled her eyes. "Come on let's get to class. It might be the first time you're there on time."
"Hey! That's not very nice." I faked sadness. She chuckled and rolled her eyes.
"Tough luck. You're lucky I even got you any hot chocolate in the first place." She stated and walked into the school with me behind her.
I reached my locker which happened to be right next to hers. I shrugged my jacket off and lazily threw it into my locker. I rummaged through my books and papers searching for my items needed for class.
When I finally found everything I needed, I sulked off to homeroom. I had a feeling today was going to be a long day. Room 26, Mrs. Carter's homeroom. I pushed the door open and found a random seat next to an empty desk.
For once, I beat Meschell to homeroom. I chuckled lightly to myself and took out my purple notebook. There were shades of Sharpie marker making it look checkered on the front. I'd decorated this in the middle of classes. I flipped to a random page in the book and started doodling. A couple of other students were in here chatting with their peers. Focusing on my notebook, I drew random things.
"Woah, Alex!!" I looked up to see Meschell in the seat beside me. "You beat me to homeroom?!?!"
I chuckled at my best friends' shock. "Yeah, don't be so suprised."
"Well, it's not everyday this is going to happen. It's a miracle." She exclaimed.
"Shut the hell up. Dont expect this. One time thing. Probably never gonna happen again. " I leaned back on my chair, my hands behind my head, relaxing.
"Alex!! On all fours!" Mrs. Carter snapped. I didn't listen and rolled my eyes, muttering profanities under my breath. "Alex, now!"
Meschell smacked me in the arm, signaling me to listen. "Whatever teach." I proceeded to not to listen until Meschell pulled my chair down. "Goody goody two-shoes." I said, sticking my tongue out.
She stuck her tongue back out at me and mutter something along the lines of bad chick. I chuckled and smirked. "You know it."
I looked at the clock on the wall 7:28. Two minutes til homeroom actually starts. Gosh, how boring is this. I'm never showing up on time again. Meschell nudged me in the side. I looked up at her slowly, preparing for what was coming. She jerked her head up signaling who was walking in.
Ah, the player group. The "hottest guys in school" as Meschell refered to them. I just thought they were brainless assholes who liked to hump-and-dump. Honestly, that's all they wanted. They were all around 6 feet to 6'2. Sean was the shortest and less of a jerk. He had a more playful additude. He had jet black hair, his bangs always in his bright green eyes. Next was Justin, he was middle sized, maybe 6'1. He dated around but ended up humping and dumping just as the rest. He had brunette hair always in his face with large brown eyes.
Then there was Evan. He was the biggest player of all and I absoloutely hated him. He thought he was the hottest thing alive. Dick. He was the tallest of them all who had big bright, misty blue eyes and blonde "skater hair" with light brown highlights. He had probably had sex with almost every girl in school.
Meschell here, thought Sean was cute. She had an absoloute crush on him but she struggled on not letting it show. Thinking about it, they would be a cute couple. Meschell was tall (but not as tall as me) and skinny. She had a long, curly mane of brown hair and big brown eyes. She was amazingly gogreous.
Me, here, I am a curvy girl with a height of 5'7 with shoulder-length brown hair that had natural highlights (black, red, and blonde) streaked throughout it and large green eyes with specks of blue and brown.
"Look who's here." Meschell whispered.
I scoffed. "What do you see? They're all jerks."
"Sean's not that bad." Defending him. Hah.
"But still, all they want is sex. Especially Evan." I stated, leaning back in my chair recieving glares from my teacher.
"Agreed on that. Evan's terrible." The bell rang and more students shuffled quickly into the classroom.
The guys walked past our desks in the back, so I wouldn't be caught by the teacher, and I saw from the corner of my eye, Meschell was struggling not to look at Sean. How naive. I smiled at my friend.
Mrs. Carter rambled on about upcoming events, classes, and sports while still yelling and glaring at me. I chuckled at her attempt to get me to listen. Nice try teacher...not!! Can't make me budge!
The bell rang, signaling us to head off to first period. Science, uck, Mr. What's-His-Gay-Face teaches this class. Oh, I'm so excited. I sullenly walked to that class, sitting in a random seat in the back. Everyone was seated when Mr. Charles (or what's-his-gay-face) annouced some unpleasant information. Seating charts.
He called off names of other random students in the room and placed them in their seats. He looked at his chart and up at me. "Alex...stay where you are and...Evan, sit by her."
My anger flared. No, no, NO! On the insides i was screaming my head off but on the outside I was glaring at Evan's body walking over to me. See, our desks were set up as tables with stools. He happened to my partner. He set down besides me, and smirked.
"What's up, babe?" He was so dead. I was gonna kick him where the sun never shined so hard he'd regret ever meeting me. My fist clenched on the table so hard my knuckles were turning white.
I slowly turned my head towards him. "Call me babe one more time and you'll wish you were never born."
He only smirked. "Whatever you say, babe."
I smiled at him devilishly. I brought my leg up to hit him hard where it hurts and he grabbed my leg.
"Nice try." He smirked, his grip tightening on my ankle.
I shot the same smile back at him. "I have two legs, remember?" My leg shot up and hit him. He doubled over in pain and I turned to face the front.
"You should've listened. NEVER call me babe."
I shot him a glare.
~~Heyy, guyss, I'm back(: haha, this is my new story(: I hope you like it, I am planning on workin pretty hard on this. Yeahh, it's also on Wattpad but it's MY account, so don't frett(: REVIEW!~~