Hi! Basyirah here again and this is my story of Tom and Maddie. I have to warn you though. This story is somewhat about Tom and Maddie but with a little twist. I wrote this as a perspective of the stereotype. You'll get it later one when you finished reading it. Anyways, like I said, my characters are going to be connected so you may see these character mention others. This story for example mentions Lionel and Annie from my other story, Confessions of a Superstar's Girl so you can check that out which would be really nice. Anyways, Summary Time!
Summary: Tom was special in her eyes. He made her smile and laugh. Maddie was special to him too. They were the favorite movie couple. It's such a shame not everyone likes them.
Tom and Maddie
June 14th 2009, 2:18PM
"You never give me a straight answer," I told him, "Why is that?" Tom ignored me as usual. He continued to strum on his guitar, playing a little song over again. I finally gave up. It was useless to argue with him. With a sigh, I sat down on the bench next to him.
It was silent at the park. They weren't any animals other than a few frisky squirrels and singing birds. Very few people had come on the Sunday afternoon. The silence Tom and I was broken by him soon enough, "Did you know Lionel's coming back?" We haven't seen Lionel in almost seven months now. Annie, his girlfriend was waiting for him and she was becoming restless.
"The jerk who left us for fame and fortune?" I sarcastically asked. The last time I spoke with Lionel, he demanded us to call him Lionel and only spoke about how big of a star he was. I still wondered why no one had given him the finger, or a scolding at least.
Tom scowled at me when I insulted his best friend, "He hasn't changed!" he tried to defend his best friend. I raised an eyebrow. It was pretty obvious how his defense was weak and he soon faltered, "Everyone changes. He's just…him," I rolled my eyes. He defense wasn't so strong.
I snorted, "Yeah right!" I stood up from the bench with my small sling bag and started to walk away. It took only moments for him to realize I was leaving.
I heard his footsteps draw closer in a jogging speed and soon I felt his hand on my shoulder. I slowly turned around to see him smirking.
"Have I ever told you how beautiful you look with blue hair?" he gave me a compliment as his other hand was tangled in my hair. He claims he loves the blue highlights in my white-blonde hair. I rolled my eyes. Tom just loved to flirt with girls. I pushed him off of me with one strong push.
"I'm getting ice-cream," I told him. He looked confused for half a second before going back to smiling, "Do you want anything?"
"I'll have some ice-cream too," he said.
"What flavor?" I asked him as I arranged the things in my bag. I was caught by surprise when his fingers lifted my chin, my brown eyes connecting to his own. He was close and in a soft yet husky voice he said,
"Anything you want,"
I promptly burst into laughter. I laughed so hard my sides started to ache. Jack seemed confused as always, wondering what he did to make me laugh.
"Don't do that," I ordered between my laughs. I could barely look at him properly, "Don't ever talk like that, ever!" He finally got it and started to pout.
"That hurts," he claimed, placing a hand over his heart, "Did you know how long it took me to perfect that voice?" I felt his great, obviously fake hurt feelings. Just for fun, I decided to play along.
"Aw, did I hurt your feelings?" I playfully mocked. He nodded his head and extended his hands. It was a gesture for a hug. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him and vice versa. I felt warm in his arms. Though, I wouldn't tell him that even on my death bed.
Tom was a handsome boy who was a month younger than me with dark blonde hair and full lips. I knew him since I was twelve as the boy who stuck gum in my hair. I found him as a little pest until puberty hit him. Now, the geeky boy I once knew became a man who knew more than he needs to about girls. Still, he never failed to put a smile on my face. It was one of the many reasons why I loved him. I just never had the guts to say that to his face for almost seven years.
It felt like hours before we pulled apart as we heard a feminine voice, "Tommy?" We turned around to see the tanned, black-haired girl with blue eyes who obviously had mixed heritage. It was Maddie. I caught jack smiling when he saw her. He took his arms off of me and went after her. Tom and Maddie were in each other's arms now and just like in the movies, they kissed passionately. My smile faltered before putting on another one to hide the shame.
Was I jealous? Yes. Did I feel like I wanted to cry? Yes. Did I want them to stop? Yes. Was I willing to stop them? No, after all Maddie was Tom's girlfriend.
When the pulled away, Maddie smiled at me, "Hi Carmen," she greeted me with a wave and a sweet smile. I waved back before putting on a playful smirk.
"Well, I don't want to ruin this moment so I'll leave you two lovebirds alone," I winked at them. With my bag over my shoulder, I glanced at Tom and Maddie once more. They were laughing, flirting and smiling like every happy couple. I tried to smile for them but it faltered once again when I saw them kiss again.
I turned my heel and walked away from the scene. I always knew I was the false romantic lead. I felt like the mean girl in those romantic movies where she tries to sabotage the couple. I didn't hate Maddie; she was a nice girl and the perfect woman for Tom. I always knew it was going to be Tom and Maddie, never Tom and Carmen. My name's Carmen and I'm in love with another girl's man. I must be a slut.
Okay! Did you get the story? I hope you did, it's pretty depressing...Anyways, this my entry for this Sunday and ask me questions and I will answer them in my next story which is next week! I love it when you favourite and review my stories. Please do, it's like a drug to me!