A/N: With my occ's. Data information messed up in story. Anywho enjoy!
White. All I could see was white. I really don t know how I got here. The only I can remember was getting a phone call from one of my more annoying friends Jim. Being as stubborn as I am I ignored his call. When he called again I answered starting to get annoyed for I was not in the mood for Jim, in fact I was not in the mood to talk to anyone but a certain brown-haired girl who I hurt a few minutes ago. I was about to tell him to stop calling and that it was not the time for his annoyance, but his frantic voice stopped me. My heart skitted to an end as Jim told me that the girl I was looking for was in a terrible accident. Alice. The girl I was looking for was Alice, my girlfriend.
The rest was a hurried blur to me. That s all I can remember. I slowly raised my arms that allowed me to bring my hands close to my face. I clutched my hands into fists. Before I knew it my legs were running. I was running. I can feel my lungs begging for air as I continued what I was doing. I started to breathe heavily and, all I could see was white scenery everywhere I went. I had to find Alice to make sure she survived that. My true love still had a beating heart. I quickly stopped to catch my breath, my heart thumped against my chest wanting to escape from its warm captivity.
Then everything went from warm to cold. I slowly looked around; before I knew it snow fell down from the blue heavens. I tilted my head back, letting my light blue eyes scan the sky. I saw small white particles falling touching down my chilled skin. At first contact the white particles still quickly melted, then tilting my head down a bit, I stared straight forward. My normal breathing pace returned. Small clouds escape my mouth. Memories of my relationship with Alice flooded my mind. Even that very memory also.
It was the first time I met her. I was about ten years old about to start 4th grade. I was a stubborn kid. I wore a jacket that was open, underneath was my favorite blue shirt; I wore blue jeans and white shoes. I had my black backpack on my back with the straps over my shoulder and down my underarms connecting at the bottom of the schoolbag. My light blue eyes scanned the room. 25 desks were there, five across and five down. The teacher s desk was in the back left corner. I rolled my eyes as I let my hands slump to my sides. The sounds of my screaming pupils were giving me a major headache. Lightly growling I looked about for my desk, till I heard a light giggle behind me. For some reason I can t stand girls who giggle a lot. It s like hearing a clowns laugh when trying to make a kid laugh, but in a giggling tone.
I turned around and crossed my arms as I narrowed my eyes. I saw a brown-haired girl. She was shorter than me by a inch I m guessing. I looked at her features: blue eyes, fair skin and a few freckles across her nose. She wore a pink frilly tang-top with dark blue jeans. She had a pink and yellow back pack with funky designs of a cartoon character called Hello Kitty in the middle. I literally wanted to ask her what she was staring at but instead she lifted her hand and ran her fingers across my blonde hair. I didn t really know why but I felt my face heat up a bit with my heart thumping a bit fast. Why though? I wasn t getting sick or anything! I was perfectly fine till that girl started to move my hair with her fingers. She probably got cooties and I need to get away from her fast. I growled, smacking her hand in the process.
"How rude!" the girl exclaimed as she placed her hands on her side.
I snapped at her.
"Rude? You should be the one who s bloody talking!" I yelled at her in my Australian accent.
I really didn t care if she was a girl; no one I mean no one touches my hair. Right there she cried. I was shocked for I never made a girl cried before I my life. This girl was the first; her cries became more and more loud. I didn t know what to do! I felt my own tears coming on but none appeared at the corners of my eyes. My father told me that real boys don t cry, instead I showed my stubbornness.
"What s going on in here?" asked a male voice.
Both me and the girl, who was still crying like a baby, looked at the person in the doorway. I can tell on his face expression he wanted answers. Before I spoke, the baby here spoke first.
"He... he yelled at me!" she managed to speak.
I simply rolled my eyes and humph before I spoke.
"What kind of a girl who randomly runs their fingers though a person s ha-"
"It doesn t mean that you can yell at this young girl, my dear boy", the male adult said once he cut me off.
Seeing that the silence grew the adult sighed and walked away, leaving this baby here with me. My eyes stared at her; she was wiping the tears away before she looked at me before she cried. I lifted a brow waiting for her next move. There I saw her extended her arms towards me and smiled. Who smiles right away after they cry? Surely this girl does.
"Alice," I heard her say.
I continued to stare at her hand. Letting out a sigh and once again rolling my eyes I returned the handshake.
"Jonathon, but John for short", I replied.
Both Alice and I became friends after that. Though-out elementary and high school, I developed feelings for her. But why her though? I mean there were other girls I hang around with like Alexis and her twin Amelia. Sure they both confessed their feelings to me, but I never returned their feelings back. But when I was about to tell Alice my feelings she was already in a relationship.
I was always over protective with Alice even in her relationship with another man. Soon graduation was approaching just around the corner. Then I heard from my friend Jim, who was Australian like me, that Alice called off her relationship with the boy. Right there I felt 20 pounds lighter, I swear I could feel my smile upgraded to a grin. I also swear I made Jim shiver a bit. Since I never did smile in my life till now.
Right after graduation I immediately asked Alice out, but in private though. At first she denied it saying it was too early for her for getting in another relationship. But after a few months she called and said yes. We had our ups and downs but we managed to maintain our relationship. There were times that I accidentally made her cry when I would yell at her. The same old Alice who I met in 4th grade. I was too stubborn to apologize to her, but seeing that I love her very much I did anyway.
It wasn t till March that we had a huge argument; I wasn t sure what it was about. But the next few days it got a lot worse. Were in the living room just literally at each other s faces. I bet our yells could be heard from our apartment. Even though we re deeply in love, we just hate to yell at each other. I snapped. I couldn t take anymore of this! I ve lost it! I immediately raised my hand and swung it at her cheek. I could hear the smacking noise clearly like slamming a notebook on a table with no cloth.
My eyes widen when I noticed what I have done. Her eyes stared solemnly at the wall; and then tears came rolling down her cheeks. I felt my heart stop for a few minutes before it beat again. Did I just slap her? Before I could say something I saw her running towards the door and she left. I just stood there like a complete idiot. Not even running after her. What kid of a person was I? I was scum if you could ask me. I kept telling myself to move my legs and go after her. After a few seconds, I bolted out the door.
-End Memory-
I quickly gripped my head with my hands and gritted my teeth. I was so stupid. I always hold in my anger against Alice from our relationship bottled inside of me, but this time the bottle over flowed and spilled. I felt my blood circulation stopped from my hands, finally I yelled. I fell onto my knees. I heard the crunchiness of the freshly covered snow under me. I could feel goose bumps appearing on my arms. Pulling myself together I stood up, shacking off the falling snow that landed on my back. Just then the snow blew wildly as it surround me.
"What the heck?" I thought to myself.
I lifted my arms in front of me and crossed them, blocking the snow from my upper body. I need to find Alice, apologize and get us out of here. The whirling snow than upgraded to a blizzard till it disappeared.
My eyes spotted a figure standing a few feet away from me. I narrowed my eyes, trying to see who or what it was. No luck. The figure came closer as I kept a close eye on it. The snow once again started to fall but gently this time. My eyes widened. The figure that fully emerged from the snow was Alice. Her blue eyes staring right at me. Before I realized it, both of us ran towards each other. I quickly opened my arms and hugged her. Feeling her return the warm embrace an I twirled her around. After that, both of my hands were on her cheeks as I leaned it and kissed her passionately.
Her soft hands gently lay on top of my rough hands. The kiss felt like it lasted for eternity. Ending our kiss, I looked at her, she looked at me.
"I'm so sorry, I didn t mean to hit you," I blurted out. Alice blinked and let out a smile. Why was she smiling? She was supposed to yell at me saying I hate you or something mean to me. But no, she just smiled.
"I forgive you", she said in her sweet voice.
I was dumbfounded. She wasn t mad at me? Instead she forgave me? Before I can speak again, I felt her hands being lifted off and went to the back of her neck. Being curious I watched. I saw a glimpse of a silver chain she took off. She then removed my right hand from her cheek, turned it over and placed the silver chain on top. A closer look it was the silver necklace I gave her when we started our relationship. I looked at her.
"Give this to the next girl you ll fall in love with. My time is over," she said smiling.
"What are you talking about? Your time isn t over!" I yelled quietly at her. I clutched the necklace in my hands as I gave her a hard look. I heard that annoying giggle once more. Alice quickly leaned in and kissed me.
"Wake up".
I opened my eyes. I was in the hallway at the hospital sitting on one of the white chairs. I looked at both sides. A few patients, nurses and doctor were spotted. Somewhere talking among them, walking or merely getting a snack or drink. So it was a dream? I thought.
"Johnny!" spoke a male voice.
I looked at my left and spotted Jim. It seemed he was on the phone since he placed something in his leather vest.
"Have you heard from the doctors?" he asked. I shook my head. A feeling started to appear inside of me. I knew somewhat Alice wa-
"Mr. Reed?" spoke another male.
I looked at my right and saw a doctor walking up to both Jim and I. the doctor gave a sigh before he spoke.
"I'm sorry, but Alice didn t make it."
Knew it. So that s what Alice meant by my time is over . The doctor patted my shoulder as he walked away. I shook my head and looked at Jim. His green eyes staring at me also and copied what the doctor did before he left.
"I'm sorry mate. I ll call Alexis and Amelia and tell them the news."
I quickly nodded as I heard the sounds of his boots disappear. I clutched my hands into fists and looked down. I felt something cold in my palm. Turning over my palm as I slowly opened it, my eyes widened as I saw the necklace that Alice had given to me in the dream. I closed my hand and placed it over my chest were my heart was located. This was the final time that I dream about Alice.
A/N: Hope you guys like it o.o kinda cheesy if you asked me. Again please ignore the bad grammar / spelling errors! I'll see you sometime soon!