I saw nothing but a mirage
I saw nothing but what I wanted to see
It's nobody's faut this time
and all those pictures are not what they seem
I can't make the bird sing in the night
I can't make the Sun rise earlier just for me
but I know I will find my smile
the dream is over but life is still a dream
No more love for this shadow
No more broken hearts, no more drama
Maybe I'm way too shallow
and in need to clean my karma
Hello my sweetest friend
but good bye my midnight lover
I hold no grudges to any name
nor any weight on my shoulders
I'm free from the delusion
and my Princess is free too
The hard part wasn't end this ilusion
but to realize you will never care the way I do
NOTE: I'm using this kind of sucky poetry just to release one thing or two from my soul, I was getting through such a terrible times but FINALLY I'm starting to get the help I needed.
Thank you doctor: I know the journey won't be easy, but I have no other option to make the first step, for me, for the ones I love.
And this one is dedicated to...well...me XD