Seductive Schooling
A/N: Hey everyone! This is my first multi-chapter OC story so I hope you all like it. And I don't curse, so some words in here may seem out of character only because it would have been a curse word. Please review.
Brandon Greyson and Danny Knight, the risk-takers out of their group, crawled quietly through the vents of Treleau Academy. They wanted to get a peek at the new 'recruits', who had arrived this morning and were just finishing up the examination process so they could start classes and-ahem- 'it' the next day.
Treleau Academy was a school where parents who were abusive and//or had a stuck up, you-know-what daughters who had one-night stands with guys. Usually all the girls that arrived deserved it. But there was that occasional girl who really didn't belong there and just had horrible parents that wanted her to suffer. Brandon's heart went out to those girls. It also went out to the girls who got stuck with Blaze Heartland and his gang, no matter how much they deserved it. But, more about that later.
"Bingo!" Danny whispered as they reached an opening in the vents. From there, he and Brandon had a perfect vantage point of the new girls that would be assigned to the now loner guys tomorrow. See, he and Brandon and their friends, Ray Somerhed and Timmy Davenport, had always gotten senior girls ever since they were recruited in eighth grade, meaning they had gotten new girls each year and sometimes more than one each year.
Brandon was the top dog at Treleau Academy. No one messed him, except for Blaze. And even Blaze wasn't stupid enough to pick a fight with Brandon when he was alone. Heck, Brandon had broken the record of his time with three days before he got a new recruit. And he broke the record as a freshman. He and his friends and Blaze and his gang were now juniors and hoped they would get girls the same age as them.
"Hey, some of them look like they don't belong here at all," Brandon pointed out to his friend.
"Yeah and that redhead down there hasn't said one word since we got here. When Ray and Timmy were spying earlier, they said the same thing," Danny told him. As the two continued to watch the final examinations, they had no idea how much this would affect the rivalry between their gang and Blaze's
A/N: So, I know it's short, but it's only an introduction. Review please and tell me if I should continue.