If I have to die

Kill me with a kiss

One last kiss to say good bye

one last kiss to make me free


If I have to go

Let me feel the taste of your lips

Give me one last sign of love

Before bury all this feeling


I would change all my heartbeats

For a new chance to see you again

Make a river out of a tear

And prove you that I still care

So let me enjoy this sensation one last time

Before that sunset in my soul

I will do what is right

for once and for all


If I have to die

Kill me with a touch

Before this river runs dry

Make it feel your skin before any other given turn


If I have to go

Whisper your sweet words to my ear

Let me feel you're close

as close as no one has ever been


I would change my creed

and wander in the Land of Nod

to hear all your doubts and needs

and build a tower to talk with God

Just to make you know the promise never will perish

So kill me I have to die anyway

But kill me with a kiss

And I will be able to be joyful again