My heart is for sale
come on take it, it's for free
it's yours now, ready to love again
and to hear all your passions and dreams
Just don't lose it like everybody else
Don't hurt it as everyone already did
Let the faith grow again
'Cause I need a little faith in me
So just promise one last thing
You're free to do whatever you want
But if you don't really feel it don't say that's what you mean
or you'll be just like everyone else this heart met before
It will do as much as it can to make you forget
all the bad times, all the tears
all the misery and the cloudy days
It's yours if you're willing to make it feel something real
Come on I need to see it in good hands
with a warm touch and in a good shelter
make it feel alive and well
it won't be for now forever nor any later.
Take it, I don't care anymore
I just can't handle its weight
this heart is for sale, come one, free for all
you know where to find it, you also know the date.