Your Doll by silentbunny11

A SeoKyu Fanfiction

Chapter One

You look at me I fake a smile so you won't see. – Taylor Swift

Hey. Hav sched tonite? Let's eat. Im hungry.

Good evening, oppa. Sure. I don't have anything scheduled tonight. I'm hungry, too.

Im gonna fetch you at your dorm at 8,alrite?see you later.

you later, oppa.

"Eh? Why are you smiling by yourself, Seohyun-shii? Something the matter?"

"Unnie. You're here. I thought you have already left. I thought you and yuri-unnie are going to MC tonight." Seohyun was shocked when her unnie entered their room. She was smiling at her phone when Kyuhyun texted they're going out tonight.

"Sulli is going to replace me for awhile. You legs still hurt. Oh wait. I know it. You are going on a date with Kyuhyun, right? Aigoo~ I should have noticed it at the very beginning." Tiffany was acting cute right now. Thinking how silly she could have been. Sure, Super Junior and So Nyu Shi Dae knew that their maknaes are going out. But it seems not like it. Their relationship is still hidden. Even SM Entertainment doesn't know they're dating. Kyuhyun and Seohyun kept their relationship hidden to everyone.

"Unnie, do you think it's alright? Do you think it's alright if we are going to keep.. it from everyone? Do you think it's a sin? Do you think it's better if we tell them the truth?" Seohyun felt worried now. She doesn't know what will happen next. What if they get caught by a paparazzi? What if SM Entertainment found out that the two of them were dating? What if they're fans found out that they kept their relationship from them? What if-

"Seo Jeohyun. Do you love Cho Kyuhyun? Do you?" Tiffany asked her seriously.

The maknae just nodded softly. Still embarrassed that she really did fall in love with Cho Kyuhyun. The boy who made her cry during their pre- debut years when he told her she's pretty. The boy who she once thought was childish because of the pranks and childish acts he's showing to his hyungs. The boy who really love playing star craft which she found unproductive and thought reading self- improve books are better. The boy who never treated her the way he treats other girls. The boy who always makes her feel special. The boy who loves her more than he loves himself. The boy who changed her cold heart towards boys. The boy who taught her how to love. And yes, Seo Jeohyun has fallen in love with this kind of man.

"There are just things which are better left as what it is right now. We can't control everything and even a single mistake could cause a big difference. As what they're saying, if you wanted to surprise someone wait first until it's okay. Wait until the right time has come. Waiting may be difficult but it is for your own good. Not all people, especially on the outside world, would understand you. That's why waiting is the best thing both of you can do. Wait first until people would understand you. Telling all of them you're dating is not just a thing, Seohyun- shii. It's a big deal. And—" Tiffany stopped when she noticed Seohyun's tears welling up on her eyes.

"Seohyun-shii.. I'm not pressuring you or something. I'm just telling you that.. today is not yet the right time in telling them you're dating kyuhyun-shii. Just wait, dear. And I promise you, waiting for the right time is for your own good." Tiffany assured her, patting her head.

"Kamsahamnida, Fany- unnie." Seohyun wiped a tear and smiled.

"Seohyun-ah. What's with your fashion now? 's my first time seeing you wearing big glasses. And why are you wearing wig?" Kyuhyun was wearing casual attire. His scent was like that of a wild forest Seohyun noticed.

"Yuri-unnie told me to wear these to hide my identity. She said it's important since.. we haven't told anyone that-" Seohyun stopped saying the next word. She feels embarrassed especially that Kyuhyun's in front of her.

"That?" Kyuhyun was wearing his evil smile again, knowing what she would say next.

"Oppa~" Seohyun's face turned into a shade of pink hiding her embarrassment at the young boy. Kyuhyun, on the other hand, was chuckling. He found it cute.

"Hyun~" Kyu was imitating how Yonghwa speak her name during their We Got Married program.

Seohyun looked at him with her sparkling eyes. Kyuhyun doesn't know how she did this. He even asked her one time and Seohyun just said she wasn't aware she's doing so.

Kyuhyun, who was again amazed by her girlfriend's beauty, remained speechless for seconds before telling Seohyun that the car is already waiting outside SNSD's dorm.

It was Kyuhyun who started the conversation when they were at the car.

"How was your day?" Kyu asked as he asked Seohyun who was seated behind him.

"Oh, it was fine. I just finished taping WGM with Yonghwa-oppa for this weekend's episode. I don't have any schedule after that so I didn't get tired much. How about oppa?" Seohyun was putting on her seatbelts before she answered Kyu while Kyuhyun was starting the engine.

"We were busy practicing for our new album the whole afternoon. It was so tiring because we practiced non- stop. They won't even give us a break. Only lunch time, that is. All of the hyungs are so tired." Kyuhyun said as he started his way off. "But here I am now. Active and good. It only proves I'm better than my hyungs. I really am a genius, right?" he added.

Seohyun laughed at Kyuhyun's joke. Spending time with your loved ones at the end of the day really makes all of your worries fade away.

"Yuri- unnie, it seems like you got letters again from your secret admirer." Yoona pouted at the neatly packed heart- sealed letters she brought from their mailbox. She envies her unnie for getting this kind of things from her suitors. Even though Yoona has a lot of suitors, she never had heart- sealed letters from them. All she got were just chocolates and pretty flowers. To her, love letters are way much sweeter.

"Same sender, huh?" Yuri smirked as she grabbed her letters from the side table where Yoona put the letters before taking her seat from the sofa to watch her favorite drama.

"Why won't you send him a letter back? It would be cool." Sooyoung was on her shoulders now as she tried to read the letter. "His penmanship is pretty." She added just before Yuri tried to hide the letter from her.

"Aish. You scared me!" Yuri complained.

"What?" Sooyoung laughed as she took a seat next to Yoona. Yuri followed.

"Oh. Oh. Oh- oh. Opparreul Saranghae." Yuri sang by herself as she read the letter.

"Unnie. Don't tell me you love that guy already? You didn't even know him! Please don't be in a hurry, unnie." Yoona was worried, thinking the life of what her unnie would get if she would marry a stranger in this kind of age.

"Wha- Aish! That's not what I mean..besides, I'm just singing our song. Aigoo~" Yuri exclaimed. "Ya, did you see our maknae?" She added with a grin on her face.

"Oh, yes. She's wearing big glasses and wig—Wait. Why is she wearing those, by the way?" Taeyeon entered the living room with a tray of juice and home- baked cookies for her dongsaengs.

"To hide her identity, of course. Hah! I'm so proud of myself, unnie. That was my idea." Yuri, who was proud of herself, stood up raising both of her arms midair.

"Sooyoung- shii, what are you watching?" Taeyeon asked Sooyoung who was already fully-occupied with the drama, ignoring Yuri's funny yet adorable act.

"Oh, it's Dream High, unnie. I have to support T- Ara's Eun Jung by watching her drama, right? Though I kinda hate her role in here," Sooyoung answered a little bit late.

"Sooyounggie's just making excuses. Wherein she's watching Dream High because of her Taecyeon-oppa." Yuri sang with her made-up tune. Sooyoung said nothing but just threw Seohyun's Sergeant Keroro pillow at her.

"Hope our maknae would be fine. What if they'll get caught?" the leader asked worriedly, ignoring Yuri and Soyoung.

"They would be fine, I'm sure. And Seohyun's a smart kid. She knows what she's doing." Yoona assured her unnie.

"I'm hungry. C'mon let's eat. My treat." Sungmin pushed Sunny childishly towards the elevator.

"No, it should be me, oppa. I'll treat you this time." Sunny smiled at Sungmin.

"I'm the man here. So it should be me. You are the kid so just follow what your older brother is saying, alright?" Sungmin teased.

"Alright then, Ahjussi." Sunny teased back, tongue out.

"Oh, wait. Hyung-nim is calling." Sungmin grabbed his cellphone from his pocket when both of them heard his ring tone 'Bonamana'.

"Hyung." Sungmin answered.

"You're already off now, right? Mind buying pizza for dinner? Everyone's fully exhausted here." Even their Leader sounds tired on the phone.

"Uh.." Sungmin looked at Sunny, looking for answers.

Sunny looked at him and smiled. Telling him it's alright.

"Sure." Sungmin said.

"Thanks, Sungminnie. Take care, bye." His Hyung ended the conversation. Sungmin was putting his cell phone back to his pocket as he and Sunny headed their way out of the building where they work together as radio hosts.

"Sunny-shii, is it alright? Am I giving you a burden?" Sungmin asked when they finally reached the exit.

"It's alright, Sungmin-oppa. Besides, Taeyeon- unnie just texted me a while ago that all of them are going to eat outside since Sooyoung doesn't want to cook now. Our maknae is out with Kyuhyun, too." Sunny assured him.

"Really? It's all good, then. C'mon." Sungmin said with a big smile on his face.

"Pizza for Super Junior!" Sunny shouted as they walk, a cute smile plastered on her face.

"Pizza for Super Junior!!" Sungmin shouted even louder. Then, both of them laughed along the way.

"Ah. So the other two are having fun right now." Taeyeon said a she read Sunny's text message.

Tiffany knocked her head off the table.

"Maybe I need to have a boyfriend, too." Tiffany said weakly.

Jessica cleared her throat, "Mi Young-shhi, do you want to suffer like me?"

"Eh? But Donghae- oppa is nice. You are the one who's lucky here. And you love him, right?" Tiffany asked.

"Sica 'LOVED' him, Fany-shhi. And pretending you still love a person is way too difficult." Taeyeon butt in.

"True love or fake, still I wanted the company to give me a boyfriend. I wanna go out after a long day of work, too." Tiffany complained.

"Then go out with Jongwoon-oppa." Hyoyeon teased.

"Whatever, Hyo." Tiffany answered back, keeping the smile on her face by making up a serious Fany.

"Hahaha. I'm sure you'll love it. Am I right, girls?" Hyoyeon laughed with glee.

"Remember last awarding night? Jongwoon- oppa was the first one to shake hands with our Fany here. I bet he has been watching every move Fany made the whole night." Taeyeon said.

"Ayiheeeeee!" The girls chorused. Fany remained serious yet all of them know she's just hiding her smile.

"Just keep on dreaming girls." Tiffany said as she laid her head on top of her arms.

"Omo~ it's Jongwoon-oppa!" Yuri exclaimed.

Tiffany put her head up the moment she heard his name. Why is he doing here? Fany thought as she searched for Kim Jongwoon.

"Yuri-ah!" Tiffany complained as the girls giggled at the way Fany acted when Yuri mentioned Yesung's name.

"Omo~ our Fany here is blushing!" Taeyeon teased.

"Whatever, unnie." Tiffany blushed.

"Unnie, we should be ordering our food right now." Sooyoung who already feels hungry changed the topic.

"Aigoo~ I almost forgot. Sorry, girls." The leader dorkily said as she stood up. "Who wants to order with me?" she asked.

"Me!!" Sooyoung raised her hand.

"Come on, then." Taeyeon said as the two of them headed their way towards the cashier to order their food for dinner.

"Donghae- hyung and Jessica just had a big fight this morning." Kyu said.

The young man brought her to a sea- side restaurant just near their place. The weather was nice to watch the moon and stars up above listening to music both of them like. Sea breeze hit them as all of their worries fade away. It was a perfect place for both of them who just had a busy day.

"They would always fight. Unnie told me that their relationship won't work out anymore. She's already tired of it. I think… if not because of the company.. Sica- unnie would have… totally break up with him." Seohyun said truthfully.

"Hyung is sick of it, too. But.. the two of them are still trying their best not to show the.. truth to their fans. They'll get disappointed, I'm sure. Besides, they are the most popular couple in Seoul." Kyu said.

"And that's the reason why..SM still wants them, right? To gain more fans and everything. Poor, unnie. Sometimes I think that we are just.. being used." Seohyun confessed.

"Just like dolls…yet we are paid for that." Kyuhyun finally stood up and reached for Seohyun's hand. "Shall we?" He smiled.

"Oh, just like… dolls. Kyuhyun-oppa." Seohyun stared at Kyu's eyes as he stared back. "I'm just wondering… what if… what if…what if—"

"What if SM forced me to be in a fake relationship?" Kyuhyun finished the sentence for her.

Seohyun nodded.

Kyu smirked, "I won't let that happen. I'm LordKyu, remember?"

Seohyun smiled back. "Thanks, oppa." The young girl took Kyuhyun's hand as the young man lead their way to the dance floor. Kyu gently held her waist as the two of them danced along the music. Seohyun's arms around Kyu's neck. She could even feel Kyu's breathing.

"Wish we would be like this forever." Kyu whispered.

So, what do you think? Click the review button:) Thanks!:D