A/N: Hi guys! I know ya'll were expecting an update Friday, but I have some exciting news! I'm actually going to try and get Control published, and I really don't want to put too much of it on the internet since I'm actually going to try and do this. Especially since chapter eight sorta explains EVERYTHING. You guys have been the best during this and I really appreciate every review and favorite that has come into my inbox. If the whole publishing thing doesn't work out (which it might not) then I will continue updating! If it does, I'll let ya'll know so you can go ahead and get it ;D Since strictly author's notes technically aren't allowed here is a part of chapter eight! It's not from the beginning since that's when everything is revealed, but it's something. Enjoy!
Now I was furious. Why didn't James allow me to give my actual name? From the beginning I had been identified as "valuable", so the woman would have given us a car if she knew who I was.
"Sean and Ethan need her! I can't risk us getting attacked again by the Alexandrian soldiers," James snapped. Clearly, he was fed up with the woman.
"Wait, you can't be James Richter," the woman accused. She pulled out a gun and pointed it at James. A man emerged from the car and aimed his gun at me. "You're spies!"
At first I thought James was going to shoot them, but he held placed his gun on the ground and put his hands up. I emulated his actions. "No, we aren't."
"James Richter is taking Avery Shol down South, not Diane Wilson," the man retorted.
James's shocked expression turned into a smug one. "You shouldn't know that."
The woman didn't care. "Doesn't matter. You don't have your guns, and you're under arrest. Get in the car, or we shoot!"
James still looked pleased. Of course, I was having a breakdown. What was going to happen to us? What if they knew I killed that soldier? Would they even give us a trial? Why hadn't they already shot James? He was their biggest threat. If I were them, his expression would have put me on edge.
The man opened the car door and motioned for us to get in, but James stayed firmly planted to his spot. So I didn't move either. Besides, they couldn't kill me. Yet. My father would have wanted to know exactly what happened from my own mouth.
"What are you standing there for? Get in the car!" the woman shouted. Her finger hovered above the trigger. I stole a glance at James. He still wasn't even fazed by the situation. We had been caught, and he didn't care.
"Nah, I like it out here." James grinned at her.
Then the man seized my arm and threw me into the car. "James! HELP!" I screamed.
Before I could get up and run out of the car, the man was driving away. I didn't know what to do. I was going back to Alexandria and there was nothing to prevent it. Tears began streaming down my face. It was over. Everything I had done didn't matter anymore.
"We'll be back in Alexandria in about a week," the man said as if it were supposed to be comforting.
I didn't reply.
After about an hour of despair, I came up with a slightly insane idea. Jumping out of the car didn't seem that way, though. I had jumped off a roof before. It wasn't so different…
As casually as I could manage, I scooted close to the door. I decided that staring out of the window would make my move a lot less obvious, so I did. While I did this, my hands searched for the small handle that would free me. I grasped the handle as firmly as I could. I swung open the door.
"What the—" the man began.
I didn't hear the rest of the sentence. I had already flung myself out of the car and onto the unforgiving road. The pain was unbearable. Every piece of sunburnt skin I had made contact with the burning concrete. Not only was I burning, but I had cuts everywhere. Blood had begun to run down my arms and face in small streams. My whole body ached from the impact of hitting the ground.
I looked back to where the car had driven off. They were turning around. "No," I groaned, hoping that it would just disappear. Then I heard gunfire.