Why Do Things Happen the Way They Do?

A/N: This is dedicated to one of my teachers, who has a horrible illness and is only 26 years old. It is also dedicated to the paramedic who went to a Dodgers' game and is now fighting for his life. And its dedicated to everyone who needs hope and who is going though something similar.

Why do things happen the way they do?

Why can't we explain them?

Why does a toddler taking its first steps without being taught?

Why does as eighteen-year-old heading off to college as if it were a child on Christmas?

Why do things happen the way they do?

Why does snow fall in the winter, starting in November and continuing as late as April?

Why do the leaves change colors in the fall?

Why does nature spring to life, which may be why the season is spring?

Why do natural disasters occur, leaving the victims alone and without help?

Why do horrible things happen to great people who don't deserve it?

Why does a doctor get killed by a drunk driver when he is the one who helps everyone possible?

Why do firefighters and police officers get ambushed by criminals when they are here to protect everyone, big and small?

Why do sicknesses travel to people who do everything out of the kindness of their hearts?

Why don't we all band together and find out

Why things happen the way they do?

Together, we can help.