In a land treaded by the hidden, there lies a section, where twelve territories participate in a raging war against one another. The Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius territories subsided in the north, the three territories of air were in an ongoing war against the Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius territories of fire in the south. The people of air had an alliance with the Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces territories of water in the east, who were in war with the Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn territories of earth in the west, who in turn, were in an alliance with the people of fire.
A warrior lay in each of the twelve Zodiac territories, and the twelve of them were prophesised to form a group that would come to halt the wars, before they destroyed their foes, and friends.
The prophesies said the group to hold a warrior from the land of voice, with two gifts granted to the one soul; and another from the land of adventure, fueled with fire that could explode at any moment. There was to be a warrior from the land of pride, his sense of accomplishment driven from wisdom; and one from the land of faith, glowing with light yet to be uncovered. A warrior from the land of determination, small and delicate as a flower, but encompassing a new type of strength; and another from the land of belief, carving a path of his own through the darkness. Another, from the land of optimism, with the power to embed hope into the souls of the poor, and unfortunate; along with him would come a warrior from the land of security, who would come to nurture the poor, and unfortunate as a mother and her child. The group would seize a warrior from the land of purpose, who came to prove that emotions were not a weakness, nor dreams an illusion; and one from the land of peace, who's values kept him from being indecisive. Arriving from the land of wisdom, would appear a warrior that spread his knowledge in search of a matching soul; and the final warrior would come from the land of passion, dusted with his own pride and confidence, that inspired those that found themselves broken inside.
The twelve warriors were said to have their lives completely spun around, when the day came that they were called out to save the people of the Zodiac.
And that day was said to be near.
Author's Note
Well, there you have it. This is my story on Zodiac signs, because I've been really interested in them recently, so I hope you enjoyed, and even if you didn't, thanks for reading. P.S: It would be appreciated if you could post some suggestions for the name of this story? Please and Thank You.
-Gemini ;]