The Brilliant Golden Easter Egg
Summary: It's Easter Time! Anya is Russian Orthodox and celebrates Easter on a different day than Catholic people do. All of her friends' parents are going away on
a vacation since the kids are off of school and sports for the week. It's an
adult getaway, meaning the teens can't come, so they stay with Anya and
follow her as she goes through all the traditions and fasting, etc. Let's just say,
chaos and humor ensue!
P.S. This is based on my traditions and I told some friends about it and since they thought it was cool, I decided to make it into a humorous story! This first chapter is just about the traditions themselves and maybe some characters, but then the story begins. Please enjoy and review!
P.S.S Thanks to BlackFire101 for helping me create Dana and Chet!
Warning: Will have religious terms in it so please don't get offended. This story is just for good, clean fun.
"Anya!' Karen McDonald called up the stairs to her sixteen-year-old daughter.
"Yeah, mom?" Anya called back down.
"Let me know if your friends get permission. We'll pick them up tomorrow morning before their parents leave for the cruise!" Mrs. McDonald replied.
"And remember, boys and girls sleep in different rooms!" David McDonald ordered.
"Dad! We know!" Anya whined before turning back to the book on her bed.
Anya tossed her hair over shoulder before bending her neck downward in order to read the next sentence. She had natural blond hair, but with brown highlights. Her roots were also died red. As Anya's hazel eyes scanned her book, her cell phone went off, letting her know she had a text message.
My parents said I can stay with you as long as it's alright with your parents! See you in the morning! The text was from one of Anya's best friends, Allison Hughes.
Awesome, can't wait to see you! Anya texted her friend back.
Anya was Russian Orthodox, meaning Easter in her church was celebrated a little differently than those of the Catholic faith. Anya was Russian on her father's side. The two Easters were on different days this year and since the whole school was off starting tomorrow, which was Thursday, Anya's friends' parents had decided to go on a little adult getaway where it was warm every day. They wanted a little time away from the sometimes nippy Pennsylvania weather. So, they wanted it to be an adult-only trip and their teenaged kids did not want to stay with a relative for the week. Of course, their younger siblings had to stay with a relative. But, Anya had asked her parents if her friends could spend Easter week with them and learn about all the traditions. Her parents had said yes and now she was waiting for her friends to get permission.
Anya had just put her phone back on her bedside when it went off a total of three times.
See you tomorrow, girl! Dana had texted her.
Hey Anya! My parents said I could stay with you! Raymond sent.
It's a yes! Timmy told her.
Anya smiled. Now, she was just waiting for Chet's answer. This was going to be so fun! She just hoped Chet could come. While waiting for his reply, Anya decided to write in her diary, something she always did at night. She opened up to a blank page and grabbed her sparkly sky blue pen off of her desk.
Dear Diary,
Tomorrow is Holy Thursday! I can't believe it's almost Easter! Lent went by really fast, but it's not over yet since I have to turn vegan without eating meat or dairy starting tomorrow. At least it's only until Sunday. Anyway, everyone but Chet said they could come tomorrow. I'm awaiting his response. I can't wait until tomorrow night's service. The Passion Gospels are so interesting to listen to and then of course there is all the bowing. I wonder what Aly, Timmy, Dana, Ray, and Chet will think of it. Well, I better go for now. Write to you soon!
As Anya closed her diary and put it under her pillow, her cell phone rang again.
Don't forget about me tomorrow! It was Chet. Anya smiled as she set her phone down. All her friends would be spending Easter with her.
"Mom, they can all come!" Anya called downstairs. As she laid back and thought about all of her traditions, she realized something. There was no way they would get through the next six days without some sort of chaos.
A/N: So, here's the new chapter one! I like this better, even though it's short, so sorry about that. Please review!