A new morning, a new hope, some people say...well, my mother says, and I suppose that's more than enough to gain some entusiasm, get up and go on with their lives, but unfortunely, it is not enough for me.
I really need to clean this mess, I mean, it smells worse than my uncle's places...and he lives between the city dump and Indian restaurant; I don't even reconize anymore the green stuff on my fridge...Is it...? Well, whatever it was, it was good enough to eat.
Well, let's watch...
...I swear, day-time television is a ungodly torture, why am I watching this in the first place? Just food shows (or how I like to call them: "porn for fatties"), bad soap operas and a talk show. The topic? "Bitch and proud". NOT AGAIN! Bitch is not a compliment! Calling yourself a "bitch" doesn't make you cool or edgy! It just makes you look like a fucking cunt that doesn't understand why everybody hate her but is unable to get that everybody hates her because she acts like an ass in the first place! What are you? Katty Griffin?
Oh what the hell, maybe I'm just over-thinking it, and anyway, I need to stop watching this shit: I need to find a job, and this time, for real; I'm well aware that my money won't last forever...
...This is what I get for getting a crappy Liberal Arts degree: two hundred employ offers and none made for me...
...Oh, hell with that: It's not like I actually want to get a job anyway...as long as I have my social security check, everything will be fine and alright...in 20 weeks more, it will be an inferno, but until then: Rock N'Roll all night and party everyday!
Maybe I should talk with some friends...
...Oh great, they are busy...in their jobs. I can't fucking believe it! Even the bassist of my former band has a job! He's regional manager for a plastic company...What did that happen? He's suddenly earning more in a week than what I've had earned last year! Oh well, I hope you enjoy a life with no dreams! Yes, you can buy a luxurious car, a kick ass home and all the ladies are over you, BUT I BET YOU'RE NOT HAPPY INSIDE! You sold your soul to "the man" man...
...God...what am I doing with my life? I was such a promise: I wasn't the brightest star in the sky, but I was clever and smart...I even used to be fit! Now I can't even look at my own feet! I had such a potential but I wasted it.
I need to change, I need to wake up and find the way, maybe find Jesus...not, I'm not doing the last one (my mother would kill me!) but you get the idea: I need to stand up like a man and stop acting like a freakin' child: I complain every night about how I'm alone and nobody notices me, but then again...what the hell have I ever done to be noticed in the first place?! I don't deserve anything...yet...
...Yes, I'm going to move on and...! Wait, what is that sound?
...Oh great! My social security check! This night is gonna be one wild night!
See ya monkies! I'm going to party!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Very VERY loosely based on real events...name the character as you wish, we all know someone like this OR we are someone like this...