Make the light, make my light tonight
You know I need to feel you with me
Make this feeling live again in heart and mind
'Cause what you give me is just what I need
Send me letters of hope
that tonight the world won't be cold
that there's someting to fight for Out there
that we can still reach that train
I'm missing you before the dawn
Missing you all the time
Missing you with all my breath
I just can't be without you
I'm missing you before the dawn
Missing you like a dreamer misses a star
Missing you with all my love
That's all it's left to do
Say the words, spell what my fears stop
I won't leave you until someone has courage enough
To face what is true right in front our eyes
Just what we already know
I'm missing you before the dawn
missing you all the time
missing you with all my breath
I just can't be without you
I'm missing you before the dawn
missing you like a dreamer misses a star
missing you with all my love
That's all it's left to do
So no matter how many nights I'll have to wait
A dream will not be a dream until you're here again
I'm missing you before the dawn
missing you all the time
missing you with all my breath
I just can't be without you
I'm missing you before the dawn
missing you like a dreamer misses a star
missing you with all my love
That's all it's left to do
NOTE: Oh God, isn't great to love and be loved in return? I know this song is corny and cheesy as hell, but screw everybody, I'm happy for once!
Dedicated to...well, you will know it when you read it! XD