And from the pilot during his welcome message, he said: "We are pleased to have some of the best flight attendants in the industry. Unfortunately, none of them are on this flight, so you'll just have to settle with the weird girl next to you."

***Amirah's POV***

I have to admit something. I think I am strangely attracted to airports. Why? I'm not sure but I'm enthralled by the way airports smell. But it's just smell, not people. I don't even know why, I guess maybe 'because most of my money goes into air travel rather than my bare necessities. Plus, if you're on a plane, you get to compare airplane food and see who has the best. The people that work here seem to be the exact opposite as me; me being a hyperactive 23 year old and them, usually, being tired and wailing old freak shows. Besides, if I were attracted to the people working here, that'd be a wee bit creepy, perhaps even against the law.

"Boarding Pass?" the man asked.

I shook my head in despair.

"What?" he asked.

"Oh sir, that was so impolite. It's not nice to demand things from a customer."

"In order to gain access to enter the air craft, a passenger must present his/her boarding pass. Failure to meet the requirements may result to banishment from the airport."

"Anyone can memorize the handbook sir. But to treat a customer, one must have a kind heart. Now I didn't memorize that but I sure did use my common knowledge of politeness."

"Are you saying that I don't have common knowledge?"

"Your words, not mine."

"Do you even have a boarding pass?"

"Oh my Lord, is that how you ask a person for their boarding pass?"

"Ma'am, are you telling me how to do my job?"

"I'm simply correcting you."

"I've been working here for over 4 years and no one has said anything to me in those past years. Would you like for me to call security?"

"Well I am definitely saying something if I've been standing here for almost six and a half minutes with words coming out of my mouth. No need to get all fussy, I just wanted to let you know, the customer's always right. And, if you look around," I said, getting close to him, "I'm the customer here." I whispered, handing him my boarding pass.

I heard a man smirk behind me and walked away to catch a slight glimpse of the man's brown hair and built up figure.

I walked through the tunnel connecting the airplane with the terminal. An endless tunnel full of pointless grey walls until you arrive the entrance of the plane where there are people with blazers, oxford white shirts, and a grey skirt over a pair pantyhose, standing with a smile that probably cost over $2,000. Maybe if they got lucky. And they've got their hair done and their shoes are all cool, all pointy and everything. Fancy shmancy air port staff.

"Good afternoon ma'am." a blonde one spoke as I entered in an attractive British accent.

"Afternoon to you too." I said, handing her my boarding pass so she would tell me the way to my seat.

"Ah, C16, that's three rows down and second seat on your right."

"Alright, thank you." I said, walking in.

It was, as she said, three rows down and next to a window. On the right side of my seat was another, toward the end. I threw my necessities down next to my seat and got up to put my handbag in its designated area but my unnaturally miniature arms were not willing to help. I left it aside and walked to find some help and use the restroom before takeoff.

With my bladder empty and no help nearby, I went back to my seat to see a head buried deep inside my purse.

"Oi! What do you think you're doing, eh?"

The head popped out of the bag and the guy with an attractive chiseled face threw it aside. Always mention the chiseled face.

"Oh hai! I was...well...I was trying to find out who I was sitting with."

I looked at him and put my hand on my hip. "Lying, sir, will never get you anywhere."

"False accusations can be applied to the same rule." he said grinning like a child.

I rolled my eyes and slid into my seat which was, unfortunately, right next to his because these were the very last seats of business class and God knows why there's only two. At least they're roomie.

"So, you decide to steal from my bag, and then just throw it on my seat as if it's nothing? Come on. Fer real?"

"I never said I was stealing."

"Then why would you look through my stuff? If you made it into this plane without getting caught, my passport would be of no help. Either would my boarding pass, since you're already seated."

"Clever girl." he said, smiling a pathetic impressed look.

"Don't avoid the subject. Give me an answer. Why were you looking through my stuff?"

He groaned and turned his body all the way to directly face me.

"I got hungry. Honest. I saw a pack of gum. So I took one. Look. Here's the wrapper." he said, sliding out a small crumpled up piece of 5 GumĀ®.

"I thought you said you didn't steal."

"I don't."

"So I suppose I'm going to get that piece of gum back then?"

He smirked. "Well if you want my saliva so badly, there's a better way than asking for my gum."

"Oh shut up," I said, turning to my left and trying to avoid his immature face, "Twat."

I saw my handbag beside his chair and sighed.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Nosy, aren't we?"

"Apologies for caring." he said, raising his arms up as a sign of surrender.

"Oh wow. Who knew the cold hearted Ken dollĀ® actually cared for people?"

"No really, do you need something?" he asked with a straight face.

I sighed. It was an embarrassing fact to admit. I hate being under...heighted. I'm not short, 5'4" usually isn't. I guess the people around me have turned into freaking giants. Tall people are fine, if there's just not too many of them. I especially hate it when kids younger than me grow taller than me. Tall people should be kept in a giant cage so when we start to run out, the good ones get released and the rest have to stay.

"My handbag? I can't lift it up high enough to put it into the shelves."

He smirked. I was getting really tired of him and the plane hadn't even taken off yet.

"It's alright to say that you're height disadvantaged. We will all accept you exactly as you are."

I made a face at him and moved aside so he could get out and assist me. As he stood up, I felt like I was shrinking because he was almost literally towering over my head. He got out of his seat and lifted my extremely overweighed bag as I watched his grey t-shirt rise up, revealing a slither of nicely tanned musklez. He held the bag over his dark brown fohawked hair and slid it into the compartment with ease.

"What do you have in there? Bricks?" he said as he closed the compartment door.

"Yea, the third little piggy called and said his house was starting to tear down so I brought in some extra bricks."

He laughed a strange manly laugh and allowed me to walk through and sit down. He sat down next to me and the two of us buckled up for departure. He turned and looked at me.

"By the way, my name is Sayf."

I nodded. "Amirah."

He held his hand out for me to shake. "Nice to meet you Amirah. I hope you don't mind me being in the same row as you but you really have no choice so...yea."

I rolled my eyes at him and turned away as he laughed a little to face the air hostess as she began to explain the safety precautions when traveling with British Airways.