Chapter Sixteen- Monday

You pick seven dandelions on the way to the bus stop with Rhode. You love dandelions. They are your flower even though they aren't really a flower, they are a weed. You wonder what the difference between a flower and a weed is because dandelions sure look like flowers to you and you like that. No one ever likes the dandelion, just like no one used to like you until Rhode came along. You aren't sure you can remember a time before Rhode came along anymore though because that was just so long ago.

But you always felt bad for the dandelions. You put them in Rhode's hair and she doesn't brush them away.

She holds your hand as you get on the bus and you can hear the whispers, but you don't really care right now because you have Rhode by your side and that's really all you need.

You stand outside her first period class before the bell rings and you pick the dandelions out of her hair carefully.

"I love you," you tell her.

"I love you too," she says and then the bell rings and you have to run to class.

You run really fast and you almost make it on time.

"Kylie-Juliette, welcome back," says your teacher and she seems surprised to see you. You smile because you like surprising people.

"How was prison?" asks someone and you shrug because you don't want to talk about it.


Your day goes fine until you are skipping to gym and then you hear it. It's soft at first and then louder.


"What did you call me?" you demand because that's what Rhode would do.

"I called you a freak you stupid dyke," says the girl and you remember her as Jennifer and you don't like her very much at all.

"Go away," you tell her and she won't go away and she keeps yelling at you and you don't like it so you yell and you yell and you tell and then Grey is there and he's telling her to go to the principals office.

It's okay again, but your heart is racing and you don't like it all. But then he's taking you to his office and you know it's going to be okay.

"I want Rhode," you say.

"Okay," he says and you go towards the gym. You want Rhode. You want her now.

And then you are in the gym, in the closet and he's kissing you and you know it's going to be okay and Rhode will be there soon and you know it. You need her.

And then the door opens and there's Rhode and you run over to her and you kiss her again and again and again and again and again.

"I love you," you tell her.

"I love you too," she says.

You smile as Grey leans over and kisses her too. You'll never get enough of seeing that.

"Come over after school," he says.

You nod and then he leaves and you spend the rest of the period in the closet with Rhode.


After school you and Rhode go to Grey's house. He puts on a movie, but none of you are really watching it. You don't even know what movie it is. About five minutes in Grey pulled Rhode on to his lap and they're making out. You can't tear your eyes away. There's something weird about seeing Rhode kiss someone because you've never really seen it. You've felt it. You've felt it over and over again, but you haven't seen it and that's what you're doing now. You are seeing it. You can see all the things that make up Rhode being thrown into that kiss and you wonder what it looks like when she kisses you. You can't imagine it. But you want to feel it so you pull them apart and latch yourself onto Rhode. She's still sitting on her lap and you can feel his hands on you. It all feels so wonderful.

You wonder what they talked about all those times when you weren't paying any attention. You stop and you kiss Grey. You wish you had two mouths so you could kiss both of them at the same time, but if you did you would be able to talk twice as fast and twice as much. If you did that, Rhode would probably murder you. She loves you, but you know there's only so much she can handle.

"Ari, pay attention," she says. You love how she can tell you are drifting even though you aren't even kissing her.

You lean over and you kiss her and you feel Grey's mouth on your neck.

You are happy. You like this. You like that you get to do this and then go home and see Addy. You like that you have three of them in your life.

And a part of you wishes Katie was there too, but you'll survive with out her. Because you have Rhode and Addy and Grey. You couldn't do it without the three of them. And Rhode's mom of course. You couldn't do it without her.

"Ari, seriously, you think too much."

"Sorry," you mumble and you kiss her. Her lips are so soft and you love the little shocks you get from the feel of her hands on you. And his hands on you. That helps too. His hands are so different than hers.

Rhode clearly decides that you can't be trusted to stay out of your head on your own so she slips her hand up your shirt.

"Hey, Rhode?" you mumble as you're laying on your bed at home. It's your bed now because you live there too. Officially. You smile at the thought of that. It's your bed too. It's your house too. You live here with your girlfriend and your mom and your daughter. Three generations, not related in the least. But it's family.


"Do you believe in unicorns yet?"

"Yes," she says and your heart swells.

You know it's going to be okay because Rhode believes in unicorns and the world is alright. You have everything you ever wanted. It will all be okay.