A/N: I suggest listening to the song first before reading to get the meaning of this.


There I was again… done sketching another picture…Sigh… maybe I got nothing else to do in my life but sketching…

So I was already done with my commission for a friend. A perfectly shaped woman figure holding a jar pouring water on a fountain, a pretty much gender bent version of Aquarius… I just sighed and took off the piece off the stand. Blew away the eraser dust and took a look at it again. Well, my styles just seemed enough. It's never changed, but I still have a problem with noses.

I just shook my head and placed the piece on one corner with the other stuff I've drawn or painted. My room was a mess, but it's an artistic mess… heh, I can even sketch my room with one try only!

Well, another cold day, another commission done, and I'm ready to retire, but glancing at the wall clock, it was too early. So I just took my cup of hot mocha and took a long swig. I took out a fresh sheet of paper off the folio and placed it on my drawing board. I reached for my Pencil cup down below the chair. While sipping on my mocha and thinking of what to draw down now.

Well, I decided to sketch a random person… or just another pretty… Yes, I am single. In case you were wondering. Never have I spent more than two hours outside my four walls of the apartment, and never have I thought of having a gal under my arm. Well, maybe you can say I was already in love with my art than in women…

Well, my hand was fiddling for my 3B Pencil. I knew it was the longest weapon of mine out of all the pencils, but I just couldn't find it…

Until I looked down and realized that it was not there anymore…

Hell, that was my longest ally in quick draft sketches… I just scratched my head, and placed my cup on the floor, then picked up my pencil cup, thoroughly searched for it, finding it was now only 2 inches long. I shook my head in disbelief. Guess it was time to buy another one…

I didn't take long to dress up, I just took my cream colored jeans and wore my black trench coat over my black shirt. I am going out again, I told myself.

Out my cramped and Artistically messy pad, the chilly winter cold bit me. I tried to endure, but my hands couldn't stop shaking, even if half my arm is already dipped in my trench.

It was not a long walk over Tolsby's, my favorite bookstore, providing a freelance artist like me lots of drawing materials. I fell in love with that place when I first got here… I still kept my first 5B Pencil I first bought there, in plastic and still in good condition…

I crossed the street, walked two blocks, and voila, Tolsby's on the other side of the street. Not really crowded, but it's a perfect quiet haven for us artists on the block…

Inside, the heaters were doing their job nicely. I count only 8 people inside, but I'm guessing they're only buying kid's art paper and all… I just minded my own business, past the cashier, into the entrance, and off to the Pencil's…

I was quick about my movements, I just wanted to go back home fast… I'm not used to exposing myself in public for so long… I found what I just needed, and took two in case. Prices here were reasonable, but I'm a regular customer here, so I sometimes get a special discount on occasions…

I strode across the store, in a few steps, I paid for what I got, and in less than five minutes, I am already outside and homebound. It was chilly again and I felt my ears getting the frostbite, I quickened my pace and then suddenly…


And I felt in slow motion… the gravitational force pulling me downward as I felt a sharp pain on my cheek as another head slammed hard against it. And so after I felt a pain on my stomach, I realized I was face first on the ground, and a girl all coated up kneeling beside me.

This girl…

This girl was coated with a bonnet and a scarf with a thick jacket and black jeans. She was holding my hand, shaking it, and I can hear blurry 'Are you okay?' sounds coming from her. But when I looked up, my eyes half closed, I could perfectly see her face…

Just like an artist's imagination of the definition 'beauty', She had perfect cheekbones, perfect teeth, blonde hair, green eyes, and her lips were nicely thin, her ears were as red as apples, and her worried face, her curled up faint brown eye brows, just… perfect…

I opened my eyes fully, seeing the true form of this woman. I got up, dusting off the dust off my face and now feeling colder. She made helped me up and brought me to a bench nearby, bystanders were few, but thankfully I didn't get hurt that badly…

She narrowed her eyes at me, those deep green eyes. "Um… Are you okay?"

I nodded. But she just didn't look very satisfied. "I must have bumped you pretty hard! Are you sure?" She asked again.

This time, my conscious is now on check, and my throat cleared. "Yeah… I-I'm fine… thank you…"

She looked relieved, and then she said. "I'm really sorry, I was careless…"

I looked at her. "Oh no! I'm the one at fault, if I were looking at where I was going, I could've avoided you!" I said, and then stood. "Well, I guess you were in a hurry, but I have to go now… Thanks." And off I went, dismissing the conversation between us.

I heard the girl calling back at me, but I didn't want to stay out here any longer. I quickened my pace, and I was now away from the people who saw me fell.

Until I realized I left my Tolby's paper bag with two 3B pencils in it. And maybe that's why she called me. I just smiled at my own mistake, and scratched my head. And out the window my motivation went, I wanted to get it back, but I'm sure that girl won't be there anymore.

I sat down again on the broken office chair that I use whenever I sketch on the drawing table, and drank a hot choco, just to avert the cold. I picked up my pencil cup, and again grimaced on the 3B pencil I left. I stood, and looked out the window, holding the cup of hot choco, and watching the traffic below.

That girl…

Again, her green eyes invaded my head, her not too short blonde hair, and her real worried look. I smiled at the thought, thinking she looked very pretty when she smiles… But that train crashed when I heard the knocking at the door. I walked across the messy room, and opened it, and like an archer hitting the apple on the head, was surprised seeing that blond girl in front of me, her bonnet off, her blonde hair out, and a smiling face with a trace of worry and tiredness equipped on her face.

That smile…

I observed her for a few seconds, and then said. "How, did you find me? I mean, where do I live?"

She smiled, her perfect teeth shining at me like pearls. "I followed you, silly! And when you entered this building, I asked the guy at front desk where you were!" She said, huffing, and brought the Tolby's paper bag I left behind. "I tried calling you, but I guess you didn't hear me. Here, you left this." She said, and I took the bag.

"Thanks…" I said, staring at her stunning simplicity of her beauty screaming at my eyes.

"You're welcome, and I'm sorry again for a while ago…" She said, scratching her head. "See ya!" and she turned to leave.

I don't know whether I'm starting to like her, or I'm just being bewitched by her simple beauty, but my mind just tells me to just keep her here, just to look at her more. "Um… Wait!" I called out, she stopped. "Maybe you can, um… stay over for a few. I got hot choco and some cookies. And plus, it's cold out." I said, smiling, nervously.

She turned to me, and her lips curved to a smiley. "I might be disturbing you, so…"

My mind told me to insist. "Oh no, not really, I only live alone!" I said. "Just, stay for a minute, as thanks for helping me out earlier." I added, and she looked convinced.

And here she was, sipping on a hot choco, cookies on the table of the kitchenette, and she looked surprised at the condition my whole room was. She sat there at the table, while I leaned on the counter near the sink. We've been silent since I made her the choco.

She sat down, and took off her jacket, and she was wearing a body tight sweater. Her figure was delicate, yet has a sexy tone to it. Her bust was the average, her hips matched her upper body, and her build was trim. And as I observed all of this, I tried hard to concentrate on making the choco and made sure I didn't miss one mix. I adored her sight, she was like a living perfectly sculpted sculpture. While for me, I remained shakey, sweating, and heart pounding throughout the whole moment. Sweating? In the middle of winter? Hah.

"You must be a great artist, seeing all your works scattered all around the room like that." She said, then looked at me. "It's a compliment" she smiled.

I smiled back, my nervousness calming down a bit. "Well, yeah, I just get too lazy throwing the old pieces, so I just leave it on the floor like that, and continued whatever I wanted to draw. Inspiration, you know." I said, holding my cup, with my hand shaking a little.

And for the past hour, we've talked. She showed great interest in my work. She adored many of my unfinished pieces, and well, amusingly liked the way I drew noses. On her side, I found out she was a socialite, a Radio DJ, and an endorser for skin cream. She has a very colorful background, and she likes art. She even asked me If I can do a piece of her. I replied with a yes. But, time seemed quick about this, and well, it was time for her to go. I looked a little down, but I kept my face happy.

We said our formal farewells, and said "Maybe next time, okay? Call me." She said, smiling, and walked away… That was the part, when I, a freelance artist, a fraidy cat to society, suddenly fell for this girl, a girl who I never met, who suddenly came into my life, who had made me never look away from her, like a painting on the wall that got me mesmerized by its natural way if being painted… and because of her, she had changed the way I think, which scarred me, in a good way, for life…


Want to but I can't help it, I love the way it feels…

Days after she left, I couldn't help myself thinking about her. I leaned against the wall, holding the cup she had drank on days ago on both hands. I closed my eyes, and reimagined the moment she, that girl, who had this defining 'beauty' carved into her, had been in my house, whom I talked to, and drank my favorite hot choco with… I scratched my head, and tried to shake the feeling, but the memory keeps kicking in. Even the commission I made for a friend started to look like her…

I walked out the messy studio, and sat where she had sat before, and then thought of her, again, with my eyes closed.

Just got me stuck between my fantasy and what is real…

I don't completely know why I have this… strange… feeling. Maybe my love for arts, suddenly made my feelings of love toward her. I pictured her as a figure, a goddess, a potential waiting to be drawn, with all those delicate features, her eyes, her lips, her sandy white hair, her soft figure. Maybe because of me thinking of her as a piece of potential art, has made me think of her as someone I love…

I stood in front of an empty frame I prepared, and I proceeded to take the 3B pencil which I have bought from Tolsby's, and I began outlining her face, starting with her perfect cheekbones, ears, and lips, and all those details, were taken from memory I have kept because of my feelings towards her…

I need it when I want it, I want it when I don't…

But those feelings have done drastic things to me. I drink a lot of choco now, and worse is that I am more irritable and fidgety when I make a mistake in any drawing. I regulated my thoughts, I decided to draw something else, of other interests, just to ease this 'obsession' I am already feeling towards her.

The drawing I made hours ago, I took it off the stand, and hid it behind some other of my folios and frames leaning on the wall next to me, and took out a clean sheet of paper. As I start to stroke, I keep starting with her cheekbones, I thoroughly erased it, and took out the drawing I hid, and took another look, only to be upset that I am easily giving into my feelings.

Tell myself I'll stop every day knowing that I won't…

I tried again. I took out another clean sheet of paper, and drew a scenery of buildings in a sunset, and it went pretty well. But as soon as I started doing shading, I stopped, and took out the piece I was currently drawing, and behind it, was her sketch, from my memory.

I looked at it, and found out that her nose was disfiguring her perfect face. I angrily crumpled the piece, and took out another clean sheet, and again, from my memory of her face, I start to draw her details again…

I got a problem and I… (don't know what to do about it)

The next day, I was more meticulous. With the help of swigging Hot choco in the cold studio, I managed to draw another piece of her. Again, not perfect. I felt frustrated my memory is fading, I didn't like the way things were going. I tore the piece and closed my eyes to struggle… and remember how she had looked like when we first met…

Even if I did, I don't know if I would quit but I doubt it…

Three tries. Three tries, none of them kicked. I felt like an obsessive-compulsive person for symmetry and perfection. I felt ridiculous. I looked out the window, and it felt like I could get better if I took a breather outside. So I suited up, and took my brown leather jacket, and still, the blurry image of her still views like a movie in my head…

I'm taken by the thought of it

When I turned the knob of my door, I took a last glimpse of the piece I have drawn, I let go. I walked back to the broken computer-swing chair, and took out a 3B.

And I know this much is true…

I took quick steps going down, didn't take the elevator because I might feel cramped, and my thoughts might suffocate me within.

Baby you have become my addiction

But the image of her just won't split. I'm getting tired of it already narrating her, her appearances, and details in my head…

I'm so strung out on you, I can barely move

She got me intertwined in my thoughts, My OWN thoughts. Okay, she is potential art, but when she manages to make me feel this way, I am in defeat…

But I like it… and it's all because of you (All because of you),


And it's all because of you (All because of you),

This is different than just art. I have fallen for her.

And it's all because of you (All because of you),

Fallen… in love, that is.

And it's all because…

I want her to be with me.

Never get enough…

I want her to be my art that I will treasure… a piece of art I will never get tired of seeing, an art… which I will take care, cherish and keep her in my heart forever.

She's the sweetest drug. . .

Problem is… I can't recall her anymore… my memory fails me... An artist like me, who forgets… Is afailure… But, I have remembered a solution. A solution that will pardon the fault my memory has done to me. She had said, a week ago, "maybe next time, okay? Call me."

I stopped. I was already out my apartment, and already under the cold. "Call me." Her voice echoed. My heart started beating fast, and I started trembling, and no sooner as I got down my room, I climbed back up the flight of stairs, and made it back to my studio, and took out the little paper card she had given me when she came from my black trench coat. Her name and number was there, and then, there I was, sitting on the mini couch next to the window, with the card on my hand, wondering what to do next. The phone was a seat away from me.

Think of it every second, I can get nothing done…

So I decided the next day, to procrastinate my calling to her to be my model. So I just kept on doing random sketches and drafts. Most of which were her, which was now kind of messy and blurry, like the memory in my mind.

But the thought of finally drawing her, in person, in front of me, overwhelmed me, and then again, I kept sketching because of my pessimism to the thought… she might not answer, or may refuse… Then again, It had attacked me, because her being here, me being able to sketch her, will give me a chance to finally confess what I really feel for her and end these feelings of addiction…

Only concern is the next time I'm goin' get me some…

So there I was, back at square one. Sitting on a two man couch wondering If I should really call or not The phone is now next to me, and the card is on my hand. I juggled it, fiddled with it, and indecision comes in, thinking if this is really a good idea. I picked up the phone with half a courage...

Know I should stay away from it, cause it's no good for me…

…and dialed. My heart was now beating louder than the phone beeping, my hand shaking worse now, I wanted to back out. I thought this was a bad idea. Scandalsmight occur, it might ruin her image, I was already half deciding to drop the phone, but she, the girl who has made me fall to her beauty for many days now, answered.

"Hello? Who's speaking?"

"Er… Hi… Um… It's me, the freelance artist you've met last week? I hope you remember… the one you bumped and well, gave back something I forgot... hehe…" I gulped, heavily, hoping she won't hear it.

"Oh, it's you!" A cheery voice chimed in. "I'm very sorry about that time, really… Well, so you called, what is it?"

"Well, you see… I…" Bad thoughts of failure and pessimism entered me. What if I screw up? What if she does not like me? What if… Despite all the nagging to stop this ridiculousness, I sucked it all in, and gave it to her head on.

I try and try but my obsession won't let me leave!

"I was wondering… If you could be my model. Because… um… You see… er… I just want to draw you, that's all, because I feel you'll make a good drawing." I said stuttering, hoping she'd say yes, and again, those pessimistic thoughts invaded my head all over. I became nervous. You idiot, now you made a fool of yourself.

"Sure! That's fine. Well, I'll be with a friend at Starbucks, let's meet there at around 4 PM. I still have some photo shoots to take care of. Be there okay? I'll be waiting for you!"

I was shunned. All I said was a faint "Okay, see you there. Take care." A "Goodbye" in return and phone drop. I still held the receiver. Mouth gaping a little, and my heart, was beating so hard and happy, that finally… The girl who I have been thinking about, obsessed about, nearly getting insane about… accepted me, to draw her, which I consider is always the 'greatest' honor of any artist, to draw someone.

I got a problem and I, don't know what to do about it…

Time passed by slowly. 2:30 PM. I got nothing else to do. I just walked around the whole studio, taking paces, looking out the window, bringing out all the drawings and sketches of the girl out from all the hidden places, looking at them, then just scattered them on the floor. My heart was still pounding. I was finally going to draw her…

Even if I did I don't know if I would quit but I doubt it…

3 PM. I got ready. My jacket worn, A mug of hot choco on my hand, and I remained on the window for the next 30 minutes. My mind was still soaring with anticipation. I was excited, nervous, eager, and most of all, happy. I was glad everything went fine, it was pointless worrying…

I'm… taken by the thought of it

3:30 PM. I got out my apartment, Got down the apartment sooner than expected, and walked to Starbucks, which was 4 blocks away from home. Takes a 15 minute walk, but it's better to be early than to make her wait. So in a quick pace, I reached Starbucks.

And I know this much is true,

There she was, her hair the same, her happy green eyes seeing me , raising her arm and waving. I waved, but an unfamiliar sight beside her med me feel uncomfortable. A guy, who obviously looks like a model, sits beside her, and on the table were two caramel cappuccino fraps.

I approached them and sat down. Smiling at her, and giving less attention to the guy. My eyes were fixed on her, her face literally smiling, her hands, the way she sipped her frap, the way she held the straw, the way her side-view looks, everything. This was a dream come true…

But the guy looked suspicious.

Baby, you, have become my addiction

"Oh, by the way, this guy here is my co-model, we work for the same company endorsing the same product." As I looked at the guy, he certainly looked like a well-endowed guy. He had perfects. Shoulders, hairdo, head not to thin, not too fat, physically fit, and trim. I nodded my head in greeting, and he just nodded back. But his eyes want to tell me 'You pervert. You're not getting close to this girl.' I remained silent, and just listened to their conversation, and asking some questions frequently.

I'm so strung out on you, I can barely move

Now the guy was making moves. He slid his hand behind her, my Model, my prized art, and gave this 'You loser' look. I took this in. He wasn't irritating, but if he attempts to fill me in, then I'm out.

But I like it, and it's all because of you (All because of you),

The girl kept talking, her voice ringing softly against the cold, her smile just making me smile too. Her simple gestures and movements just enticed my eyes. I just wonder how long will I be staying here with this guy trying to give me the 'Outs'. I didn't mind him much, but kept my focus on the girl.

And it's all because of you (All because of you),

Suddenly the subject's changed to his favor. He asked about the girl having a boyfriend, which the girl replied with a 'no'. This started to fill me up. He certainly wants to get rid of me.

And it's all because of you (All because of you),

He claims 'he is available', and gave a wink to the girl. The girl took this as a joke and brushed it off with a giggle, and said 'stop joking'.

And it's all because…

The guy gave me a cool and swift side look, as if taunting me with 'You lose, I win. This girl is mine.", and gave an attempt to bring the girl closer to her, and asked for 'a kiss'. The girl still took this as a joke. She tried to brush the guy off, but he just kept attempting.

Never get enough

I stood. I had enough of this. I did not tolerate. Calmly as I can, I just said, "Thanks for your time, I have to get going. Bye." The girl looked surprised at this dismissal. The guy too, but it was obvious he had enjoyed the victory of this battle I never intended to fight. I walked away from the table, and out the Starbucks, I made my pace faster, feeling more disheartened. I gave up. The vision of me drawing here was now gone. Just frustration and sadness took over.

She's the sweetest drug

After 10 minutes, avoiding all eye contact, and keeping my mouth shut, I walked up my apartment, got the keys from the reception desk, and made my way up to my studio.

Ain't no doubt, so strung out

When I got in I sat on the small couch, placed my head in my hands, and I let all the pessimism take a hold of me. No more. That's it. I didn't know what to do next. I just stood in the middle of the studio, and took a long look at all the drawings of her I have scattered… Some, I picked them up, stood them upright, and stared at them again…

Ain't no doubt, so strung out

Suddenly I heard steps behind me, in my studio, it immediately hit me that I actually left the door open and forgot to lock it. I turned around, and saw… the girl.

Panting from tiredness, and she looked at me, seriously. "Why…" she panted. "Why did you walk away? I thought I was going to be your model?" She said, not in an angry tone, but like a tone of urgency, she walked a little towards me.

Over you, over you, over you

I turned to her fully. "I'm sorry…" I gave it all out. "I just didn't like your friend… He… well…" I stuttered, avoiding telling the true reason, I opened my mouth again to explain. But it seemed like she wasn't paying any more attention to me.


She looked around. "What… What is all this?" She asked, and It all hit me again. All the drawings, the sketches of her, which I took out carelessly, were all out. I was in awestruck defeat. Coincidence has won this one. My heart skipped a beat on this, I started to sweat, my ears getting hot, my cheeks doing a blush.

Because of you…

I was forced to tell her the truth. I gulped my strength. "…Ever since we both met… and ever since you came here…" She looked at me, I looked away, and at the drawings scattered about. "…I… I fell in love with you… You… you were like a piece of potential art… wanting to be drawn… a piece of art, which I fell in love with… which I've always wanted to draw… Which… I never got the chance to…"

And it's all because of you…

"…and that's why… ever since you left…" I gulped again, I felt she was still looking at me, my heart was beating loud drums now. I could feel my hands feel bumps from the beats. "…I always try to remember how you look like… how you smile… how you look at me… how you laugh… and all those figures you have… Just to make me satisfied… to see you once again as an art I have drawn… a beautiful art I have fallen in love with…"


She took another long look at the drawings. "…But I wasn't satisfied…" I looked at her now, and she looked at me, my heart beat can be heard if there were no noise outside. "That's why I called you. I wanted you to be my Model, so I can finally draw you. Not from an image in the mind, but as a real human being..." She stared at me, me, who is blushing and all red now.

Never get enough

"Because of you… This…" I mentioned to my scattered sketches of her. "I… did all this… because of you. I couldn't get you out of my mind…"

She's the sweetest drug

She looked at me carefully, and gave out a soft smile. She walked towards me, placed both her cold hands on my hot cheeks, then looked at me squarely with her green marble eyes. "…Of course I'll be your model."

She's the sweetest drug…

And she gave me a kiss...


I thank Ne-Yo for singing such an addictive and mellow song. Till now it is my favorite and it had inspired me for years, and it had made me do this. Actually this story was intended to be a oneshot manga, but I couldn't figure how to incorporate a song into manga. So I ended up typing my script instead.

I hope you like this, especially to Ne-Yo fans. :3