They were forced to be partners. For that short four-hour period, they were going to have to work together. That was all it was supposed to be, but then again, since when did things really turn out the way we expected?
- - -
It just wasn't her morning. Oversleeping then getting stuck in traffic? Someone didn't want her to make the class, but she was determined. Walking into the classroom with a minute to spare, she snagged the first empty seat she saw.
He was focused. The three stars were as good as his. Well, as soon as he destroyed those damn pigs. Biting his lip in concentration, he carefully slid his finger across the screen and--
The small woman with a bright red shirt stood at the front of the room with an equally bright smile plastered across her lips. "Let's not waste time, alright? Thank God we've got an even number today." She let out an exaggerated sigh of relief before clapping her hands together. "Well, what are you waiting for? Pair up, pair up."
When neither of the two moved, the instructor turned to them. "You," a finger directed at her, "and you," a finger pointed at him, "partners."
They looked at each other and exchanged a nod of acknowledgement. This wasn't going to be too bad.
- -
The videos were pointless. She leaned over the desk, chin resting on her folded arms. What was the point of all of this? Shaking her head, she glanced to the side where her partner sat.
Their gazes met for the briefest of moments before snapping back to the video.
He didn't expect her to look at him. He was almost positive that she was sleeping, but clearly he'd been wrong. Oops.
- - -
"Okay! Your first skill to practice—checking a conscious victim."
They turned to each other, neither really sure of what to say. She licked her lips nervously. He adjusted the backwards baseball hat on his head. "So, you rescue me?" The response was a shrug and he offered a smile before settling himself on the floor.
She turned her seat around to face him. "Sir, are you alright? What happened?" She asked, barely managing to lace concern into her voice. Running these scenarios were pointless.
"What happened?! Can't you see my legs are gone?!" The incredulous tone in his voice clearly surprised her. He gestured frantically towards his legs as he waited for her reply.
This was certainly a shocking turn of events. He didn't seem to be the kind of guy to get into acting out these scenarios. Regaining her composure, she allowed an amused smile to form on her lips. "I'm going to take that as a 'no' and call 9-1-1 for you," she replied then slid from her seat to find a comfortable spot on the floor next to him. He raised an eyebrow at her and she shrugged. "Gotta keep you calm 'til help arrives, right?"
- - -
They stood next to each other as the instructor explained the next skill. Dealing with a conscious choking adult couldn't be hard.
"So, victim or rescuer?" She asked him, eyeing the pair practicing a few feet away from them.
He seemed to think it over for a moment before answering, "victim." It wasn't that he didn't know what to do. He knew exactly how to help a choking adult. He just didn't want to deal with the reaction to accidentally misplaced hands.
She licked her lips, stepping up next to him. There was a bit of hesitation in her movements as she slipped her arm under his then placed her hand on his shoulder away from her. He leaned forward slightly, chest supported against her forearm. "One, two, three, four, five," she quietly counted each time the heel of her hand gently tapped the area between his shoulder blades.
"You're unconscious." He looked up to see the instructor addressing him. "Drop."
Without warning, he let his body slump forward and braced himself for the impact of hitting the ground. There wasn't too much of a height difference between the two of them, but there was just no way she could have supported his weight with one arm. To his surprise, instead of colliding with the cold tiles, he found himself pressed against her.
Her eyes were wide as she stared up at him. He grinned, tilting his head forward in a small bow. "My hero." The words passed through his lips before he realized it.
Her eyebrows shot up in surprise then she grinned as well. "M'lady," she replied with a tip of her head as they stepped away from each other.
- - -
He was still playing the victim and she was still the rescuer. Standing behind him, she placed her foot between his to brace herself then slid her arms around his waist. Her fingers ran lightly over his abdomen, each groove still clearly defined even through the shirt. Ignoring the urge to follow each line, she fisted one hand then placed the other over it.
"You're supposed to find his bellybutton first," the instructor stated, watching them disapprovingly.
She looked at the woman over his shoulder. Was she serious? … Yeah, she was. Biting her lip, she poked at his stomach in hopes of finding his bellybutton. After a few failed attempts, she groaned and placed her forehead between his shoulder blades. "You alien, where is your bellybutton?" She grumbled, jabbing his stomach impatiently.
He jumped back before grabbing her hand and placing it right over the site. "There, genius," he stated, amusement evident in his tone. If he didn't know any better, she was just using the search for his bellybutton as an excuse to feel him up.
"No, I'm not," she grumbled, jabbing him in the stomach again.
He grunted, tilting his head back to look at her. Did he say that outloud? Judging by the scowl on her face, he did. "Right." A huge grin formed on his lips at the sight of the pink tint in her cheeks.
- -
He laid down on the mat and she looked at him warily. "Why do you always get to be the victim?" She grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Because you're my hero." He shot her a cheeky grin then turned over on his stomach.
She narrowed her eyes at him before kneeling on the floor. "I think I just found my reason for not rescuing someone," she muttered under her breath as she tapped at his shoulder.
He peered at her through one eye. "Well, I'd say heroine, but I didn't peg you to be the type swooned by Twilight references," he stated then played dead again before she could reply.
- - -
She was leaning over him to look, listen, and feel for signs of life. She was counting silently to herself, barely loud enough for him to hear despite the lack of distance between them. Her eyebrows were furrowed slightly in concentration and he grinned. Before he could stop himself, he let out a .
"What the hell?" She jumped, cupping her ear with one hand. Her cheeks were flushed as she stared at him with wide eyes.
He shrugged, pushing himself up to his elbows. "Your hair is loose."
She glared at him before looking at the mirror across the room. There was not a strand out of place.
- - -
"Okay, my turn to be victim," she grumbled, helping him up off the floor to take his spot.
He shrugged, kneeling next to her. She was watching his every move and he frowned. "Could you close your eyes? You're supposed to be unconscious." He pointed out matter-of-factly.
She frowned. "Why? You watched me the whole time," she retorted with a roll of her eyes.
"Fine," he conceded, placing a hand on her forehead then crooking his finger under her chin. He tilted her head back and gently lifted her chin, his thumb lightly brushing against her lip. An amused smirk formed on his lips as he noticed the slight flush of her cheeks.
The rosy color only deepened when his eyes met hers. She was holding her breath. Whether it was because of him or because she was finally getting into her role of being an unconscious person, he didn't really know nor did he particularly care.
Keeping his lips a few inches from hers, he grinned. "Breath. Breath." To his amusement, she turned a few shades of red darker.
She hastily moved away from him once the exercise was over, narrowing her eyes at his smug expression. "She said move face away from partner when simulating breaths," she pointed out with a much stronger voice than she thought she could muster.
"Muscle memory," he shrugged.
- - -
They were handed the certification cards at the end of the class. He glanced up at her as she walked, a smirk on his lips. She raised an eyebrow at him but shook it off. Gathering the booklets from her desk, she didn't bother to stop and chat before going to her car. They weren't going to see each other again.
- - -
Or maybe not.
- - -
She was flipping through the booklet later that day when an unfamiliar handwriting caught her eye. Shaking her head in amusement, she dialed the number written on the line labeled "In case of emergencies."
"You know, with every minute that passes, the chance of survival decreases by ten percent." His voice came through from the other end. "I'm pretty sure my survival rate is down to the nano percentages."
"Yeah, well, I'd play hero again but I don't know where you are."
"Good point." There was a slight pause. "Though, just a heads up, I'm pretty sure I'm going to suffer a heart attack in Starbucks at the mall in about twenty minutes."
She chuckled. "Ah, I'll bring my breathing barrier."
"…That's no fun, but I'll take what I can get."
- - -