by ~dweissa
I dropped down on the bed wearily after hastily changing from my work clothes. It had been a crazy week at work, and I could feel the fatigue I'd been fighting for the past few days creep into my bones. With satisfaction, I thought about the three-day rest I was given and wondered vaguely if I deserved more.
I felt the weight of the bed shift beside me as he turned towards me. He planted his large, warm hand automatically on my hip and dropped a kiss on the side of my head. "Hi baby. Missed you."
I snorted, burying my head deeply into the pillow. "I'm tired, honey. Go away."
"But you just got here." He pulled me closer to his side, pulling my chin up so that I could look at him. "It's been three days since you last talked to me. I miss you. Really."
I replied with a large yawn.
He chuckled. "Poor baby. Tough day at work, huh?"
I nodded, my eyes drifting closed. If I had the energy, I would have said, "What would you know? You earn money by just sitting at home while I spend my day working my butt off!" And then I would have ranted on and on about the unfairness of life. Instead, I used his arm as a blanket and slowly let slumber take me.
He started kneading the muscles on my shoulders, then my arms, and then gradually down my tense, aching body. He truly had magical hands. I felt myself soften into jelly and I couldn't help letting out a low purr of contentment.
He subsequently added kisses in his therapy, soft, feathery kisses here and there. I was ticklish by nature, but the combination of his lips and fingers had a strangely soothing effect on my limbs, that I didn't try to stop him.
Just as I was drifting off to sleep, his kisses grew more urgent, insistent. I felt the stubble on his chin scratch the sensitive skin on my lower back. Oh boy. "Rell, did you hear what I said? I'm beat. I'm not in the mood for sex right now."
He pouted. "Caz, It's been three days."
"C'mon. You've waited three days. You'll survive another. Why don't you just jack off somewhere in the meantime?" I turned my back to him.
He groaned in frustration. "Don't you think I already did countless times? It's not the same without you baby." I snorted again at the cliché. Did he just quote the lyrics of a sappy song? "You know, I always think about you when I jack off." Oh please. Can't this guy take a hint?
"Sorry. My lady parts just won't cooperate right now. Maybe you could ask them tomorrow, after they'd had a nice long rest."
He heaved a sigh dramatically. My boyfriend, the Drama Queen. "Okay. Just one kiss then? That's all I ask. One kiss before you hit the sack. Enough to last me another day."
I tried to suppress the annoyance that was boiling over. "I didn't even have the energy to brush my teeth tonight, much more kiss you."
"S'okay. I didn't brush my teeth either." He gave me a big wet smack on my face, barely missing the corner of my lips.
"Ugh. That's so icky!" I pushed him away.
"Icky, huh?" He smiled slyly.
I knew that look. The one that came before a vicious attack of tickles. I summoned what strength I had left in my body to prepare for the attack.
Within seconds, he had me writhing on the bed as I tried unsuccessfully to escape his relentless torture. I screamed profanities, hurled insults at him, but he still wouldn't budge. I refused to cry uncle, but he wouldn't give up either. I felt my anger towards him dissipate as I thought about our impossible situation. A bubble of laughter escaped from me and then we were both giggling like two crazy kids, which we probably were.
When the laughter subsided, we lay staring at each other. I had to admit that for all his infuriating quirks he was still the best boyfriend in the world. Who else could take away my exhaustion by giving me a massage and then engaging me in a tickle war?
Without warning, he leaned in and locked his lips to mine.
I always hated it when he stole kisses from me, like he could just take whatever he wanted from me without waiting for my assent. But this time, things were different. There was need in his kiss, as if what he was taking was not merely a whim but a thing essential to his existence. On the other hand, he was not just a taker but a giver, giving me what I needed in that kiss: assurance; comfort; love.
When we parted, he looked at me sheepishly, probably expecting me to explode any moment. But I just grinned at him and murmured, "I was wrong. There's nothing icky about you at all."
"Really? My breath doesn't stink at all?"
I grimaced. "Your breath does stink, baby. Maybe as much as mine does. Still, I love it when you kiss me when I'm tired, toothbrush or no."
"You lost me there," he admitted.
I guess words weren't enough to explain what I was trying to say anyway. So I just went and gave him a long, deep kiss, just to prove my point.
As we began undressing each other, I finally decided that three days off work was definitely not enough.
Literature / Prose / Fiction / Romance / Post-Teen (Mature) / Short Stories
and my imagination goes wild again!
if only everything were true... but rell still doesn't acknowledge my existence and i still can't get more than three days off from boss... i'm so pathetic...