I sat in the front seat of my father's squad car, gazing nervously out the window. This was it, my first day of school. Up until now, I had been homeschooled in my hometown of Knoxville, Tennessee. Then my father was transferred to the narcotics investigation unit in Miami and my mom wants me to take part in public school with other teenagers. Considering that it would be much harder to make friends without public school in a foreign, larger place than my former small town.

"You'll do great, Naomi," I heard my dad say. I turned to face him, smiling weakly.

"I know, Daddy. But it'll take getting used to," I replied, grabbing my purse and backpack. I gave him one kiss on the cheek and stepped out of the car.

"I love you, Pumpkin."

His smile always comforted me. "I love you too, Daddy," I replied before turning and walking toward the main doors. When I stepped in, it was like an African safari. The teenagers ran rampant, shouting, cursing, and other things that I never really experienced in my earlier life. Sighing, I looked at my schedule and made my way to my appointed locker, which was some distance down the hall.

I noticed that I was getting closer by observing the locker numbers that were increasing greater, about to reach my locker. I was right at my destination when I felt something push past my shoulder, causing me to stumble slightly and drop some of my books. Looking up, I saw that the person who pushed me was a boy with light brown hair. His frame was tall, six feet at the least, and he had broad shoulders. With long, muscular arms and a thuggish aura to him. He was scary, to be frank.

So without a word, I bent over to pick my books up and scurried to my locker.

I was now in my first class. I sat in the back, not wanting to be a spectacle. I could see a group of girls in the front of the class, talking and giggling to eachother, then they looked at me. My stomach immediately sank, and I looked down to pretend like I was busy doing something else or thinking too hard to even notice the beach blonde, long-legged, tan, flawless goddesses that were sitting in front of me.

I heard them giggling and just knew that it had to do with me, this time my eyes were downcast in shame. Then I heard a loud voice.

"Alright, class! Welcome back from your long Holiday breaks! I hope they were enjoyable. Now, before we get started, I want to introduce our new student." I looked up to face my teacher, he was a short, skinny black man with a big white smile. "Please stand up and introduce yourself to the class."

Nervously, I did as my teacher told. "I-I'm Naomi Wayson," I announced.

"Where are you from?" the teacher asked. I then began punching the man in the face with my eyes.

"I'm from Knoxville, Tennesee," I replied, quickly sitting down before he could interrogate me any further.

"Ah, that must be where the accent comes from ..."

I have an accent?

"But anyways, welcome to Stockard High. Now, today we're gonna talk about polynomials ..."

The first three periods slowly passed, and I would have to repeat introducing myself to each class. Luckily, it got easier to do with each time. I was now in line in the cafeteria, debating on what to get. I wasn't very hungry, so maybe a granola bar and drink would suffice. I noticed all of the drinks they had available. Milk, water, juice, soft drinks ...


They had soft drinks?

The line couldn't move fast enough for me to see what sort of carbonated drinks they had available. Finally I was at the cooler. Low and behold, I reached into the ice to have a cold in my grasp. It was like I had just discovered some sort of gold. was my favorite drink along with sweet tea. I happily left the line and sat at an isolated table.

In front of me was a table where a group of three boys that were laughing and horseplaying. One of them was slender and pale with long, greasy black hair. He wore a band t-shirt and straight-legged jeans. The other was more average but with spiky bleach blonde hair and an orange tan that caused me to be self conscious of my own, freckled skin. He was wearing a tight V-Neck and had dark, skinny jeans. While the last one, who appeared to be the leader, looked alot like the boy who pushed me this morning.

In fact ... I was beginning to become pretty sure that it was him. Same tall, burly frame with light brown hair. He was wearing a black t-shirt that looked like it came from some monster truck event with baggy. His skin tone was average, obviously touched by the Miami sun. But not quite as tan as his bleached friend.

Immediately, I looked up to see a girl with mashed potatoes all over her shirt. She looked over to the thuggish boy's table. I saw her pick up a pudding and throw it at the table. It ended up hitting a jock because the boys ducked. Then all Hell broke loose. By instinct, I ducked under my table, trying my best to do what I had been practicing all day; staying invisible.

The food fight lasted for about ten minutes before an administrator came in and stopped it. Every student left the cafeteria, including myself. But before I could leave, I noticed a wallet on the floor. Picking it up, I opened it and saw the driver's license of Daniel Thompson. The picture showed the same scary boy that presumably started the food fight. After only a second of debating, I decided that I would put the wallet in Lost and Found, preferring not to make face-to-face contact.

I walked out of the cafeteria and down the hall, on my way to my next class. But I then noticed that Daniel Thompson, the infamous boy that I continued to encounter both directly and indirectly that day, was walking into the boys' bathroom.

To this day, I'm not sure what evil demon possessed me to go into that bathroom. But I did. I opened the door and poked my head inside. "Daniel Thompson?" I called. I saw him wiping Jello and other food contents from his face before looking at me.

"Huh?" he asked in a gruff voice, showing his lack of interest of whatever I had to say.

"Um, I found your wallet in the cafeteria, I thought I should -" The boy merely walked up to me and jerked the wallet out of my hand, shoving it in his pocket and walking back toward the mirror. I frowned, stepping inside of the bathroom. "You could atleast say thank you," I spat.

The boy named Daniel turned sharply. "Thank you so much. I mean really, it must have taken you alot of effort to bend down and pick up a wallet. You poor thing. You want me to rub your feet? Get you a water? You gotta be dehydrated."

I stared at him incredulously, unsure of what to say. But then I knew. You just had to ignore people like this. I turned on my heel to leave, about to push on the door until the lights cut off and an alarm started to go off. I turned in the darkness, wondering if I could still find Daniel.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We got an intruder. We're stuck in here," Daniel replied simply. I could hear him walking away. "Now. If you can just sit down and shut up, we'll be fine."

I frowned again. Even though he couldn't see it. "You are the rudest little monster I have ever met! I've done nothin' wrong to you and you're treating me like this!"

"Poor Peggy Sue. You gonna cry to your cop daddy about it?"

"My name is Naomi and how did you know about my dad?"

"Danny. And I saw you getting out of the car this morning. You're a little daddy's girl, aren't you? You know what guys like me do to daddy's girls?" I could hear a sudden suggestiveness in his voice.

"You're sick!" I said in disgust.

"I meant that I tease daddy's girls. You've got a dirty mind there, Miss Naomi," he said, his tone now mocking me.

I was about to snap back at him before I heard a sound at the door. I jumped up and ran to one of the stalls, running into a few obstacles due to the darkness. I could hear Danny behind me. I stepped up on the toilet and Danny lifted himself to the bar that was attached to the wall. I could hear the door open and loud footsteps echoing through the bathroom.

In my moment of panicked reason, I then came up with a plan. Pushing the stall door open with my foot, I waited until I had a decent aim of the intruder before me.

Before Danny could question what I was doing, I leaped from our hiding spot and launched myself to tackle the man. Once I was on top of him, I tried to reprimand him and keep him from using any weapons. That's what my dad taught me, atleast.

That was when the lights came on.

The "intruder" was not an intruder. He was, in fact, the vice principal.

"Miss Wayson. Would you mind getting off of me?" he asked in an exasperated term. I immediately removed myself from him, my face flushed red with embarrassment. Danny wasn't even trying to hide that this amused him. "Well, good news. We got the intruder and he's being removed. Bad news, I'm going to need an appointment with my chiropractor."

", I am so, so sorry. I - "

"No, no. Don't worry about it. There was no way you could have known. Now just get to class and forget this happened." I watched as he left the bathroom. And I looked back at Danny, who had a cocky smirk on his face.

"Let's do this again some time, huh?"

It was official.

High school sucks.

Hey, y'all! Sorry for such a long wait! I feel horrible! But it's Summer now and I have all of th the time in the world to post stories like this! This is how Danny and Naomi first meet so I hope you've enjoyed it! There will be more oneshots to come! C: Love you and thank you!