I'm sure I won't be the first person to admit this or the last, but I tend to judge people on first glance.
I'm not perfect it's just a fact. I can't help it I guess it's part of being human, but I do.
I guess for me I like to think that with people what you see is what you get and for the most part I like to think I'm right. There have been a few instances I don't care to mention where I wasn't and it ended pretty badly but aside from that I'm sticking with what I said before. What you see is what you get.
Unfortunately since making this assumption I've come across a few people that weren't what they appeared to be at all.
You see the first time I ever really let my heart trust someone, i blindly rushed into it without thinking. He looked like a nice person and based on that first impression i ended up learning the hard way that first impressions weren't binding.
People aren't what they appear to be at all. And i know i should give people the benefit of the doubt but there is something about Josh McGregor that tells me what you see is what you get dispite learning otherwise.
See on top of being judgemental, i was also stubborn and i will admit it.
I didn't like thinking I was wrong when it came to first impressions, except a few key examples but other than that all people could be applied to the saying 'what you see is what you get.'
So why does everyone suddenly insist I take a second glance? I'm telling you i'm not wrong.
Am I?
A/N: Hello! I'm doing a complete re write of the first couple chapters because i didn't like the beginning. So please bear with me and i hope you'll keep reading because it can only get better :)