Once Thomas and Richard determine that the savage has run away they stop shooting, though for the rest of the time we spend out in the forest their hands remain firmly on their guns. We take a few moments to scan the surrounding area, trying to see if any more savages are around and it is only after Thomas has called over three more guys to help search that he is convinced we are alone. He pesters me over why I did not join him and Richard in shooting at the savage; I tell him they were doing enough shooting for all of us. There is no way I can say that I did not want to shoot at her. She was not a warrior like some of the others we saw watching us a couple of days ago. She was just a young woman. But Thomas and Richard will not understand that.

We spend the next while sawing branches off the tree trunk we chopped down; later today this log will be used to finish building the walls for the crew's fort. We need to make sure we are protected from the savages when nightfall comes; none of us trust that they will not try a night ambush. They have already noticed we are present; it is only a matter of time before they decide to take action against us.

Once Thomas, Richard, and I are finished sawing, a few other crewmen grab the ropes we tied on the log earlier and pull it towards the fort. It takes a while to drag the log back and secure it into place alongside others, but we manage to have a good section of the wall built just as the sun begins to set.

The men have set out a guard watch for the remainder of the night; I am one of the first to guard a section of the wall defense. I climb up on a wooden ledge we built earlier today and peer out into the darkness. There are a few lanterns which are lit along the outside of the wall though even with them I can tell that it will be extremely difficult to see once the sun is completely set.

Movement in the nearby surrounding forest catches my eye and I peer into the trees. At first I do not see anything, but then I notice the savage girl from earlier, Adsila. She is hiding partially behind a tree. Why is she here? Does she not realize that if she is spotted they will kill her? I glance around behind me to see if anyone is watching me. I do not see anyone so I turn back around to look at Adsila. I motion for her to run away, but she does not seem to understand what I am trying to tell her and does the exact opposite. Adsila comes closer, creeping on her hands and feet out of the cover of the trees.

I do not want to, but I raise my gun from my side and point it at her. She stops moving and stares up at me, though I can tell that she does not fully grasp that I could kill her with one simple flick of my finger. It is heartbreaking, really and I cannot even imagine what it must be like to be such a primitive type of people unaware of so many things.

Adsila begins to move closer again; I aim with my gun just in front of her and shoot. The idea is to just scare her away, not to harm her, but when I pull my trigger I cannot help but regret it.

"I am sorry," I say and lower my head slightly, but still manage to notice the look of shock on her face as she runs away. She trusted me and now that trust is broken and though I do not know her, it still bothers me. I like to think that I am an honourable and trustworthy person. Perhaps that is not quite the case anymore.

In the distance I hear some of the men running towards me. Richard's voice gets through to me first.

"William! Are ya alright there, mate?"

I turn around to face the small group which has now formed.

"Yes, I saw a savage so I shot. They ran away."

"Better double the watch on the wall tonight then, men." the captain says and turns to walk away. Most of the others begin to disperse as well. Richard announces that he will guard the wall now too.

I turn back around to look out on the very quickly darkening forest. Adsila is no where to be seen.

"Ay, ay, Captain." I whisper to myself as the world falls into darkness.