Hey there, readers. I got bored... and wrote a story. Hope it's not too bad. I only own the characters. None of the name brands and crap like that mentioned are mine. Such as Facebook. Uh... Love Me, Love Me Not was inspired by my friend Amber, and a whole bunch of Romance stories I read on here. I spend most of my time reading. I'm currently on summer vacation, so I have plenty of time to be updating... I don't really wanna update unless I get at least a few reviews...
But hey, can you blame a newbie?
Oh! the flashbacks are in italics. Stuff that's bold, that's kinda obvious... right?
And you'll also notice, I have an awesome vocabulary for a 15 year old.
Since my friend decided to complain about me indenting when talking, I gave it a try. Sorry if it doesn't please you.
The thunder roared as I ran into comforting arms. My best friend, Lucas, hugged me tightly against his chest as lightning struck, illuminating the whole room.
"It's just some loud noise and light...What do you have to be afraid of~?" He teased, hugging me tighter, if possible. I could only frown and cling to Lucas, wishing that the storm would subside. "S-Shut up! I-It scares me, Lucas..."
I sat up as thunder roared, like it had in my dream. Well, not a dream... more like, a fond childhood memory. I was about...8 at the time? "I've been thinking about Lucas a lot lately... I haven't seen him since..." I muttered, talking to myself. I haven't seen Lucas since the day he confessed. The day we graduated from the hell hole we called high school. That was long ago, seeing as I was in college now, majoring in literature. "4 years..." I whispered, messing with my bracelet, as I got out of bed.
The whole first month, after he confessed... Lucas did nothing but call. After a while he gave up. That was the last time I heard his voice... I can still remember it...
I groaned as the answering machine beeped for the seventh time today. "C-Claire! Please answer... I-I knew I shouldn't of brought it up! I..I ruined out friendship! I'm sorry! U-Uh.. If you wanna talk.. You have my email and my number..." I thought the message had ended, so I was about to pick up the phone, to call Macy. Then, his voice continued. "I shouldn't of said it.. But I'm not taking it back EVER. Claire Darwin, I'm madly in love with you..." I sighed, staring at the phone. I missed having a best friend, but who could stand the awkwardness...?
It was times like these, when I missed him the most. Lucas has been my best friend since kindergarten. He stood up for me when Larry Stephens said I drew terrible butterflies.
"You call THAT a butterfly? It looks terrible!" Larry's shrill voice teased, only to be shoved by Lucas seconds later.
"Say sorry to Claire! You're being a big meanie!" Larry, obviously intimidated by Lucas, ran over to me, staring at the floor. I glared, earning a sniffle from Larry.
"I-I'm sowwy... Y-Your butterflies are nice..."
Ever since then I've been inseparable from Lucas. We used to do a lot of things together... I shook my head, attempting to clear my thoughts of my best friend. Lucas Brucely was the only thing on my mind anymore. His fluffy black mop he calls hair, his gorgeous chocolate orbs that were always filled with excitement... not to mention his quite muscular frame that he obtained when we got into high school. I smiled, remembering how enthused he was with soccer...- 'Claire Darwin! Stop thinking about Lucas like that!' I couldn't help but mentally scold myself. I had all the rights to think that way though... I hadn't figured out how I felt about Lucas until it was too late. I guess the offer of being with him expired before I had the time to decide how to respond. I'll never forget Lucas though... Not as long as I have my beloved bracelet.
I sighed, staring out the window of the living room, in the Brucely estate. I've always stayed with Lucas and his family whenever my mom had to work late, or work all night. Tonight, was one of her all nighters. Lucas came up behind me, grabbing my wrist. "C'mon Claire! I wanna show you somethin'!" He cheered, his smile instantly making me feel better. I felt slightly hurt that my mother couldn't spend my 14th birthday with me, but I was glad Lucas was eager to take her place. As we stepped out on the deck, he shoved a small silver box into my other hand. "Happy Birthday, Claire... The usual spot?" He grinned, dragging me out into the middle of the yard, as I nodded. We both laid down in the grass, our pinkies linked. I couldn't remember when we started this, but we did it all the time. I opened the box, staring at the elegant bracelet I had received. "L-Luke! I-It's beautiful..." I mumbled, tracing the butterflies.
He stared at me, blush tainting his cheeks. "I know.." We both directed our attention to the beautiful array of constellations above us.
"Look! There's Orion!" I said, pointing to the stars.
Lucas chuckled, grinning. "You just love stars... Don't you Claire?"
I nodded, my attention never leaving the sky. "Almost as much as I love butterflies..."
I fiddled with my bracelet as I walked over to my computer, plopping myself into my chair. "Hello Facebook..." I muttered, staring at the stupid "Suggested Friends" box. 'Lucas Brucely'. The name made my heart flutter. What could it hurt...? I really wanted to see him again... I shrugged, clicking the Add as Friend buton. It only made me wonder if he still 'loved' me. If only he knew...
My mind wandered more and more. Now that I thought about it... Lucas was my first kiss, my first slow dance... Not to mention he taught me how to drive.
I sighed, sitting on the steps outside of school, waiting for Lucas. He came dashing out the doors, apologizing for being late. "Sorry Claire! My locker was being stubborn!" I couldn't help but giggle at his outburst. I hopped up, linking pinkies with him, as we started walking home. "C-Claire?" He started, looking away. "G-Go with me to the dance...?" I nodded, attempting to not laugh at his nervousness. We continued walking, until we reached his house. I was listening to Lucas rant and rant about Bobby McConnelly. "It just pisses me off, you know? So what if I'm 15 and I haven't kissed a girl! It's not like it's a big deal!" I nodded, setting my stuff down in the living room, as we both continued to make our way to our 'usual' spot in the backyard. "This is gonna sound a-awkward... But I-I kinda wanna get mine done and over with..." I trailed off, staring up at the clouds. Lucas blushed like he had earlier. "O-Oh..." I assumed he knew what I meant. "W-We could.. you know.. just kiss each other.. then it's done and over with." I couldn't look at Lucas, seeing as how he was already embarrassed. He smiled, nodding. " Y-Yeah! Then we know we aren't kissing a total stranger, or some creep either..." I closed my eyes, as Lucas' lips awkwardly touched mine. It was brief, but awkward. "U-Uh... Wanna go for a walk..?" He asked, looking pinker than before. I nodded, linking pinkies, once again.
I never regretted my mother working so much in my childhood, even though the Brucelys basically took care of me. Lucas always filled the emptiness I felt without my mom. We used to have sleepovers ever weekend. His parents never complained about it. Now that I think about it...I regret not answering Lucas whenever he confessed to me. No...Instead I chose the,'run-away-like-a-coward- and-don't-speak-to-Lucas' option. The annoying noise of the phone ringing snapped me out of my weird remembering trance. Without thinking, I answered the phone. "Hello?" I was curious as to who was calling at 3 in the morning.
"C-Claire! Y-You... You answered! I-I've been dying to hear your voice!" I suddenly realized it was Lucas. Lucas hadn't called in about two years. So... why now?
"It's 3 in the morning Luke..." I groaned. I heard him fumble with something, and sigh. "Sorry... I-I just.. I miss my best friend Claire... C-Can we just... ignore what I told you.. and go back to being best friends again...?"
I groaned again. As much as I wanted to be all, 'Oh Lucas! Guess what? I'm in love with you too! Cool right?' I couldn't. Not yet at least...
And out of no where... I started to cry. "I-I miss you too, Luke! I-I'm all alone... a-and..." I wasn't lying. Storms always scared the crud out of me. It was nice to hear a heartfelt laugh come from Lucas.
"Aw... Is little Claire STILL afraid of storms~?" I scowled.
" Sh-Shut up! Get your crap get over here! We have catching up to do!" What was I thinking? Inviting my best friend, whom I loved, over at 3 in the morning...?
"You don't care that it's 3 in the morning?"
"No... I haven't seen you in like two years Lucas!" I said, messing with my bracelet.
" Same apartment, and are you telling me to stay over~?" He gained a teasing tone, as he asked the second question.
I rolled my eyes. "Yes... to both."
I could hear him rustling with a duffle bag in the background. "Be over in a bit..." he muttered. "Bye Claire..."
"Bye Luke...I-I..." I started to say, but quickly cut myself off. If I said 'I love you' right now... I could ruin everything we just fixed... I figured it was better off.
He chuckled to himself. "I love you,Claire. Still never taking that back..."
I wanted to punch myself as soon as the words slipped out. " Y-Yeah... I love you too, Lucas..."
I hurriedly hung up the phone, having a miniature panic attack.
"CRUD!" I shouted, my voice echoing on the empty walls.
What was I going to tell Lucas, whenever he got here, demanding an explanation?
Reviews are appreciated! Uh... if anyone wants a picture of the bracelet, Lucas, or Claire, PM me. I found it last night, as I was searching through pictures. I want that bracelet. Cookies to all who review. And I don't mind constructive criticism... Just no flaming please? If you don't like it, go read something else?
And for anyone that asks for the picture of Claire, I know that the bracelet isn't there... I'm using that picture for now, until I finish the one I was doing.
Same with Lucas, I'm trying to finish the pictures...
Uh.. and, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Anyways. I'll add Chapter Two on Saturday. I'll try to update twice a week... but, at LEAST once. Cause I know it bothers me whenever people take forever to update. I'd hate to be one of those people. And... Uh... Oh! If you see ANY spelling mistakes tell me please~