Okay... So, I've decided that I'm a super duper butt-face. And I'm sorry guys. I know there ARE some people looking forward to my story. Try reviewing. - Kidding.

Anyways. Uh. I've actually WRITTEN Chapter 2. I need to type it up, and upload it, and stuff. But... I'm a stupid klutz. And, I accidentally left it with Alanna, whom i won't see to Sunday. So, I've decided, if I don't get it up by Tuesday, You guys can kill me, and spam my PM's. I really like this story, but i get in over my head, and I have like SO many story ideas. And I'm working on a story with Alanna. I'll get her to put some up... I'd get the folder back tomorrow, but I have something to go to... and then Sunday is Alanna! :D Her birthday is next Wednesday, August 3rd. So, people should be nice and PM some happy birthdays for her. I promise I'll get this up by Tuesday..



EDIT; POW. I lied. Again. I actually chapter two written, and I started Chapter three, and it's on my computer and stuff. It might be up tomorrow, it might not. I'm going for a nap because I've learned the wonders of all-nighters. They are evil. Anyways. I plan on cranking out a bunch of chapters here in the next week or so. Before it gets really busy again. Cause in about a week or two, my aunt's coming to visit, then I start school. Heck yeah. Fun... I don't know how 'distracting' school will be this year. I mean, I had a LOT of study halls last year... so I'm not sure. I'll take my flash drive to school, or just my notebook, and write. I might start uploading only on the weekends..? Since I'm busy usually... And wish me luck. Tomorrow is Alanna's birthday party... Even though her birthday is Wednesday. It's a good thing. Cause, I can't go. o-O'' I have a stupid dentist appointment.. Which I know i will be writing in the car... Dentists steal your souls. eAe

Once again, Chey.