Hey! This is a new story for me... not really but watev. Hope you enjoy! R&R! d3!

Chapter 1

Nikki's POV

I was sitting in the nurses office. My only comfort place from my house. School was already out.

"Nikki. Where did you get the bruise?" Miss McKinley asked. I looked where she was pointing and saw the newly formed bruise on my arm.

"Don't remember." was my excuse. It always was my excuse. The truth was that it was from my father.

Ever since my mother's death, he had been hitting me, blaming me for her death because I had asked for my mother on my fifth birthday. She had been in Italy for a photo shoot. My mother was a famous model and my dad was a director. Me, on the other hand, I am invisible. I want nothing nor need anything. The only people I have for friends are the janitors and Miss McKinley, the young, hot nurse that guys purposely hurt themselves to see. I always found it stupid.

"Yes. You do. You just refuse to tell me." she said. I smiled softly.

"Yeah... You're right." I replied. She looked at me pitifully. I sighed and got off the sick bed. "See ya tomorrow." I waved my hand as I picked up my backpack. I slung it on one shoulder and headed out the door. Back home. To him. To his fists to his anger

Nick's POV

I burst open the door to the English class that guy was in. The teacher had left for free period and most of the students were still sitting there. Everyone gaped at me as I stepped in. I looked around.

"Where is he!" I demanded. "Where is that guy!" I looked around making sure I had everyone's attention. My gaze stopped on one girl who was fast asleep.

She had black hair that was falling across her face and she wore no make up. Her feet suck out from under the desk, showing off a pair of dark purple and black skater shoes. From her legs I could tell she was tall. I was irritating. She justs slept as I stood there.

I stormed over to her seat and shook her. She moaned a little and turned her head to the other side. I narrowed my eyes.

"Wake up, ya damn bitch!" I shouted in her ear. She turned her head back to me, her eyes still closed. She took a deep breath and then slowly opened her eyes, revealing dark blue eyes that seemed almost black. I sucked in a breath. So deep...

I ignored the thought.

"Where is he?" I asked. The strange girl blinked.

"Where is who?" she asked, her voice soft but loud like the wind. I narrowed my eyes.

"Where is Jake Stephenson?" I demanded of her. She stared at me, not moving a muscle.

"How would I know?" she said.

"Who is he talking to?" I heard someone from behind me whisper. I looked backwards.

"Who said that?" I yelled. All of them straightened their backs immediately.

"U-um... I-I did..." a girl raised her hand. She had blond wavy hair and green eyes and she wasn't all that flat either, if I may say so. I turned back to the girl in front of me and my mouth dropped.

She was asleep again! Damn bitch!

I looked back at blondie. "Stand up!" I ordered. She gulped and slowly stood up. "Name."

"Emily Kant." she said slowly. She looked down under my gaze.

"Who is she?" I asked, pointing to the sleeping girl. Emily looked nervous.

"U-um... We've... never seen... h-her bef-fore." she said. I stared at her.

"So she's new?" I said. The Emily girl shook her head.

"N-no... I d-don't think so... She would've... h-had to introduce herself to t-the class." she stammered. I narrowed my eyes. The girl flinched.

Suddenly there was and hand on one shoulder and a chin on the other. I looked to my shoulder. It was sleeping girl.

Her eyelids were half closed with sleepiness. I could feel her breathing in and out slowly. She turned her eyes on me, not moving.

"If you really wanna know my name then find out for yourself. Don't terrorize the poor girl. She looks like she's aboutta piss herself. Nobody in this class knows my name so don't bother. And that Jake kid? I believe he left already." she whispered and as quick she had fallen asleep, she was gone.

I narrowed my eyes. The Emily girl was still standing. "Sit!" I shouted and I kicked the girl's desk and stormed out.


There was something off about that girl.

That is just the beginning. Hope you like it enough to read the next chapter! d3! R&R!