„God Leyla, how many more boxes do you have?" "There is just one left" "You can get that one yourself, I'm beat." I snorted, typical Casey. My so called best friend is supposed to help me move in into my first self-owned flat. But instead of helping she's constantly texting her new boyfriend. "Thank you so much for your help, Casey. I couldn't have done it without you", I said sarcastically. "What?" she cried offended "I helped you carry the boxes" "Yes, two out of more then ten", I said. "Well, better than none besides decorating is much more my thing, you know that" "Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna get the last box", I mumbled and went down the stairs to get the last box out of the rented truck.

Being almost 22, I thought it was finally time to move out of my parents home and get myself an own apartment. It wasn't anything extraordinary, just a simple one-bedroom flat. It is an apartment-complex with about 40 apartments including a swimming pool and a fitness-room. The location is great, since it is a 15 minute drive away from my college and a 30 minute drive to the restaurant where I work.

Taking the last box, I regretted taking the apartment on the third floor. "Why the hell is this box so heavy", I said to myself. Sighing I made my way to the stairs. "Need any help with that?" I was so surprised that I nearly dropped the boy, hadn't the guy with his quick reflexes taken the box. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." I looked at the guy and was painfully aware of the way I looked. I was wearing old worn jeans, a simple green T-Shirt, my hair was a mess and I was sweating. He in contrast was unbelievable handsome and sexy. He had dark brown tousled hair and these really intense blue/gray eyes. He seemed very cold and distant. "Th…Thank you", I stammered. He just nodded. "So which floor?" "hmm? Oh third, apartment number 301" I walked ahead of him and led him to my apartment. The door was still open. I turned to him in front of the door and took the box of his hands. "Thank you so much." "It's fine" Now that the box wasn't in front of him anymore, I noticed he was wearing a bullet-proof vest and a badge was around his neck. "Do you live here?", I asked. "Oh no, I'm here on duty. I'm with the FBI." he said and showed me his badge. What would the FBI want here; it was a pretty good neighbourhood, my parents made sure of that. "Should I be worried?", I laughed nervously. "Don't worry, you should be just fine.", he said "Okay, well it was nice to meet you and thank you again..for the help" He just nodded again and said bye.

"You won't believe what just happened Casey", I said while putting the box on the ground and closing the door. "I just saw the hottest men ever with the most amazing eyes and he's a FBI Agent. I mean how much hotter can it get?" Casey snorted "Please, constantly worrying if he's alright, if he'll come home tonight. Nope, nothing for me" "Oh come on Casey, you're always so negative. Let me dream. Besides you got to admit men in uniform look great." "Whatever" "Couldn't you at least fake a little bit of enthusiasm?" "What? I'm honest some people admire that character trade" I just laughed and sat on the couch next to her. "I'm dead tired", I groaned "How about we order some pizza? I'll treat you since you helped me so much"

"Is that sarcasm I hear Ms. Leyla Scarlett?" "Why I'm shocked, how could you ever think that?" We laughed. "But seriously what do you say?" "Would I ever say no to free pizza?" I just laughed and ordered the pizzas via phone.

Three hours and two pizzas later, Casey decided to go home since it already was 10pm.

"So I'll come by tomorrow to help some more okay?" "Yea, I'll see you tomorrow." I closed the door and with a sigh started to unpack. Thank god it was Friday and I had no classes tomorrow. I spent the next 2 hours unpacking when I finally had enough. "Leyla you did enough for today" I mumbled to myself. I decided to at least take out the 2 bags of trash. I regretted not putting on a sweatshirt over my T-Shirt since it was pretty cold outside. Normally I could just go down the stairs which were right in front of my door but I decided to walk by a few apartments and go down the stairs at the end of the hall since it was nearer to the dumpster. I was startled when I walked by apartment number 313, a man was shouting very loud and that at midnight. Seriously some people only think of themselves and not of those around them. When I walked down the two flight of stairs and put the trash bags into the dumpster, I heard someone slam shut a door. Must be the people from apartment 313 I thought to myself.

I heard someone walking down the stairs. Wow someone must be angry I thought to myself, the person was cursing under his breath.I made my way back to my apartment. There was still a lot of noise coming from apartment 313. I heard someone crying and someone was still shouting. Someone left the door ajar. My curiosity got the best of me and I carefully peeked inside. The apartment looked exactly like mine. Opposite of the door was another door which probably led to the bedroom. To the left of the entrance door was the kitchen and to the right the living-room. A woman was kneeling on the floor of the living-room, she was the one crying. Her hands were behind her head. A man was standing in front of her with a gun in his hand. Oh God, what should I do? He was saying something to her, but I didn't understand anything since he spoke another language. The woman seemed to get more desperate, her crying got harder and she kept saying "sorry" over and over again. The men pointed his gun at her head and before I realised it he shot her in the head. I shrieked and had trouble breathing. It felt like some squeezing the air out of me. Suddenly everything was so quiet, no shouting, no crying.

I stepped back and bumped onto something hard. I screamed when I felt two large hands gripping my arms. Suddenly the man who shot the woman turned his head to the door and saw me. He looked surprised. "Who is she?" he asked with an angry tone. "Found her eavesdropping at the door." I jumped when I heard the voice behind me. "Please I'm sorry. I didn't see anything. I promise I won't tell anyone, just let me go", I cried and fell to my knees. "Bring her in" the shooter said disgusted. I tried to free myself of his grip but he was holding my arms so tight I was sure they were bruising already. I have never been so scared in my life. The Shooter dragged the dead woman into the bedroom, leaving behind a trail of blood. The guy behind me dragged me to the spot the woman was on her knees before. I was in the same position as her just seconds before; I felt her blood on my knees and cried harder. I was sure I was going to die the same way the woman did.

"Please", I cried "I won't tell anyone. I'll just pretend nothing happened. I won't tell anyone, please" "Pathetic" the shooter snorted. His hand came closer to my face and I noticed a mole on his thumb and a big gold ring on his ring finger with some kind of crest on it. He went through my hair. Disgusted I tried to move back but he took some of my hair in his fist and put my face closer to his. "Don't worry after we are through with you, you won't be able to tell anyone." With a disgusted snort he let go of my hair. "Rough her up, that will teach her a lesson on eavesdropping on other peoples business", he said to the other guy who was still behind me. "Yes, sir" The Shooter left the apartment and closed the door behind him. "No, don't leave. Please, just let me go. I won't tell anyone" I screamed.

"Shut the hell up", the other guy said. He was suddenly in front of my and slapped my cheek. I felt my lip burst and cried harder. He kept hitting me in my face until I couldn't feel anything. When he started kicking my stomach and my ribs I was so out of it that I was barely conscious. Something wet came out of my mouth and it tasted like iron. I hurt so bad even the tears on my skin hurt. Suddenly the kicks stopped and I hurt a loud sound. At once there were several voices speaking. My right eye was so swollen I could barley see anything. But I did recognise a pair of blue/gray eyes that were staring right at me. I was so relieved to see something familiar that I started sobbing and tried to reach my hand out to him.

But it hurt so much that I just cried harder. He put his hand on mine. "It's okay, I'm here. We'll get you out of here. You'll be just fine." When he was about to move his hand I took all the strength I had left and held his hand trying to signal him not to leave me. "Okay, I'm right here. I won't go." His deep voice soothed and reassured me that everything was going to be okay. That was the last thing I remembered before losing consciousness.