Right after the talk with Agent Taylor, Agent Copeland took me to the safe house which would pose as our house for the next few weeks. The ride to the house took about one hour and we barley talked. The silence between us was awkward and I did try to talk to him by asking him things such as where the safe house was but he always gave short answers and so I soon gave up trying to make conversation.
The house was located in the suburbs, it looked like a normal house from the outside but I guess that was the purpose of a safe house. The house actually looked very cute. It was a two storey house painted in a dark green and in front of the house was a small garden which probably hasn't been looked after for a while guessing from the state the flowers and grass were in.
Except for a few FBI Agents in front of the safe house, the neighbourhood seemed very quite. No kids or other people out on the street and no noises could be heard from the houses. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice Agent Copeland was already on his way into the house. "Aren't you coming?"he said and looked back to me. I shook myself out of my thoughts and started following him.
"I can't believe I finally have new neighbours." said a voice behind me right before I went through the gate that led in to the small garden in front of the house. I jumped a little because I was so surprised and I have been jumpy ever since the incident. I turned around and saw an old man with a walking stick. He reminded me of my grandpa.
"This house has been empty ever since the last family that lived there died. Very tragic." he sighed and seemed to swell in memories. I suddenly felt a warm presence behind me. I turned my head and saw Agent Copeland staying behind me. "Well anyways I'm glad that someone finally moved in. Welcome to Oak street"
"Thank you, Sir. We're very excited it's our first house." said Agent Copeland. He suddenly sounded so nice and his voice was so warm.
"Oh are you newlyweds?", said the old man with a big smile on his face. "Yes, Sir." said Agent Copeland and put an arm around my waist. I jumped again since I wasn't expecting that. It felt weird, his back against my chest and his chin on my head. The scary thing was that it kind of felt comfortable. I wondered what we must look like to people. Could they see that this all this is a lie? He had tightened his arm on my waist when I jumped and I let out a small sound of agony since the bruises still hurt. He loosened his grip immediately and murmured sorry. "Oh that's so exciting. Ah to be young again. I remember when I married my Susan. Those were great times."he sighed.
He suddenly looked with a shocking expression at me. "What happened to you my dear? You look terrible." I suddenly felt very self-conscious. I knew there was still visible bruising on my face but compared to two weeks ago the bruises were almost non-existent. I didn't really know what to say so I gripped Agent Copeland arms that were around me. "She was mugged at her old home a few weeks ago. I'm just thankful that she's okay now."said Agent Copeland and kissed me on my cheek. "Oh that's so terrible." "It's okay I feel a lot better now" I said with a small smile still dazzled by the kiss. "Well I'll let you two go I'm sure you still have a lot to do. Maybe you guys can come over for coffee when you settled in." "We look forward to it" said Agent Copeland with his nice voice and took my hand and led me inside the house.
The house was furnished and decorated like a cottage. You can't just help but feel at home. He let go of my hand as soon as we were in the house. "Hey, John." he said and walked to an Agent standing near by. I couldn't hear what they were talking about but XXXX seemed to be the only one talking. I couldn't understand that he was so unaffected by what just happened. He just went on as nothing happened. He should have been an actor.
I still stood by the door not really knowing what to do. All the Agents were running around the house doing god knows what.
The door behind me suddenly opened. Thankfully I avoided the door hitting me. It was Agent Taylor that must mean my mum is here with him too. They stayed behind because he wanted to talk to my mum alone. "Why hello Leyla" he smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. "Didn't my mum came with you?" I asked when he closed the door behind him.
"Oh no, she told me to tell you that she will come by tomorrow with some of your things that you still have at your parents." "Oh okay" "Don't worry kid, stay positive okay?" I smiled at him. He winked at me and went to talk to Agent Copeland. It was only two o'clock in the afternoon but I felt already tired and I noticed that the effect of the painkillers were fading. Agent Copeland mentioned at me to come to him. I slowly made my way to him. "I'll give you a tour" he said without looking at me.
"Can we please take break?" I begged after 20 minutes. The pain got worse and I could barley stand. He looked back at me for the first time since he started giving me the tour. He saw the tears in my eyes and for a short time I saw something in his eyes that resembled concern but it was gone before I blinked. "You should have said something. I'll show you your room. You can rest there." He gripped my upper arm and led me to my room. He opened the door for me when we reached the room. It was small but cozy. The Walls were painted a navy blue. In the middle of the room was a queen sized bed. A very high queen sized bed. I didn't know how I was supposed to get up there not with the pain I was feeling. He still stood by the door but I was already in front of the bed. "You'll be okay?" he asked. I just nodded and gone he was. I stepped out of my shoes and tried to climb onto the bed but it hurt to much. Just when I tried it again, Agent Copeland came in again. "What are you doing?" "The Bed it's very high and..." God this was embarrassing. He seemed to understand and walked to me. When he was in front of me he put his hands on my waist. Through my thin shirt I could feel his warm and rough hands. He started to lift me up but due to my bruises it hurt like hell. I put my hand on his and cried "wait!". He put me down and loosened his grip. "What?"
A few tears escaped my eyes. "I'm sorry it..it just still hurts" I would have fallen without his hand holding me. We stayed like this for a while. His hand gripping my waist and my hands on his. "Okay", I said after a while. He lifted me again this time onto the bed. I breathed hard. "I don't know why they released you from the hospital. They should have kept you for a few more days." he said angrily. "Thank you" I just said. His hand were still on my waist even though I was already sitting on the bed. "Let me see how bad it is." He put his on my shirt and was about to lift it up. "Stop" I cried and put my hands on his. He looked up right into my eyes with a questioning look. "I'm fine. The painkillers are just starting to were off. I'll just take some and I'll be fine." He sighed and let go of my shirt. "I'll be downstairs" he said and left. I sighed when he finally left. He made me so nervous whenever he touches or looks at me. Get yourself together, Leyla.
Carefully I lied down on the bed and tried to relax. I can't believe the past weeks really happened. Hopefully this will be over in a few weeks and I can get back to my normal life without Agent Copeland.