HEY! Watch out!" I heard some yelled.
The next thing I know I'm on the ground; I look up and saw a skateboard fly above my head. I got up and looked at the guy, and I started laughing. I knew I might have looked weird laughing when I had a near death experience, but I guess that just made my whole day complete, almost getting killed.
"Nikki?" the guy said.
I knew I recognized him, Landon, Mya's older brother. I have seen him a couple times when I went to Mya's house, and I secretly had a crush on him for about 2 years. Looks like he is back home for the week, I thought. Landon is the infamous bad boy, he's nineteen, 6,2, and has dirty blonde hair the type of guy u shouldn't want, but always fall for.
"Hey Landon, um what's up?" I said, blushing.
"I almost killed you! Are you ok?" he said, looking me over to see if I got hurt.
"Yea no problem, I'm sorry I messed you up… do u know what time it is?" I asked. He looked down at his watch, and looked at me.
"4 o clock, were you here all day?"
"Shit, yea I fell asleep." I told him. I pulled out my phone; I had 9 missed calls and multiple texts. I immediately call my mom to let her know I'm ok.
"Nikki! Where have you been? I got a call from the school saying you didn't go, are you ok?" she said
"Yea mom I'm ok, sorry I didn't call I fell asleep at the park, had a bad day, I'm really sorry mom." I told her, sounding sincere. I looked up and noticed Landon looking at me, I smiled and turned around.
"Ok honey, but know when I get home tonight were going to have a talk, ok? Get home, you know I don't like u wandering around when u don't have a car, I love you sweetie, I got to go got another call. Bye. "As she hung up, I knew I had no ride home, my mom was always held up at the office.
I turned back around, and told Landon that I was going to go home.
"Do you need a ride? I still know where you live." He asked. He offered me a smile.
"Yea, if you don't mind?" I replied
"I don't mind at all" he said, as he walked away. I had to jog to catch up to him, and quickly jumped in his mustang car. He instantly turned on the radio, and Goodbye Moon by Go Radio came on. All of a sudden he grabbed my hand, and looked at my knuckles.
"What happened?" he asked concern in his voice.
"I punched someone" I replied, looking away.
"I figured that, who was it Nikki?"
"Josh, my boy friend, and now my ex." I said, looking at him. He gently rubbed my knuckles, easing the pain away. He took away his hand suddenly and started driving, not replying to what I said. The whole ride was quite, just sitting there listening to the music till we got to my house. Landon parked the car, and got out, and opened my car door for me. I got out, and looked at him.
"Thanks for the ride Landon." I said. Next thing I know his hands are around me, giving me a hug. I couldn't believe his arms were around me, all I could think was how good he smelled. He let go of me, and took a step back.
"You're welcome, here," he said giving me a paper, "call me if you need anything, ok?"
"Ok, thanks, I will." I grabbed my stuff, and went to unlock the front door. I turned, giving him a final wave before going inside. I went straight to my room, dropped off my stuff on the floor, and call Mya.
"Oh my gosh, are you ok Nikki? I have been worried all day! Everybody said you punch Josh, is it true?" She said rushing out every word. I smiled knowing Mya.
"Yea Mya, I'm ok, sorry I worried you. Ha ya I punched him, after that I left school went to the park" I replied. Not going to tell her I saw Landon there, she would just freak.
"Wow, I'm still shocked Nik, I mean Emily, and him?" She said.
"Me two Mya. Me two. Well I got to go, going to take a shower, and head to bed." I said
"Ok, do you want me to pick you up in the morning, I don't have the car but im sure Landon can give us a ride."
"Yea, sure. Just be here at 7:30 ill be ready to go."
"Ok, goodnight Nik." As I hung up the phone, all I could think about was how Landon was so sweet, and his amazing eyes. Just have to keep him out of my head; I don't need a boyfriend right now. I went to take a shower, and went straight to bed. All the while just wishing I didn't have to go to school tomorrow.
I got up early enough to curl my hair, and add a little makeup. No, I wasn't trying to get attention from Landon, or maybe just a little. I gathered my stuff, and waited by the door to see when Mya, and Landon would get here. As I heard a honk, I locked the door and headed out.
"Hey you guys, thanks Landon for picking me up." I said as I hoped in the backseat.
"No problem." He replied, not looking at me.
"So did Emily ever call you?" Mya asked, turning around to look at me.
"Yea, several times, her and Josh both." I replied.
"Wow. You wont believe this Landon, Josh cheated on Nikki with Emily." Mya said as she looked at her brother.
"Um yea, that's crazy." Landon said. He looked at me in the rear view mirror, giving me pity eyes.
The rest of the ride was silent once again, I just stared out the window dreading going to school, maybe I should just skip…. We arrived, and Mya immediately jumped out and was witing for me.
"Hey Nikki-"
"Don't Landon, I don't need your pity." I said as I cut him off, I got out the car and walked away with Mya. From this viewpoint school started looking like hell, with all the students outside the door, staring at me.
"Don't worry if anyone says something ill flip shit on them." Mya said. She looked at me and bumped her shoulder to mine. I just had to smile, could never be a dull moment with her. Mya looked fragile but in reality she was a bad ass Asian girl, and she would never let you forget it.
"Thanks Mya, you always have my back, you're my best friend." I told her
"Awe don't get all gushy hun, it's what friends are for." She replied.
We walked to first hour without even seeing Emily, or Josh. But I knew that I was going to see them both today, and I wasn't counting on it.
"Miss Carson, glad you came to class today." My science teacher said, smiling at me.
"Yea Mr. Peterson, was having a bad day yesterday." I replied , smiling at him. I really hope he doesn't ask why, I thought.
"Well I hope it gets better, the principle would like to see you though. After, come join the class, ok?" he asked.
"ok, ill be back then." I replied. I set my stuff down onto the desk, and started walking to the office. Ugh I hope I don't get detention, mom will blow a cork, I thought.
"Awe Nikki there you are, principle is ready to see you." The secretary said.
"Thanks." I replied, walking into the principles office.
"Miss Carson, glad to see you are here today. We had a accident yesterday, and it was reported you were involved in it." Mr. Black said.
"I'm guessing this has to do with josh, sir?" I asked, looking down at my hands.
"Yes, indeed miss Carson, a fight. You do know we do not tolerate physical fighting at this school."
"Yes, I do know. Im very sorry Mr. Black, it will never happen again." I said, looking up at him.
"I do hope so, but I do have to give you a punishment Mrs. Carson, I hope you understand." He said looking at me.
"I have a student that is taking a test to earn his diploma, and he needs tutoring. I'd like you to tutor him is that understood?" he asked.
"Yes Mr. Black, for how long may I ask?" I hope it wouldn't be that long, I'm a good student, but I have never tutored anybody before.
"For two months, 3 days a week after school. If you do this, and keep with it the incident won't go on you permanent record." Ha said.
""I understand." I replied, I started gathering up my stuff to leave.
"Oh, Nikki? I'd like you to tutor him today if that will be ok?"
"Sure Mr. Black." I replied. I walked out to the secretary's office.
"Dear, here is the information on the student you will be tutoring." The Secretary said, giving me a brown folder. Giving me a smile.
"Thank you." I replied. Putting the folder in my bag without looking at it, I walked towards first hour again. I hope it won't be some nerd or something I thought. I walked into class, giving the teacher my pass, and took a seat where my stuff was. Startled I took out my phone that vibrated, and opened it.
-Unknown number-
-I would never pity you, you don't need it. You're a strong person Nikki, you will get through this. Landon-
I closed my phone, and all of a sudden I felt sorry for what I said to Landon this morning. I was really upset and I couldn't believe I took it out on him. I just hope he forgives me.