Josh's eyes ran the length of his girlfriend's body as she reached across him for the remote. Her large breasts, tho concealed beneath her cotton blouse, scraped across his lap causing him to recoil back into the couch as much as possible. It was all he could do to keep from reaching out and palming those soft round mounds.
How had he ever gotten himself into this situation in the first place? Oh yes, he had invited his girlfriend over for a quiet Friday night dinner and a movie, and had promised to stall all sexual desires. She wanted nothing more than to spend time with her hubby and who was he to deny her that satisfaction?
He glanced down at his lap and sighed miserably.
Ahh yes, his 'other' head. It was practically screaming at him, what about MY satisfaction?
The beginning of the night had been like any other.
He had picked her up after work and chose out of the millions at the store, one of the most cheesiest chick flicks he could find. He was sure to her the movie didn't matter, just the time while spent watching it.
For the last hour and a half they had sat in each others arms, cuddling and talking. She had done most of the talking, yapping this and that about her girlfriends and their lives. He honestly couldn't see why she cared so much and had quieted her rant with a kiss. The kiss was sweet,long and leisurely, instantly silencing her little tirade and calming the stormy sea in her eyes. Sparks of fire had lit inside his mouth, warming his insides and pooling down into the center of his abdomen.
Neither had wanted to break the kiss but a promise as a promise and he had settled with Sara's head resting on his shoulder. He sighed contently. His arm wrapped around her shoulder as hers wound its way around his waist.
"I love you baby." he whispered sweetly into her ear, his breath cascading the length of her neck.
She gave him a loving squeeze and closed her eyes. "I love you too."
He glances down at his lap and nearly whimpers like a dog. This sucks!